Good thing I have a job to do something else while I wait for them to unfuck this shit.
This is my 3-day weekend and I was hoping to get a lot of playing time in. Sucks
Good thing I have a job to do something else while I wait for them to unfuck this shit.
This is my 3-day weekend and I was hoping to get a lot of playing time in. Sucks![]()
This is my 3-day weekend and I was hoping to get a lot of playing time in. Sucks![]()
Whelp, I give up. Who knows when I'll get to play again. I love the game but this is the most pathetic MMO launch I've been a part of. Squares lack of response on their plans going forward just piss me off.
Yep, same here. Oh well. Hopefully the extended 'free' time for everyone makes up for it... hope it's not like 3 extra days or something stupid like that.
This is my 3-day weekend and I was hoping to get a lot of playing time in. Sucks![]()
Oh ya, it is Labor Day, isn't it?This is my 3-day weekend and I was hoping to get a lot of playing time in. Sucks![]()
Yep, same here. Oh well. Hopefully the extended 'free' time for everyone makes up for it... hope it's not like 3 extra days or something stupid like that.
According to a post by Yoshida on the official forums they're "considering" a 7 day extension of the free trial. So it's not even a sure thing lol.
I want an extra day for every day the server wasn't perfectly working.
Can't even click start.
This is a fucking joke.
Probably looking at about 12 days or so on that one, if they do get those servers up on Wednesday or whatever.I want an extra day for every day the server wasn't perfectly working.
Playing on EU Pheonix. Max queue I've ever seen is 25 people.
is it even possible to sell some one a registration code. I mean what if you and a buddy just wanted to play on the same game why does he have to purchase another copy just to play. I mean he's already gonna pay the subscription fee. Or is this a mmo thing as to why they do it this way.
Maybe you shouldnt buy MMOs on launch.
I want an extra day for every day the server wasn't perfectly working.
Finally got my character to show up on the selection screen.
Now the true battle begins.
Don't celebrate if you get into a queue its false hope. The queue's weakness has been exposed......1017!!
Now my launcher won't even load. WTF.
I used to hardcore raid as a healer, so I may sound a bit conceited I guess. I'm up to 42 (I can't even play right now because of having two service accounts, otherwise I'd be higher) and no encounter has really been that hard as a Scholar. When there's a spike of damage to anyone, there's usually no follow up at all so it's easy to heal them back up to full. Honestly, you can pretty much ignore anyone but the tank and your fairy just heals them.
Pretty much the only way they can die is if they get oneshot or if there's random environmental damage. Other than that it's pretty much just not spamming your Scholar's heal needlessly since cure works well enough in most situations and costs 2x less. I haven't done the higher stuff or even Stone Vigil yet, but so far it's basically been "If you're not getting hit constantly by whatever mechanic the fight has, you'll be fine".
Now my launcher won't even load. WTF.
Now my launcher won't even load. WTF.
I am a MMORPG newbie. GAF FC has helped me a few times. We are a bunch of nice do gooders haha
Don't celebrate if you get into a queue its false hope. The queue's weakness has been exposed......1017!!
Edit: got in 1017 wasn't looking it seems
So is this really the FF MMO to end all FF MMO's?
Last MMO I played was WoW and I've been aching for something awesome ever since.
I think the classes look really bloody cool but I have no idea how the hell I would be able to choose which class to go, there's way to many good choices to choose from!
I'm going to be spending a LOT of time gaming in the next six months and this will probably fill the games in between the single player experiences that are coming out and I won't be getting a PS4 at launch.
Recommended for me? Last FF game I played was FF9
This has got to be the worst launch i have seen. Amazing job from S-E.
How is this getting worse and not better a week on?!
This isn't like their first rodeo. They've been at this MMO game since 2002, now over a decade ago. This is also this products second launch, and its taking them longer than a week to sort out bandwidth/server strain issues?!
I'd heard we were getting 7 days extra, but now thats got to be 14 surely since this week looks like a scrub as well?
So is this really the FF MMO to end all FF MMO's?
Last MMO I played was WoW and I've been aching for something awesome ever since.
I think the classes look really bloody cool but I have no idea how the hell I would be able to choose which class to go, there's way to many good choices to choose from!
I'm going to be spending a LOT of time gaming in the next six months and this will probably fill the games in between the single player experiences that are coming out and I won't be getting a PS4 at launch.
Recommended for me? Last FF game I played was FF9