I wanted to start making macros but I know I'd probably get pretty deep into it and they're going to be deleted right?
Could always copy the ones you make over to notepad and then have them ready to go for phase 4 and beyond.
I wanted to start making macros but I know I'd probably get pretty deep into it and they're going to be deleted right?
In this case, into INT if you planned to be Summoner mostly or into MND if you planned to be SCH mostly. I can assure you that 30 points of a stat (less than 10% of level 50 primary stat values) is not going to make or break your ability to play one job or the other. Alternately, put 15 into each. The 30 point distribution would be a way for you to specialize in one job while still being effective in the other.But I am really confused how this would work for Scholar. People are saying Scholar will be a HoT and support job. But your job is completely based on your class... and Arcanist has like no healing. Also I assume your main stat would be Intellect as Arcanist and Summoner. But it would be Mind for Scholar. So when you're leveling Arcanist, where do you put your bonus attributes?
It's quite possible, but remains to be seen. For what it's worth, though, at low levels CNJ healing is really strong. Like, way stronger than it needs to be for clearing content. I tanked level 32 dungeon final boss without full armor just for shits'n'giggles and our WHM was still sitting on tons of MP the entire time.And are they going to properly balance your INT/MND as you level (outside of the bonus points)? That would be bad wouldn't it? If it's balanced evenly, then mathematically you will always be worse damage than THM and worse healing than CNJ?
Well, yes and no. Since jobs require you to do quests to unlock them and then more quests to unlock their skills, you'd either be a level 50 Scholar without your skills unlocked (and as such basically just a gimped Arcanist) or you'd be a level 50 Scholar with probably at least some token healing experienced gained by doing your Scholar job quests.And say I got level 50 Arcanist (with Summoner job equipped). Now I'm like, "I want to do some healing,", and then I switch to Scholar... but jobs don't really have levels. It's all based on the class. So I would just be a level 50 Scholar with absolutely no healing experience?
All I can say is... this is a game where the entire game is based around the idea of switching between roles to best suit the situation so you better just get used to it.Or say I want to be a Scholar so I level Arcanist to 30. So I spend more than half my levels as a damage class and then suddenly it's like, "Hey you're a healer! Good luck!"
Crafting seems to be less for selling to other players in direct profit, but more for turning stuff in for GC badges and leves. That's not to say there aren't profitable crafts or trades, but I think the primary motivation for making things will be for turn-ins.
Quests will generally provide gear close to level, or a little bit behind, and dungeon loot tends to be as good as, or better, than HQs. So having to look for gear from the market doesn't seem to apply until leveling a 2nd class.
That's only on PS3 (I've played both on PC and PS3). Other characters often have very jerky movement. Like it's lower frame rate or something. It's not an issue on PC.
In this case, into INT if you planned to be Summoner mostly or into MND if you planned to be SCH mostly. I can assure you that 30 points of a stat (less than 10% of level 50 primary stat values) is not going to make or break your ability to play one job or the other. Alternately, put 15 into each. The 30 point distribution would be a way for you to specialize in one job while still being effective in the other.
It may not work like that though, as far as I know Conjurer damage spells are boosted by mind and not int.
So I expect the same to be true for Arcanist. (ie focusing on one major stat)
I haven't tested CNJ much so I'm not sure but... if that's true then what's the point of Cleric Stance? Isn't it supposed to be CNJ's damage dealing stance? It swaps your INT and MND values (I confirmed this last weekend--the swap is reflected on your character screen stats) which implies INT is a magic damage stat... which coincidentally lines up with what SE has stated regarding what the different stats do--that being INT increases all attack magic power, not MND.
Bad news everyone.
Yoshida posted his reasoning behind why Lightning (and doubtlessly other FF serifs will be bukkakked onto the game) have appeared.
In brief, he mentions that this is an 'experiment' basically wherein he wants to see if it's possible to really push other characters from other games into one world. (Though, I think they did this already with Dissidia and it was fine because it wasn't a numbered title).
Also, he plans to "protect" the rights of notions set in place in other games, ie: Will not revive dead characters, won't implement stories for characters whose tale has finished etc. He gave an example of Red XIII, basically his kind weren't a common sight in the FFVII world and thus to have a copious amount of them running about in Eorzea would effectively underhand the lore of FFVII, so it's not going to happen. He promises to be careful with how he introduces fan service.
