Neo Member
anyone know how long the game is going to be down for? I havent even got a chance to play the damn game yet...
Until the second part of phase 3, which is next weekend.
anyone know how long the game is going to be down for? I havent even got a chance to play the damn game yet...
Until the second part of phase 3, which is next weekend.
No, it will be wiped at the end of phase 3.Is my char I made last night going to be wiped by next weekend?
Looks like the cross-Class Actions Jobs can use are different in the Beta compared to 1.23:
Paladin: Marauder and Conjurer
Monk: Gladiator (instead of Archer) and Lancer
Warrior: Gladiator and Pugilist
Dragoon: Marauder (instead of Pugilist) and Archer
Bard: Lancer (instead of Thaumaturge) and Conjurer
White Mage: Thaumaturge (and Arcanist?)(instead of Gladiator and Pugilist)
Black Mage: Archer (and Arcanist?)(but not Pugilist anymore)
Summoner (or Scholar depending on which is considered part of this set) would have
Pugilist and Thaumaturge
if they stick with each Class' actions being usable by two Jobs.
Pretty interesting.
Someone on Reddit made a Google Docs thing with all the cross class abilities:
It's just from reading the action descriptions in game in the beta. We won't know about Job abilities until we can use our imported characters.How did they get that info/is there a new data mined skill list out? Would be interested in any changes to the jobs skills since the last datamine.
Also no sure how I feel about swapping pugilist for marauder for Dragoon skills. Lose an instant heal, timed crit buff, timed evasion buff, and timed increased healing for a timed heal on attack, timed defense up, and another dot.
It's just from reading the action descriptions in game in the beta. We won't know about Job abilities until we can use our imported characters.
It's possible to travel from thanalan to black shroud by walk? I was not able to try it.
Anyone else second guessing the return to their legacy characters?
Interesting changes... going off 1.x class skills and what I've seen of ARR that means...Paladin: Marauder and Conjurer
Monk: Gladiator (instead of Archer) and Lancer
Warrior: Gladiator and Pugilist
Dragoon: Marauder (instead of Pugilist) and Archer
Bard: Lancer (instead of Thaumaturge) and Conjurer
White Mage: Thaumaturge (and Arcanist?)(instead of Gladiator and Pugilist)
Black Mage: Archer (and Arcanist?)(but not Pugilist anymore)
I was getting 60 at max settings on a 1080p HDTV for most of the time, but it would dip to 50 in crowded areas like sanctuary camps or in some parts of the city. And that's with a 3750k i5 and a GTX670. Gonna have to do some tweaking...Also, with SLI now supported, my frame rate was butter smooth.
Anyone else second guessing the return to their legacy characters?
I agree, I would rather they launch with one tier 1 limit break for all classes than 3 for each role.
I wasn't very impressed with the THM's first limit break either, in fact when I used it the others in the party didn't even notice it haha.
Reading up on this... they added jobs in the stupidest way possible.
I mean, I get the melee class/job assignments. The classes and their resulting jobs aren't really compatible lore-wise-- a crowd-pleasing pit fighter becomes a holy defender, a gambling house debt collector becomes a monk-- but at least the weapons line up.
But the magic/support class/job splits? Let me get this right: White Mage, Black Mage, Bard, and Summoner (coming soon!). And you have a class that won't shut up about the elementals, a class that deals with the border between life and death, a class that shoots stuff with arrows, and a magic class nobody has seen yet but supposedly they have books. Conjurer is just begging for Black Mage (they already had all the elemental spells) and/or Summoner (because elementals), but they had Cure so they got White Mage; it didn't even make sense for CON to have Cure, they shouldn't have had it in the first place, but because of that they lost half their elemental spells and become healers. Thaumaturge was just begging for White Mage (who else straddles the line between life and death but a career healer?), but instead they pick up a bunch of elemental spells and become Black Mages. Archers should have gotten a Musketeer or Ranger job, but they instead get Bard, because somebody had to get Bard, and Arcanists weren't in the game yet, and Gladiators already got Paladin.
When I was running dungeons last night we were testing out each type of limit break. When I used it as PGL (in the 18-21 level range) it was doing over 400 damage to boss enemies (almost 500 on Ifrit; finished him off with it after healer died and we were close to losing the tank). Considering my normal TP attacks were doing like 30 (crits in the 50s) damage, that's a pretty considerable chunk of damage. I think balance-wise the DPS one is pretty strong.lol, I was in that group. All that build up to try and activate the limit break and it was so inconsequential that no one even noticed it. I'm really disappointed with what I've seen so far of the Limit Break system.
Me too D:I still miss skill chains and magic bursting.![]()
I'm a little dissappointed I didn't take enough screenshots. I did notice a Ifrit battle where the pt were around lvl 22. Is that close around or past Drybone?
Can someone outline what each LB does? I don't think I ever saw them used in any of my groups, lol.
