some beastmen have learned the common tongue. I think the echo is only needed when speaking to beastmen who only speak in their native tongue.
Hecatoncheir (Hekaton) from FFIII.Okay, so I recognize Cloud of Darkness and Gilgamesh, but who is the guy with the sword?
You just get told in game that the past is set in stone when Minfilia explains it to you when you first went to the Order of the Twelve.
The Echo is a power that lets you look inside someone's mind and watch their memories. It's like the Pensieve in the Harry Potter universe. You can't change the past through the Echo because it's just a memory which you are watching.
If there will be time travel in the story I suspect it won't be until they run out of stuff for players to do in the present day, such as what happened with FFXI WotG. That won't happen for a good long time, since you have to fight all the Primals, defeat the Garlean Empire, defeat Bahamut, and also deplete all the oceans around Eorzea of fish first.
No they never explained why, but my guess is the English localization team made these changes between Alpha and Beta to make the game more 'accessible' to English-speaking newcomers. I say 'English-speaking' because both French and German kept their original translation.I noticed that the japanese version has the correct names for -ra and -ga level spells.
Did they ever explain why we got the lame names with numbers from the '90?
It's Amdapor Keep in English (but Ampdoor would certainly be a funnier name).I'm highly amused at how they timed stoneskin just right as to hide Garuda's Egi. Bastards.
Reading Yoshida's comments that came with the pictures it looks like that dungeon with the Demon Wall is the old castle in Southern Shroud, Ampdoor? I can't remember what it was called in English but he said that's what it is. It's a high-difficulty dungeon accessible after clearing the main scenario.
What are those new bars combined with the crossbar system?
Also...I need this game now.
Didnt know you could have keyboard hot keys and gamepad cross bar displayed at the same time. Could open some nice possibilities.
It's not new. I used it in beta already and put my chocobo, buffs and other skills that I use less often on them. It's pretty nifty to pay with controller+keyboard, I like it the more than just using one of the two.![]()
Thats pretty nifty, I prefer to use controller for healing but at times its nice to have the hotkeys for extra convenience.
Hmm, might be useful. Though it somewhat offends my belief that controls should become more simplified, not less.
roflI'll probably just put five in every stat and post pictures everywhere to make min/maxers cry.
I hear STR is the main factor in enmity generated from Flash and DEX's supposed to effect parry and block rate.
I'll probably just put five in every stat and post pictures everywhere to make min/maxers cry.
It'll just be a couple points of damage or 15 to 90 HP or MP. I just wanna be a big red individual; I don't care if my ranged attacks do the least damage by a fraction of a percent.It's already going to make me cry knowing that the race I'm picking is more for casters then melee. Like I second guess myself every time I think about it.
It'll just be a couple points of damage or 15 to 90 HP or MP. I just wanna be a big red individual; I don't care if my ranged attacks do the least damage by a fraction of a percent.
Knowing that doesn't change the min/maxer in me.
The stats make up for it in another way. Like for instance a lala pld can flash more with out having to wast tp on the mp regen skillSomeone noticed that the base VIT difference between the race with highest and lowest VIT is 6.
If 6 VIT is something that keeps you up at night, then I don't know what to tell you.
Someone noticed that the base VIT difference between the race with highest and lowest VIT is 6.
If 6 VIT is something that keeps you up at night, then I don't know what to tell you.
You should tell me to stop being crazy, like I know I should. Knowing and doing are two different things.
I will always know that I have 3 less str and 4 less vit then I should have if I wasn't picking something on what I thought looked cooler. That is almost half of the total bonus stat points you would get from leveling to 50. All for caster stats that I will never care about.
I'm planning on being a Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon MRD. It happens that this race is the one with the lowest VIT in the game, and MRD/WAR is the tank class which depends on a large HP pool to not die since it doesn't have the damage mitigation skills and self heals that GLD/PLD does.
I'm doing it wrong. It's probably safer if you don't invite me to tank for your parties. :3
I'm planning on being a Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon MRD. It happens that this race is the one with the lowest VIT in the game, and MRD/WAR is the tank class which depends on a large HP pool to not die since it doesn't have the damage mitigation skills and self heals that GLD/PLD does.
I'm doing it wrong. It's probably safer if you don't invite me to tank for your parties. :3
I'm still confused on what to allocate bonus stat points into as PLD. Someone on the beta forums made a chart showing that to mitigate 1% damage on blocks it requires approx 60 STR. I'm sure these numbers will probably change slightly in phase 4/launch but I don't see it getting significantly better. Probably going to stick with VIT just for the hell of it.
This wait is driving me fucking insane![]()
I'm planning on being a Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon MRD. It happens that this race is the one with the lowest VIT in the game, and MRD/WAR is the tank class which depends on a large HP pool to not die since it doesn't have the damage mitigation skills and self heals that GLD/PLD does.
I'm doing it wrong. It's probably safer if you don't invite me to tank for your parties. :3
They released the 7th Letter video translated today (in loadstone news) but.... am i blind or the english sub are missing?
Is it just me or does it look like they've fixed the awful jaggies on the shrubbery?
Posted this in the beta thread, but thought I would post this here too to see if I can get a couple more responses:
"Quick question for the FFXIV 1.0 vets:
I never finished all of the 1.0 mainline story quests and wasn't able to log on for the final moments of 1.0. So I've been looking for videos or something that can explain the whole story of 1.0 before ARR begins. I found this line of videos. It's a series of videos done by Dual Shockers TV and it's called "The Story so Far" and is made up of 26 chapters:
Has anyone watched these videos? Are they representative of the entire story? Is there a better resource to get the whole story of 1.0?
They may have fixed it.
Or they may have forced better anti-aliasing through the video cards driver software.
I guess we won't know for certain until the next beta.
Some very nice themes:
Damn guess it doesn't work on vista. Yes I know why the fuck do I still have Vista? :lolSome very nice themes:
I'm glad to see the final game will have item rewards from FATEs. I don't want to see a return to camping roaming NMs for items like Leaping Boots and Emperor's Hairpin, but it would be great if FATE NMs drop vanity items.
Damn guess it doesn't work on vista. Yes I know why the fuck do I still have Vista? :lol
Crafters and gatherers are their own classes with abilities and equipment. You switch classes by switching your main weapon or tool; you'd equip a saw to be a Carpenter or a pickaxe to be a Miner just as you would a bow to be an Archer or a spear to be a Lancer.Being a complete FFXIV noob, can someone explain to me the difference between Classes and Jobs? I thought I had some sort of an understanding until "Blacksmith" and "Botanist" fell under the Classes category.
Crafters and gatherers are their own classes with abilities and equipment. You switch classes by switching your main weapon or tool; you'd equip a saw to be a Carpenter or a pickaxe to be a Miner just as you would a bow to be an Archer or a spear to be a Lancer.
Jobs are sort of an upgrade (since most only have one option) or partying "spec" for the battle classes; you're more limited in what abilities you can use from other classes but you gain abilities to specialize in your role more.