The first expansion for FFXIV released on June 23rd 2015. It requires the base FFXIV game and a Lv50 character (with patch 2.55's main scenario completed) to access Ishgard, new jobs, and further expansion content.
►► Guide for New or Returning Players Catching up to Patch 3.0 (Heavensward) ◄◄
►► For New Players: A List of Progression and Level Locked Content ◄◄
Official Heavensward Site | Launch Trailer
Official FFXIV Site + Free Trial | The Lodestone (news/community)
Benchmark + Character Creator | Recruit a Friend Campaign
For those that want to join the poopy GAF Free Company (FFXIV's term for "Guilds"), the majority of GAF plays on Ultros and it is open to all (casual or hardcore) players. Ultros currently has a restriction on when new characters can be added to the server. Your best bet is to try and make a character somewhere between 1:00-5:00 AM (5:00-10:00 GMT). Ultros prime time is the evening on EST time zone. As a result EU, JP, and Oceanic players might not have much luck on this server.

World: Ultros (Data center - Primal)
Free Company: Gather Against Fate «GAF»
Officers: Click for current roster of officers and members.
Guild Website: http://neogaf.guildwork.com/
1. Target any member with the tag «GAF» in-game, then select View Company Profile from the subcommand menu.

You can find random GAF members anywhere or at the FC house in Limsa Lominsa's housing area: Mist (Northeast) - Ward 1, Plot 15.
2. Select Submit Application at the bottom of the Company Profile window.

3. 3. Enter a message, GAF name(if you have one) and your region to be sent with your application, then press Confirm to submit.

4. An officer will review your application when available, and when your application has been accepted, you will be added to the free company automatically. You do not need to be online to get accepted.