I still think it's fucking it up, he's always proclaimed to be a huge fan of Final Fantasy but there's such a thing as too much. I posted later in the thread that previous (old FFXIV) players bought the game not for fan service but in order to experience a unique story with unique characters.
The Duty Finder mechanic is somewhat convoluted.
Can you elaborate?
Bad news everyone.
Yoshida posted his reasoning behind why Lightning (and doubtlessly other FF serifs will be bukkakked onto the game) have appeared.
In brief, he mentions that this is an 'experiment' basically wherein he wants to see if it's possible to really push other characters from other games into one world. (Though, I think they did this already with Dissidia and it was fine because it wasn't a numbered title).
Also, he plans to "protect" the rights of notions set in place in other games, ie: Will not revive dead characters, won't implement stories for characters whose tale has finished etc. He gave an example of Red XIII, basically his kind weren't a common sight in the FFVII world and thus to have a copious amount of them running about in Eorzea would effectively underhand the lore of FFVII, so it's not going to happen. He promises to be careful with how he introduces fan service.
I still think it's fucking it up, he's always proclaimed to be a huge fan of Final Fantasy but there's such a thing as too much. I posted later in the thread that previous (old FFXIV) players bought the game not for fan service but in order to experience a unique story with unique characters.
It just seems like it overcomplicates. Especially during this part of the phase, where it takes the place of a normal gatekeeper.
Bad news everyone.
Yoshida posted his reasoning behind why Lightning (and doubtlessly other FF serifs will be bukkakked onto the game) have appeared.
In brief, he mentions that this is an 'experiment' basically wherein he wants to see if it's possible to really push other characters from other games into one world. (Though, I think they did this already with Dissidia and it was fine because it wasn't a numbered title).
Also, he plans to "protect" the rights of notions set in place in other games, ie: Will not revive dead characters, won't implement stories for characters whose tale has finished etc. He gave an example of Red XIII, basically his kind weren't a common sight in the FFVII world and thus to have a copious amount of them running about in Eorzea would effectively underhand the lore of FFVII, so it's not going to happen. He promises to be careful with how he introduces fan service.
I still think it's fucking it up, he's always proclaimed to be a huge fan of Final Fantasy but there's such a thing as too much. I posted later in the thread that previous (old FFXIV) players bought the game not for fan service but in order to experience a unique story with unique characters.
I still think it's fucking it up, he's always proclaimed to be a huge fan of Final Fantasy but there's such a thing as too much. I posted later in the thread that previous (old FFXIV) players bought the game not for fan service but in order to experience a unique story with unique characters.
I heard gatekeepers were temporarily removed to force players to test the duty finder.
Yep! That's exactly how they move! I definitely would like to try this out on PC, but I'm not complaining about being in the beta, it is fun![]()
So I got a PC code..but when I go to register it, it tells me it has already been registered?? What can I do about that?
Is there any way at all to make the text bigger on the PC version? I'm playing on my TV.
I'd email support. My code didn't work, but someone gave me an old code they didn't use and that one worked.
I suspect a bad batch of codes was sent out.
I've been through them menu and all I can find is font size for the chat window only...There is an option to increase the fontsize somewhere in the menus.
I've been through them menu and all I can find is font size for the chat window only...
I know this is lazy, but what is the email for support?
Is the beta up? When I launch the beta launcher, nothing happens.
Couldn't have said it better myself. 👍I'm a bit alone in this (and I am one of the few that did not like how 'fan service' Yoshida got with the overarching story) but I don't mind Yoshida's stance on this. If he can fit these characters into Eorzea in a reasonable and fun way that doesn't break the shroud of the world's character then I just see it as decent side content. Final Fantasy series are notorious for sidequests that bring old content into the game in a unique and new way. Gilgamesh is a prime example of this. He was a central antagonist that poppped up periodically in FFV but he became a 'staple' of the core part of Final Fantasy series as side content in future games and even a full blown summon with his own unique characteristics, those types of things have to start somewhere.
The Zodiac summons are another big part of this from FFXII. On top of the normal ones we had from FFT, we had final boss's from several old Final Fantasy games come back as summons to aid players in battle. Basically as long as the world can maintain its own identity and not let these side content break the complete immersion of the world, I see them as benefits and a true part of the legacy of Final Fantasy, but having said that I don't like the rehash of the warriors of light in such a blatant fashion as it takes a specific narrative from a previous final fantasy game and transposes it directly into the primary immersion of the world's story.
