I logged out so I could fix the sound. Deserve what I get lol.
Since the OT2 is coming soon. I'd like you guy to post the best resource links and such for this game. is great
hunting log locations
I logged out so I could fix the sound. Deserve what I get lol.
Since the OT2 is coming soon. I'd like you guy to post the best resource links and such for this game.
Server issues aside, is the game actually any good?
Is it different to WoW/Guild Wars 2? Thinking of picking it up in a week or so when things calm down
2 mother fucking hours of no server lists and 1017, I finally get in que, and the piece of fucking shit crashes.
I don't want your 7 days of free game time you fucking assholes. It's has been 8 fucking days of this shit and you offer no solution.
Next week won't be any better, they will add more servers, blah blah blah and there will be just as many 1017's but with more people playing.
Arent they expanding server capacity as well?
All these server issues aside, at least there's a ton of players playing. It's awesome go out in in an MMO and just see a ton of people everywhere and also not having them interfere with your questing/leveling. Even in WoW with high pop servers, some zones are a ghost town, and most of them just have people scattered about
One of the great things is how so long as you inflicted significant damage on an enemy you get full credit in regards to quests and I think hunting logs. So it's totally fine to jump in and attack a target someone already selected and vice versa as at worst you're just giving them some free help. Then there's the fates where the lion's share of the EXP will be anyway.All these server issues aside, at least there's a ton of players playing. It's awesome go out in in an MMO and just see a ton of people everywhere and also not having them interfere with your questing/leveling. Even in WoW with high pop servers, some zones are a ghost town, and most of them just have people scattered about
Aion proved this, they followed the same resolution until finally making people that were AFK log out.
For any SCH's around, what's your impression of it healing in pt's. Also have any played around with both whm and sch have any thoughts to share between the 2?
One of the great things is how so long as you inflicted significant damage on an enemy you get full credit in regards to quests and I think hunting logs. So it's totally fine to jump in and attack a target someone already selected and vice versa as at worst you're just giving them some free help. Then there's the fates where the lion's share of the EXP will be anyway.
Seriously, what is Yoshi's reasoning for not bothering to implement an AFK kick into this game? There is literally not one good reason for not booting people from the game who aren't actually playing, so I fail to see how Yoshi thought this was a good design decision in any way shape or form.
It definitely works for me. I set mine to 30fps, because I like how it feels better.Does the ingame framerate limiter not work for anybody? It was fine in beta but now? Doesnt seem to do a thing.
Server issues aside, is the game actually any good?
Is it different to WoW/Guild Wars 2? Thinking of picking it up in a week or so when things calm down
For any SCH's around, what's your impression of it healing in pt's. Also have any played around with both whm and sch have any thoughts to share between the 2?
Adding new servers is going to do nothing except help new players. Those of us already on a server are screwed until server transfers are allowed.
I have a level 50 WHM and 46 SCH right now. SCH excels in a lot in damage mitigation and does fine single target healing. But where it lacks is AOE heals. Like, tonight on Garuda, it was a struggle to keep everyone up and in high health because Succor kind of sucks. But with Faerie + Succor + single target heals and shields, it's manageable. WHM has it easier in terms of raw healing power, however... Their MP regen sucks compared to Scholar. I very rarely have to worry about mana as a SCH whereas I'm constantly mindly of my mana as a WHM.
Hope that helped.
Bear in mind "adding servers" doesn't just mean adding worlds. The core problem at the moment seems to be the Duty Finder and Instance servers. These are not world specific. By adding more horse power behind those they csn handle greater load without causing DF failure and Instance related disconnects. Once thats done they can remove the artificially low login login restrictions.Exactly, adding new servers isn't going to do shit for people already on a server.
For any SCH's around, what's your impression of it healing in pt's. Also have any played around with both whm and sch have any thoughts to share between the 2?
I logged out so I could fix the sound. Deserve what I get lol.
Since the OT2 is coming soon. I'd like you guy to post the best resource links and such for this game.
Because FF11 didn't make people log out, but this isn't FF11 and this is the launch of an MMO, not kicking people that are AFK is plain stupid game design.
If you want to make it so people can always stay logged in, do it a month or so after it comes out.
Yea. The client caches the failure.For those of you receiving the "unable to load NA/EU server lists" error, make sure you are fully exiting out of the game to the login screen that shows the FFXIV news updates.
I sat there for 20 minutes retrying from the FFXIV start menu until I fully logged out, and then the server lists loaded fine and I was able to get into my server instantly. I know right? AMAZING.
I'm curious, do you use mouseover to heal? I haven't gotten to try it yet and wonder if it works well enough.
Scholar would actually be a lot better if I could actually control my fairy while I was casting. As it is, you can't issue any command while casting, which I think is pretty poor.
Why, SE, why...
I just got this really awesome body piece in a dungeon to last me until I get AF body. I was so excited when it dropped and I won it, and then... I put it on...
Oh come on, really? I look like a prostitute! Er, one who graduated anyways...
Really nice stats:
Vanity gear slot yespls.
Scholar would actually be a lot better if I could actually control my fairy while I was casting. As it is, you can't issue any command while casting, which I think is pretty poor.
Since we're talking scholar. Do you guys use DOTs?
I logged out so I could fix the sound. Deserve what I get lol.
Since the OT2 is coming soon. I'd like you guy to post the best resource links and such for this game. minion list unlocking dungeons camps for leves fate leveling map, click on the map to zoom DoH & DoL leves locations summary of what each DoH creates and which is suitable for which class
Bear in mind "adding servers" doesn't just mean adding worlds. The core problem at the moment seems to be the Duty Finder and Instance servers. These are not world specific. By adding more horse power behind those they csn handle greater load without causing DF failure and Instance related disconnects. Once thats done they can remove the artificially low login login restrictions.
Exactly, adding new servers isn't going to do shit for people already on a server.
Oh come on, really? I look like a prostitute!
Why, SE, why...
I just got this really awesome body piece in a dungeon to last me until I get AF body. I was so excited when it dropped and I won it, and then... I put it on...
Exactly, adding new servers isn't going to do shit for people already on a server.