Anyone know how to force AA in this game with a Nvidia card? The in game AA is crap.
Depending on what kind of hardware you are running you have a few options:
If you're confident with your GPU I'd suggest downloading Nvidia Inspector and forcing SGSSAA to 2 or 4. Or, you can oversample by increasing your display resolution through software to say 1440p (crams 1440p into 1080p, if you're running a 1080p monitor) or you can try SweetFX which is very satisfactory with it's own kind of FXAA system which does a decent job of overlaying AA.
SweetFX has been a problem for people I've given a link to, though. I'd try SGSSAA before the others.
Valnen helped me get my SGSSAA sorted and he gave me this image to show me his custom settings (since none exist at the moment it was all trial and error, props to him!)
Download the same version, in Anti-aliasing compatibility TYPE in 0x004012C5. Don't forget that you need to make this in a new profile and then add the ffxiv.exe from the boot directory.
For the downsampling and SweetFX google should put you in the right direction, if not just ask and I'll help you out.
Edit 2: Closer to launch or just after (in the case that the compatibility changes) I think I'll make a small FAQ for people to follow when optimising the game for some outright pornographic level of awesome.
Agreed, I think it's very user-friendly now.Don't think I have any issues with the AH/marketwards now.
What time do servers shut off?
Tomorrow (or today, I guess) at 18:00 Japan time, or about 9 and a half hours from now.
How do I take screenshots without the HUD?
Tomorrow (or today, I guess) at 18:00 Japan time, or about 9 and a half hours from now.
How do I take screenshots without the HUD?
I think the base of the combat system is good, I like the fast pace combat, but I feel like something is a bit off. I can't put my finger on it, but it feels just like a spamfest. I'm only lvl 25 on my legacy, so it might be different at 50, but just seems like zerging is the best way to go right now.
Also, I wish Jobs had more skills besides 5, I know you can mix and match almost anything, but iconic skills from those jobs are what makes the game cooler.
I don't like how they changed it from a seamless world to loading every time you change zones, but hey FFXI was like this and it fared well. I guess it really doesn't matter since there is no OW PvP, since it would be weird chasing someone from zone to zone and having to load each time.
Press scrlk (scroll lock)
It becomes less spammy the higher you get. TP drain becomes a real factor in battle, and you dont want to be caught with 0.
There'll be PvP for this at some point, right?
Yea, Arena like PvP and some sort of RvR I think.
Thanks!Press scrlk (scroll lock)
I think they put a cap on it this time around, since Phase 2 had alot of helpful threads, but just as many...not so helpful threads.
And yeah, The Burning Wall is really cool looking in the day time. Looks kinda off at night. Is it straight up fire or earth crystal structures, or just natural glass from Dalamud?
Depending on what kind of hardware you are running you have a few options:
If you're confident with your GPU I'd suggest downloading Nvidia Inspector and forcing SGSSAA to 2 or 4. Or, you can oversample by increasing your display resolution through software to say 1440p (crams 1440p into 1080p, if you're running a 1080p monitor) or you can try SweetFX which is very satisfactory with it's own kind of FXAA system which does a decent job of overlaying AA.
SweetFX has been a problem for people I've given a link to, though. I'd try SGSSAA before the others.
Valnen helped me get my SGSSAA sorted and he gave me this image to show me his custom settings (since none exist at the moment it was all trial and error, props to him!)
Download the same version, in Anti-aliasing compatibility TYPE in 0x004012C5. Don't forget that you need to make this in a new profile and then add the ffxiv.exe from the boot directory.
For the downsampling and SweetFX google should put you in the right direction, if not just ask and I'll help you out.
Edit 2: Closer to launch or just after (in the case that the compatibility changes) I think I'll make a small FAQ for people to follow when optimising the game for some outright pornographic level of awesome.
What driver are you using? Can't seem to get it to work on 320.08
I'm finding myself somewhat intrigued by the story. Old school Final Fantasy, and light on the angst for the series. How was the story in XI and XIV 1.0?
DilemmaThinking about changing over to a Highlander male at launch but I'm going to be super peeved if they add really nice hairstyles for Midlanders..
S-E's posting policies are idiotic. One reply per 15 minutes? One thread an hour? They really don't want to read any feedback, do they.
Thinking of changing from Midlander to this particular Highlander in phase 4:
Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
The Copyright Material is provided ‘as is.’ Square Enix does not make any representations or warranties regarding the Copyright Material. Any use by you shall be at your own risk.
This looks like old ps1 CG to me
Why the f does the ferry cost 55,000+ gil?
At least it's relatively easy to get an airship pass.
Also, for Montblanc:
That's a point, but posts are also limited to 750 characters. If you have something to say, you could be spending an hour posting it. It's like they don't want feedback.Although I do agree that's its stupid the forums were getting hammered at the start of phase 3, I guess they want us to think about what we feedback instead of just replying to some random post![]()
That's a point, but posts are also limited to 750 characters. If you have something to say, you could be spending an hour posting it. It's like they don't want feedback.
Edit: I just spent an hour on one post. I had to break it up into three parts and severely pare it down to fit within the character limit, then wait 15 minutes to post the next part of it. And it wasn't even a particularly verbose post.
There's a thread now about terrible delays during the Archer class quests. I want to reply and say I didn't experience those issues but see link to this thread about general responsiveness... but do I really want to stay up even later for my timer to be up so I can make that post?Yea at that point I don't bother, hopefully they will take the restriction off soon, it does seem pretty counter-productive to the purpose of the forum.
I thought this thread was worth mentioning in here, I noticed all of those things I duno if its a latency thing due to the servers being in NA, although nowhere near as bad as in 1.0 the server response times are still pretty poor.
At least it's relatively easy to get an airship pass.
Also, for Montblanc:
So, lol. If I hop to Sargantanas...what are the odds of the GAF LS/FC lasting? I really want to join you guys, but I don't want to leave the few ppl I know behind and end up stuck with nobody D:
So, lol. If I hop to Sargantanas...what are the odds of the GAF LS/FC lasting? I really want to join you guys, but I don't want to leave the few ppl I know behind and end up stuck with nobody D:
It would be cool to have a list of people who are going on Sarg and the ones going on Ultros (with both GAF an in game names) and then put in the OP or something.
At this point I don't know if the majority of the players are legacy or new
Agreed, Ultros is unlike to keep a lot of its GAF players, mainly because GAF MMO players have a habit of quitting after 1 or 2 months.
I would say people joining Sargatanas are more likely to stay, that being said there are cliquey groups so it can be hard to fit in if you are new.