If Lighting's side quest doesn't break the immersion of her character and can somehow look semi fitting for the world, it will only aid. I don't on the other hand want this to be the only content and I worry over a game's identity when the world hasn't established itself well enough. I'd rather have things like Lightning content to show up in an expansion or two later after the world has established its own struggles properly and since we still haven't seen exactly where the story is taking us since they have been so fixed on keeping it secret till final release, this side content just ends up sticking out like a soar thumb.
I'm a bit alone in this (and I am one of the few that did not like how 'fan service' Yoshida got with the overarching story) but I don't mind Yoshida's stance on this. If he can fit these characters into Eorzea in a reasonable and fun way that doesn't break the shroud of the world's character then I just see it as decent side content. Final Fantasy series are notorious for sidequests that bring old content into the game in a unique and new way. Gilgamesh is a prime example of this. He was a central antagonist that poppped up periodically in FFV but he became a 'staple' of the core part of Final Fantasy series as side content in future games and even a full blown summon with his own unique characteristics, those types of things have to start somewhere.
The Zodiac summons are another big part of this from FFXII. On top of the normal ones we had from FFT, we had final boss's from several old Final Fantasy games come back as summons to aid players in battle. Basically as long as the world can maintain its own identity and not let these side content break the complete immersion of the world, I see them as benefits and a true part of the legacy of Final Fantasy, but having said that I don't like the rehash of the warriors of light in such a blatant fashion as it takes a specific narrative from a previous final fantasy game and transposes it directly into the primary immersion of the world's story.
If Lighting's side quest doesn't break the immersion of her character and can somehow look semi fitting for the world, it will only aid. I don't on the other hand want this to be the only content and I worry over a game's identity when the world hasn't established itself well enough. I'd rather have things like Lightning content to show up in an expansion or two later after the world has established its own struggles properly and since we still haven't seen exactly where the story is taking us since they have been so fixed on keeping it secret till final release, this side content just ends up sticking out like a soar thumb.
I'm a bit alone in this (and I am one of the few that did not like how 'fan service' Yoshida got with the overarching story) but I don't mind Yoshida's stance on this. If he can fit these characters into Eorzea in a reasonable and fun way that doesn't break the shroud of the world's character then I just see it as decent side content. Final Fantasy series are notorious for sidequests that bring old content into the game in a unique and new way. Gilgamesh is a prime example of this. He was a central antagonist that poppped up periodically in FFV but he became a 'staple' of the core part of Final Fantasy series as side content in future games and even a full blown summon with his own unique characteristics, those types of things have to start somewhere.
The Zodiac summons are another big part of this from FFXII. On top of the normal ones we had from FFT, we had final boss's from several old Final Fantasy games come back as summons to aid players in battle. Basically as long as the world can maintain its own identity and not let these side content break the complete immersion of the world, I see them as benefits and a true part of the legacy of Final Fantasy, but having said that I don't like the rehash of the warriors of light in such a blatant fashion as it takes a specific narrative from a previous final fantasy game and transposes it directly into the primary immersion of the world's story.
If Lighting's side quest doesn't break the immersion of her character and can somehow look semi fitting for the world, it will only aid. I don't on the other hand want this to be the only content and I worry over a game's identity when the world hasn't established itself well enough. I'd rather have things like Lightning content to show up in an expansion or two later after the world has established its own struggles properly and since we still haven't seen exactly where the story is taking us since they have been so fixed on keeping it secret till final release, this side content just ends up sticking out like a soar thumb.
Yesterday we were talking about a post here on gaf that explains how to run the game on higher resolution than 1080p.
Unfortunately i couldn't find that post, In case someone knows what i'm talking about please give me that post link.
so i am about 40 minutes in, and there some quests that i have completed the requirements for, the npc's have green ticks above their heads, but they won't let me complete the mission? i'm really confused and want my XP dammit![]()
Some quests have optional rewards and you need to select which one you want before it will let you complete the quest.so i am about 40 minutes in, and there some quests that i have completed the requirements for, the npc's have green ticks above their heads, but they won't let me complete the mission? i'm really confused and want my XP dammit![]()
I really like the new crafting system, but getting shards is going to be a pain in the ass.