▼ Basic Game Utility / News
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/ - The Lodestone. Official site for news and more.
sqex.to/Msp - The Mog Station. Used for all FFXIV account management.
http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/forum.php - Official forums. (Note the "Dev Tracker" feed.)
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/pr/blog/ - Developers' blog.
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/help/option_service/ - Optional services (vanity items, world transfer, etc).
https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN - Official Twitter
https://www.youtube.com/user/FINALFANTASYXIV - Official Youtube channel
http://www.twitch.tv/finalfantasyxiv - Official Twitch channel
http://arrstatus.com - Server/World status site.
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/fankit - Wallpapers and such.
sqex.to/Msp - The Mog Station. Used for all FFXIV account management.
http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/forum.php - Official forums. (Note the "Dev Tracker" feed.)
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/pr/blog/ - Developers' blog.
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/help/option_service/ - Optional services (vanity items, world transfer, etc).
https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN - Official Twitter
https://www.youtube.com/user/FINALFANTASYXIV - Official Youtube channel
http://www.twitch.tv/finalfantasyxiv - Official Twitch channel
http://arrstatus.com - Server/World status site.
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/fankit - Wallpapers and such.
▼ Resources / Wikis / Guides
http://xivdb.com - A data-minded database.
http://www.garlandtools.org/db/ - A database with tools.
http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Main_Page - Successor to FFXIclopedia.
http://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/FF14_Wiki - Another wiki for ARR.
http://finalfantasyxivcutscenes.com - Cutscenes!
http://www.ffxivinfo.com - Database, with guides.
http://www.ffxivguild.com/ - A general guides site.
http://ffxivdungeons.com/ - Guides for dungeons.
https://www.youtube.com/user/MTQcapture - Video guides for dungeons, raids, primals.
http://www.garlandtools.org/db/ - A database with tools.
http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Main_Page - Successor to FFXIclopedia.
http://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/FF14_Wiki - Another wiki for ARR.
http://finalfantasyxivcutscenes.com - Cutscenes!
http://www.ffxivinfo.com - Database, with guides.
http://www.ffxivguild.com/ - A general guides site.
http://ffxivdungeons.com/ - Guides for dungeons.
https://www.youtube.com/user/MTQcapture - Video guides for dungeons, raids, primals.
▼ Useful Pages
http://ffxiv.ariyala.com/ - Gear calculator.
http://ffxivcrafting.com/ - Crafting resources.
http://ffxivclock.com/ - Gathering timers.
http://ffxivfisher.appspot.com/ - Fishing.
http://www.garlandtools.org/db/#skywatcher/all - Weather forecast.
http://vistas.explorexiv.com/ - Sightseeing log.
http://dimensionaldeath.com/?page=huntinglogs - Hunting log.
http://www.xiv-minions.com/ - Minions and mounts.
http://ffxiverminion.com/ - Lord of Verminion.
http://ffxivchocobo.com/ - Chocobo color calculator.
http://www.ffxivgardening.com/ - Gardening.
http://ffxivtriad.com/ - Triple Triad database.
http://en.ff14housing.com/ - Housing and furnishings.
http://www.ffxivhuntspath.co.uk/ - Clan Hunt Marks locations.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...Lk7OCd6VWTcU/htmlview?sle=true#gid=1617225659 - Endgame loot list.
http://ffxivcrafting.com/ - Crafting resources.
http://ffxivclock.com/ - Gathering timers.
http://ffxivfisher.appspot.com/ - Fishing.
http://www.garlandtools.org/db/#skywatcher/all - Weather forecast.
http://vistas.explorexiv.com/ - Sightseeing log.
http://dimensionaldeath.com/?page=huntinglogs - Hunting log.
http://www.xiv-minions.com/ - Minions and mounts.
http://ffxiverminion.com/ - Lord of Verminion.
http://ffxivchocobo.com/ - Chocobo color calculator.
http://www.ffxivgardening.com/ - Gardening.
http://ffxivtriad.com/ - Triple Triad database.
http://en.ff14housing.com/ - Housing and furnishings.
http://www.ffxivhuntspath.co.uk/ - Clan Hunt Marks locations.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...Lk7OCd6VWTcU/htmlview?sle=true#gid=1617225659 - Endgame loot list.
▼ Other Communities
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv - FFXIV subreddit since 1.x.
http://www.bluegartr.com/index.php - An endgame-centric forum originally known for its FFXI community.
http://ffxiv.zam.com/ - Long established MMO site with large forum community.
http://www.bluegartr.com/index.php - An endgame-centric forum originally known for its FFXI community.
http://ffxiv.zam.com/ - Long established MMO site with large forum community.
▼ Videos
https://youtu.be/ag2cRTU-Og8 - FFXIV (1.0) opening cinematic.
https://youtu.be/TXc0loyuq9I - "The Waning of the Sixth Sun" (narrated storyline of 1.0).
https://youtu.be/1xOOFCltZuc - A Realm Reborn (2.0) opening cinematic, includes "Flames of Truth".
https://youtu.be/pAoBojYsuOI - Heavensward (3.0) opening cinematic.
https://youtu.be/uDg44MVJLrw - 16-bit Super Titan Extreme Battle.
https://youtu.be/cuELXU0OEs4 - Ultimate Fight Final Fantasy XIV.
https://youtu.be/TXc0loyuq9I - "The Waning of the Sixth Sun" (narrated storyline of 1.0).
https://youtu.be/1xOOFCltZuc - A Realm Reborn (2.0) opening cinematic, includes "Flames of Truth".
https://youtu.be/pAoBojYsuOI - Heavensward (3.0) opening cinematic.
https://youtu.be/uDg44MVJLrw - 16-bit Super Titan Extreme Battle.
https://youtu.be/cuELXU0OEs4 - Ultimate Fight Final Fantasy XIV.

The OT is an accumulation of everyone's efforts in stealing each others stuff over and over.
inb4 dead game
PSN errors when installing?
AuthenticM said:Hey, just to let you know that it would probably help some other poor souls if you added to the OP the solution to the patch download error on PS4. I had to switch my DNS server to one from Japan; specifically, this address:
I was able to replicate its success a second time after I tried Google's DNS to speed up the download (which kept giving me failures still), so it should be reliable.
I don't know if it's pertinent, but I live in Canada.