The wipe is coming.
That's ok! Just means we are inching closer and closer to release
The wipe is coming.
The wipe is coming.
Crazy, utter bullshit speculation: Because Thanalan employs train tracks and I've noticed a bunch of undead enemies, its second primal will end up being Doomtrain. (It is certainly fan-servicey enough for this game...)
Anyway, for fun: OT subtitle names?
Can anyone help me get this damn thing downloaded? This horrible site they call acct management isn't letting me logon when I try the download link and it won't work for the official forums either. If this is what to expect come release, I'm not even bothering and I already have a code I never used from pre-ARR.
For the record: I can login with my SE account on the main access page, but every time I try to logon to the beta-specific links for the forum or download link, it will NOT take my password, even though it works elsewhere. My beta key was accepted. This is pretty frustrating.
Maybe I'm just shit at the game but some of these quests are horribly imbalanced. Or at least they are for Conjurers.
Stuck on both "To Guard a Guardian" and "Trial By Water".
I'm level 15 and I just keep getting my ass handed to me and I don't get why.
Everytime I die I quit the game in frustration.
I think this has come up a lot before - one page is asking for your email address, the other is asking for your username. Yes, it's stupid, but you might want to double-check that.Can anyone help me get this damn thing downloaded? This horrible site they call acct management isn't letting me logon when I try the download link and it won't work for the official forums either. If this is what to expect come release, I'm not even bothering and I already have a code I never used from pre-ARR.
For the record: I can login with my SE account on the main access page, but every time I try to logon to the beta-specific links for the forum or download link, it will NOT take my password, even though it works elsewhere. My beta key was accepted. This is pretty frustrating.
Crazy, utter bullshit speculation: Because Thanalan employs train tracks and I've noticed a bunch of undead enemies, its second primal will end up being Doomtrain. (It is certainly fan-servicey enough for this game...)
Anyway, for fun: OT subtitle names?
I don't remember which quest to guard a guardian is, but for Trial By Water all you need to do is heal the NPCs. You can toss out an aero or something on the mobs but if you try and kill them yourself you will likely just run out of mp.
I think this has come up a lot before - one page is asking for your email address, the other is asking for your username. Yes, it's stupid, but you might want to double-check that.
Thank you both, this helped immensely. They really gotta change that, very confusing and they should just go to single-signon.You may or may not have just gotten a pm with the link.
How do I get from one major city to another? I've been to the airship area but they don't explain how to get a pass.
I guess i could mess around with pugilist for awhile. Unless people will still be messing with the dungeons all the way till close.
When you get to a certain point in the main storyline missions they send you to the airship landing -- after you finish that you have your airship pass.
I guess I shouldn't be avoiding the main quest line then. Thanks for the answer!
Also, the instanced battle group stuff is kinda fun, do they eventually run into dungeon like instances or are they all of similar length as the first one?
Have they announced any plans on improving the inventory system? Just greying out equipment that can not be equipped and providing a way to sort gear by level would help a lot.
There's another test next weekend, by the way.
Where did you find that info? I saw someone in Ul'dah shouting what appeared to be a copy/paste, but when I went to the forums there was nothing in the dev tracker![]()
Lol I was "the random"
Japanese side rep Triairy said there will be another next week, we already knew this though because FFXIV niconico live letter is next Sunday anyway and it said live game play of phase 3 was the main focus.
There's another test next weekend, by the way.
"Poison the river surrounding the Empire's camp."
Also Lightning is going to fit in the storyline some how..
This is Jeuxonline's EN trans of the interview they did with Yoshida at J-Expo.
Things to take home from it: Limit Breaks aren't changing and there are no plans for giving unique Limit Breaks to each class; the reasoning behind this is to eliminate favouritism of classes when it comes to content. (I personally think that although they're taking a step in the right direction, it's kind of taking steps back too in removing possible content)
Also Lightning is going to fit in the storyline some how, which is downright stupid. It seems he contradicted himself in the interview and the interviewee picked up on it with a question in re. to Lightning's appearance. To be honest I'm starting to dislike a lot of the decisions they're making, half of them seem willy-nilly.
My worst nightmare has become a reality.