It seems like the more I read about the combat system, the worse it gets. I already have a pretty low opinion on it. Feels incomplete.
While I think that the Blizzard line of spells probably needs to be adjusted, I don't see how that reflects on the combat system as a whole.
Me either. I liked 1.23 combat system and would have been happy with that system as a base in ARR (given better interface, infrastructure, etc.) but how in the world does THM math outlining how to use the spells somehow make it worse than 1.23? I mean, let's not pretend that rotations in 1.23 were rocket science--they were, in theory, less complicated even than what we're seeing in ARR beta (at high level). And THM/BLM? lol. Thunder->Thundara forever, Thundaga after crit buff and toss a Freeze when your threat got too high. That's all there was to it. ARR THM/BLM is infinitely more interesting than before.
Blizzard spells are also pretty useful for soloing and they're also pretty key for a THM that wants to stay busy as a healer/offhealer in a small group setting--keeps your mana regen strong while you cast other stuff.
But... I didn't see any negativity in that blog you linked...
I wonder how seriously they'll take this criticism. I mean, there are a lot of shortcomings with this system as a product of a rushed schedule no doubt, but can these problems be turned around via patches or do you think it's a real core issue?
Personally I don't think it's bad but I think the extreme flashiness needs to be toned down (looks like it is going to be) because it's giving me bloody headaches. And perhaps they need to re-evaluate the depth of attributes, as it seems a lot of the attributes are useless outside of core modifiers.
I suppose if enough people make noise about the battle system they'll have to do something, although I doubt it'll happen before launch at this rate (~2 months until launch).
Also, FFXIV_JP twitter reported there'll be a new trailer at Japan Expo this coming Thursday. (21:45PM (JST) start for the live stream stage event)
I mean, let's not pretend that rotations in 1.23 were rocket science--they were, in theory, less complicated even than what we're seeing in ARR beta (at high level). And THM/BLM? lol. Thunder->Thundara forever, Thundaga after crit buff and toss a Freeze when your threat got too high. That's all there was to it. ARR THM/BLM is infinitely more interesting than before.
Me either. I liked 1.23 combat system and would have been happy with that system as a base in ARR (given better interface, infrastructure, etc.) but how in the world does THM math outlining how to use the spells somehow make it worse than 1.23? I mean, let's not pretend that rotations in 1.23 were rocket science--they were, in theory, less complicated even than what we're seeing in ARR beta (at high level). And THM/BLM? lol. Thunder->Thundara forever, Thundaga after crit buff and toss a Freeze when your threat got too high. That's all there was to it. ARR THM/BLM is infinitely more interesting than before.
Is that what we used in Garuda? I didn't get to use BLM that much on her so i can't remember.
Honestly, if they just changed the "Limit Break" thing to where it's a unique ability that each class and/or job gets after a certain amount of 'combat' takes place (X many abilities used, Y many abilities used on you or a party member) that might alleviate a lot of this.I agree that the combat system doesn't feel "FFXI" at all for two reasons.
1. You basically just spam weapon skills all day.
2. None of your abilities are particularly drastic.
Weapon Skills are so watered down you could mistake them for Bud Lite, and there's no need to coordinate with your party for anything as crazy/tactical as skill chains and magic bursts. FFXIV's combat is nothing like FFXI's.
I'm pretty sure those pics are of the Hecatoncheir fought in Copperbell Mines. They're called Hecatoncheir in-game and the NPCs giving the quest called them that as well. Maybe Shiva will be fought beneath the desert?
Honestly, if they just changed the "Limit Break" thing to where it's a unique ability that each class gets whether solo or in a party (jobs can get a special additional one that is only an option while in party) ability that you get to use on average once every ~3 fights or so after some meter is built. That might be enough to alleviate a great deal of this.
A bit surprised to see the route they went with limit breaks.
Honestly, if they just changed the "Limit Break" thing to where it's a unique ability that each class and/or job gets after a certain amount of 'combat' takes place (X many abilities used, Y many abilities used on you or a party member) that might alleviate a lot of this.
I quit 1.0 before they started charging, so I've never seen a gigas in XIV. Those things are called Hecatoncheir. It doesn't make any sense to me since they only have two arms.So they arent called gigas anymore then? In that case, even though that enemy in the art slightly represents Hecaton boss from FF3, its something else entirely? What i was fighting was a fate nm, so wasnt sure the name of the beast tribe type, aside from the fact that it looked like a gigas from xi.
While I agree that each class should have its own unique Limit Break-- it is utterly stupid that Archers have Healing Wind-- I don't think that would change all that much. You're still stuck with one Limit Break gauge for the entire party, so most classes are never going to get to use theirs anyway.Honestly, if they just changed the "Limit Break" thing to where it's a unique ability that each class and/or job gets after a certain amount of 'combat' takes place (X many abilities used, Y many abilities used on you or a party member) that might alleviate a lot of this.
