Corran Horn
May the Schwartz be with you
I want to login 
Stupid server being full
Stupid server being full
How the heck did you guys download this ? I'm getting 0.12 MB/s...
Go to the beta forums and grab the download link for the beta, that's all you need.
I dont know if you just started but it takes a good 5 to 10 minutes,then your speed should steadily rise close to your speed limit...
I started an hour ago :\... I'm at 0.15 MB/s
This will take forever; is it a torrent or something ?
How long is the maint for?
This was the only listed time and date so far for this current beta test. Gotta just keep checking the forums to see when they announce the next time frame.
I haven't kept up on this game, so I was hoping you could answer a couple of questions. All of these questions are using the base of FFXI as my foundation.
I no longer have time for the time sink requirements a game like FFXI had, so my decision to play would be based on this:
1) How solo friendly is this game?
2) How "short play time burst" friendly is this game?
I no longer own a PC, so I would be worried about the following:
1) Any release dates announced for PS3 or PS4?
2) Would I be at a disadvantage on PS3 over PC? With FFXI, players on PS2 and 360 were severely handicapped vs PC players due to equipment swaps / advanced macro'ing / notifications. I wouldn't want to play on PS3/PS4 if that was the same (I'm hoping the built-in GUI and controls are better than FFXI was)
Hey I know everyone is busy playing the beta, but if anyone can expand on the answer I got of "Very" to the first two questions, it would be much appreciated.
What? Damn. The roadmap said that phase one would last a few weeks. I didn't think the beta would be a day or so :/
What? Damn. The roadmap said that phase one would last a few weeks. I didn't think the beta would be a day or so :/
how many of you guys are non legacy non alpha players but still managed to get the beta keys?
so jealous ; ;
Next test has been confirmed for the weekend.
Are we getting the full weekend to play it or sporadic times again?
hopefully you guys can tell me this much without breaking the nda...
how is the battle system? standard MMO skill spam fare?
i remember someone saying positioning is supposedly an important aspect of the new system? how does it work if you're soloing?
if it breaks nda then i guess you can just ignore this ; ;
I wonder how much more tuning the water surfaces will get. I have a slight obsession with it being fixed.
Ahah also i'm a water lover and i'm agree with the beta forum feedback.
I can't believe the amount of negative feedback about the graphics engine and music so far, really sad to see.