I didn't take enough, either
But part of the problem was that I didn't have FRAPS installed until the last minute and the game won't let you take screenshots during events (like when I had time to stop and push the key)
Ifrit battle is around level 20. It's at Drybone after you are lead there by the main questline after doing the three dungeons. We cleared it with a party of 21s in 2 tries (first try healer went down right after hellfire so we lost the tank and wiped before we could burn him).
I didn't take enough, either
But part of the problem was that I didn't have FRAPS installed until the last minute and the game won't let you take screenshots during events (like when I had time to stop and push the key)
Ifrit battle is around level 20. It's at Drybone after you are lead there by the main questline after doing the three dungeons. We cleared it with a party of 21s in 2 tries (first try healer went down right after hellfire so we lost the tank and wiped before we could burn him).
So i just preordered the EU FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector´s Edition (PC-Download) for 39.99€
Some how i got confused, im i still gonna receive the stuff in here...
Or that is for retail version only ?
That is retail (boxed copy) only.
Is it the quest where you get captured and put in some underground area? Was the last thing I did before logging off for something last night.
Uhh, so Monk can't be Pugilist? Huh? But a summoner can be Pugilist? Sounds stupid as hell.
They should pull LB from the launch, work on it and make it a bit more substantial, and put it in the first big update. As it stands, it sounds like it's an unneeded element of gameplay that dilutes rather than adds to the experience.
So i just preordered the EU FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector´s Edition (PC-Download) for 39.99
Some how i got confused, im i still gonna receive the stuff in here...
Or that is for retail version only ?
They should pull LB from the launch, work on it and make it a bit more substantial, and put it in the first big update. As it stands, it sounds like it's an unneeded element of gameplay that dilutes rather than adds to the experience.
It just seems like something that could be a dynamic aspect of partying, but instead seems like just a "cool thing that we get to do sometimes". That being said, I'm basing this off of other people's accounts, not my own.Whats wrong with LB now? An extra situation ability that is used in groups? People still mad it isn't completely different between classes and acts just as fanservice?
It just seems like something that could be a dynamic aspect of partying, but instead seems like just a "cool thing that we get to do sometimes". That being said, I'm basing this off of other people's accounts, not my own.
I think spent a good 5 hours playing around with the character customization. Are there still option missing or do we have it all now with Phase 3?
Yeah, it seems like something thrown in because of all the complaints with the static battle system.
I posted on their beta forums already, but the game definitely needs more active combat abilities. Most of our skills are a damaging attack with X power coefficient or a modest self-buff on a 90-120 second cooldown. The game could really benefit from spell interrupts, active blocking abilities, dodge rolls that cost TP, and staple movement abilities like charges and blinks. One of my favorite abilities to use in GW2 on Elementalist was simply a move that turned you into a Ball Lightning that let you zap forward 1200 yards. It was a good escape move and very fun to use. FF14's combat could really use more flavor like that.
I was getting 60 at max settings on a 1080p HDTV for most of the time, but it would dip to 50 in crowded areas like sanctuary camps or in some parts of the city. And that's with a 3750k i5 and a GTX670. Gonna have to do some tweaking...
I'm on a single 570 and had everything turned up to max, ran smooth as silk at 1920 x 1080. I tried it for a bit at 2560 x 1440 as well but that made the UI too small to comfortably read.If it helps, I wasn't at max settings. I didn't even care, though. It looked so great at whatever my custom settings were...
I'd expect your 670 would handle whatever settings I had just fine, as I'm on 560ti SLI. I didn't really play around with video settings to see how far I could push it.
Yeah, it seems like something thrown in because of all the complaints with the static battle system.
I posted on their beta forums already, but the game definitely needs more active combat abilities. Most of our skills are a damaging attack with X power coefficient or a modest self-buff on a 90-120 second cooldown. The game could really benefit from spell interrupts, active blocking abilities, dodge rolls that cost TP, and staple movement abilities like charges and blinks. One of my favorite abilities to use in GW2 on Elementalist was simply a move that turned you into a Ball Lightning that let you zap forward 1200 yards. It was a good escape move and very fun to use. FF14's combat could really use more flavor like that.
I paid £15.85 (18~) for the regular edition and I'll have early access. Crazy price.
Where can I see all the info for Phase 3? Is this going to only be playable on weekends and that's it for the whole phase? That kinda sucks if true. How can you only allow 2-3 days to be allowed to play at all? lol
Meh... the more I think about it, the more I consider starting new on a non-Legacy server, I keep thinking about how fun it is to be in that new economy/leveling cycle.
Then on the other hand, I think about all the time put into DoL/H jobs and all the gear progression I tackled on my legacy character, not to mention all the cap gear/AF I'd be needing to re-get.
Quite the choice to think about...
Anyone else second guessing the return to their legacy characters?
Protip: dont stand inside red target circles, you can dodge those attacks.