I quit 1.0 before they started charging, so I've never seen a gigas in XIV. Those things are called Hecatoncheir. It doesn't make any sense to me since they only have two arms.
Boo, wasn't home this weekend so I didn't get to play, and now the phase is done? Argh. I just got my beta key, too.![]()
Well, Hecatoncheires in FFXIII was at least somewhat accurate. Maybe not in how Vanille used his Gestalt, but I won't say more about that in case children are present.Oh they werent in 1.0, so its still a new intro here. I agree with the fact that it doesnt make sense, but then again neither did:
and his name was Hecaton/HecatoncheirSquare isnt one for sticking too close to what their enemy names originated from. Qiqirn for example are supposed to be big hairless dog monsters.
You've still got next weekend/whatever they extend it to.
Eh, that's not too far off. Maybe their Primal is Fenrir.Qiqirn for example are supposed to be big hairless dog monsters.
Agreed, but I wouldn't hold your breath on that feedback. The beta forums are full of stupid, and it doesn't help that they're closed most of the time and extremely limited when they're open.I'd like to see each player have their own limit break bar and for players to be able to combine their limit breaks into some kind of cool combo attack instead of just deciding which limit break would be most helpful in a given situation and saving it so that one player can use it at the right time.
I like the limit break concept more than I like them in practice so far. I expect they'll be getting a number of modifications due to feedback, but we'll see.
Well, Hecatoncheires in FFXIII was at least somewhat accurate. Maybe not in how Vanille used his Gestalt, but I won't say more about that in case children are present.
Eh, that's not too far off. Maybe their Primal is Fenrir.
That would be pretty cool.
Qiqirns having a Primal seems odd. I don't think there's a single Qiqirn mage in the game? They just seem too stupid to wield magic.
After the 7th Umbral Era, they went the way of the... well...Has anyone seen a dodo in 2.0 anywhere?
Until they add Calculator as a Job, I'm still going to say that being good at numbers is not the same as wielding magic.
Actually, that lore entry reminds me...
Has anyone seen a dodo in 2.0 anywhere?
Agreed, but I wouldn't hold your breath on that feedback. The beta forums are full of stupid, and it doesn't help that they're closed most of the time and extremely limited when they're open.
The last picture is titled Barbarian village, but it looks like Kobold architecture, even though they seem to live underground.
I guess there is a lack of metal. The grates just remind me of Kobold stuff.
Letter from the Producer, XLVII (07/02/2013)
Hello again to all of you eagerly awaiting FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn. Yoshi-P here, bringing you the forty-seventh Letter from the Producer!
I hope everyone who's been accepted into the beta has been enjoying themselves so far. The team is carefully reading over all your feedback, verifying and squashing urgent bugs. We've received many critical reports for the PlayStation 3 version, in particular, and they've all been resolved without incident.
Now that we're halfway through phase 3, all that's left is to stress test the duty finder, and to monitor server stability over a long period. It won't be long until phase 4, early access, and the big day arrive, so the team is really giving it their all.
It's been hectic preparing for release, but I've managed to sneak in a little anonymous game time during phase 3 as well. This past weekend I was playing as a conjurer, partying with random players to collect gear from the dungeons. No matter how many runs I did though, not a single robe dropped. But then, on my last run, the robe I'd been waiting for finally appeared in the loot list! Needless to say, I lotted on it right awaybut then the thaumaturge lotted and won by two points. It was all I could do to type "Congrats!" while biting back my tears.
Anyway, let's put those unfortunate events behind us. Now that the latest testing period has ended, I'll be heading to Paris for this year's Japan Expo. Not only will I be giving a presentation on FFXIV: ARR, but I'll also be doing interviews with a number of media outlets. My schedule's looking more hectic by the minute.
As producer and director, things will only get tougher from here on out. As much as I hate riding those metallic nightmares they call airplanes, I think I can muster up the courage if it means meeting all of our fans in Europe.
(That's not to say our North American and Japanese fans aren't important too. )
And with that, I'm off to Europe. See you soon!
But then, on my last run, the robe I'd been waiting for finally appeared in the loot list! Needless to say, I lotted on it right awaybut then the thaumaturge lotted and won by two points. It was all I could do to type "Congrats!" while biting back my tears.
Story of my MMO life right there Yoshi-P. ;_;
Ironic really considering there has been complaint on the offical forums that mage loot doesn't drop as often as the other classes, yet it still doesn't get fixed.
Bullshit lol. When I ran the first 3 dungeons two weeks ago we got nothing but mage gear... we even got one or two of the same mage items twice in the same session. Last weekend doing the higher level dungeons we saw a more even mix (maybe a little higher on the DoW, but RNG is RNG).
Bullshit lol. When I ran the first 3 dungeons two weeks ago we got nothing but mage gear... we even got one or two of the same mage items twice in the same session. Last weekend doing the higher level dungeons we saw a more even mix (maybe a little higher on the DoW, but RNG is RNG).
Well whatever still loot based on party make up would still make more sense.