This (famous) scenery video is the pure example of what i want 'to live' in Eorzea
Ohhhhhhh man if that doesn't bring a nostalgic tear to my eye I don't know what does.
This (famous) scenery video is the pure example of what i want 'to live' in Eorzea
I agree.
I agree.
I went through the feedback and impressions thread on the JP side and I did notice some of these comments. But generally, even with a more involved system a la 1.0 original or the attack to build TP method even, you're going to get bored at some stage. That, or you're going to get sore fingers.
I still see many of these posts starting with "in FF11...".
I've also read a few JP comments saying that the new system was bad because they were unable to chat while fighting anymore. While I perfectly understand this concern (this is going to create a rift in my own LS in the long run as some of them, including our leader, are vocal Voice Chat haters).
As Yoshida mentioned several times already, a lot of JP players only ever played FF11 and FF14, so they tend to have a very limited scope of experience in MMOs. These complaints on the English (and French, for that matter) side of the forums typically tend to come from former FF11 players as well.
I still see many of these posts starting with "in FF11...".
I've also read a few JP comments saying that the new system was bad because they were unable to chat while fighting anymore. While I perfectly understand this concern (this is going to create a rift in my own LS in the long run as some of them, including our leader, are vocal Voice Chat haters), this say a lot about what they really want.
As Yoshida mentioned several times already, a lot of JP players only ever played FF11 and FF14, so they tend to have a very limited scope of experience in MMOs. These complaints on the English (and French, for that matter) side of the forums typically tend to come from former FF11 players as well.
I've also read a few JP comments saying that the new system was bad because they were unable to chat while fighting anymore. While I perfectly understand this concern (this is going to create a rift in my own LS in the long run as some of them, including our leader, are vocal Voice Chat haters), this say a lot about what they really want.
As Yoshida mentioned several times already, a lot of JP players only ever played FF11 and FF14, so they tend to have a very limited scope of experience in MMOs. These complaints on the English (and French, for that matter) side of the forums typically tend to come from former FF11 players as well.
Some Japanese players use voice chat. My LS is Japanese and we use mumble for events. I guess it's just about putting social anxiety beside you and enjoying yourself. But as it was previously mentioned many players have come from 11 and 14 being their only experiences in MMORPG's hence the comfort zone situation.
I do think the current system is reflective of what we'll see to an extent, more so we're looking the lower level range of combat. I imagine the higher you level the more skills you'll be juggling and timing and preservation will become another matter.
We also haven't seen gear/buffs yet that mixes with the new stats they added. In general picking apart the combat system by level 10 is not a good idea, hell FFXIV 1.0 had classes that didn't have a single combo till lvl 18 (I'm looking at you THM...), we are also missing half the classes that are going to be in at launch which give special abilities that can be used on other classes. Yoshida has stated several times in interviews he wants the early level experience to warm people slowly into the game so there wouldn't be a harsh leveling curve, like lvl 1-15 is a mostly solo affair and then lvl 18+ have light/casual party content with guildhest (formly behest), small introductory dungeons and the like and then slowly add in more nuances into the combat so that people can learn things properly as they go along. Proper hate management/crowd control for instance he alluded in a past interview he wanted to be a focus around lvl 25-30, the point of time we also just so happened to start getting access to the job system as well. Because we have a small ability selection and mobs die fast, it seems really spammy by contrast (tp and mp recovers very quickly when out of combat), get into longer battles designed around group efforts and I think its going to turn out different when you can't recover mp very fast, tp recovers slower, and hp regenerates at an extremely slow pace as to be non-existent.
We also haven't seen gear/buffs yet that mixes with the new stats they added. In general picking apart the combat system by level 10 is not a good idea, hell FFXIV 1.0 had classes that didn't have a single combo till lvl 18 (I'm looking at you THM...), we are also missing half the classes that are going to be in at launch which give special abilities that can be used on other classes. Yoshida has stated several times in interviews he wants the early level experience to warm people slowly into the game so there wouldn't be a harsh leveling curve, like lvl 1-15 is a mostly solo affair and then lvl 18+ have light/casual party content with guildhest (formly behest), small introductory dungeons and the like and then slowly add in more nuances into the combat so that people can learn things properly as they go along. Proper hate management/crowd control for instance he alluded in a past interview he wanted to be a focus around lvl 25-30, the point of time we also just so happened to start getting access to the job system as well. Because we have a small ability selection and mobs die fast, it seems really spammy by contrast (tp and mp recovers very quickly when out of combat), get into longer battles designed around group efforts and I think its going to turn out different when you can't recover mp very fast, tp recovers slower, and hp regenerates at an extremely slow pace as to be non-existent.
That's pretty much it, yeah. Sadly those pillocks on the forums are so dense they'd never be able to process any of it.
Some Japanese players use voice chat. My LS is Japanese and we use mumble for events. I guess it's just about putting social anxiety beside you and enjoying yourself. But as it was previously mentioned many players have come from 11 and 14 being their only experiences in MMORPG's hence the comfort zone situation.
I do think the current system is reflective of what we'll see to an extent, more so we're looking the lower level range of combat. I imagine the higher you level the more skills you'll be juggling and timing and preservation will become another matter.
I know, my LS leader told me as well, even disingenuously stating that CNJ was so much better in 1.0 because you had combos by that level (while actually the first combo-able spell was Stonera... Which was a lv 22 spell).People trying to convince me on the forums that XIV 1.0 had way more strategy involving at lvl 15 (soloing) that ARR was the moment I'd said to myself that I should just ignore it and contain myself.
People trying to convince me on the forums that XIV 1.0 had way more strategy involving at lvl 15 (soloing) that ARR was the moment I'd said to myself that I should just ignore it and contain myself.
Do they say "hai" a lot?
Being the bread and butter of the language, we do, yes
Either that or isolated grunts.
I recall having some fun going into leves way above my level as a LNC and having to make good use of positioning or I'll die within dozen seconds. That was back when 1.0 was heavily AoE focused. Small things like that would be interesting to me if brought back.
Hopefully they don't buckle and change the speed. I've not played with it yet (since I didn't get in) but I much prefer faster paced combat.
Hopefully they don't buckle and change the speed. I've not played with it yet (since I didn't get in) but I much prefer faster paced combat.
Is there LS yet? Does the GAF group have a channel or whatever to gather together?
I was able to make a character on Tonberry after the character wipe. I got it to level 9 I think (Archer). would like to get to 15 + for dungeon during the weekend with gaffers.
I honestly don't know how practical it will be until they let us on for more than 24 hours at a time, but this is what I was using. If you want me to add your name too, I will.
I honestly don't know how practical it will be until they let us on for more than 24 hours at a time, but this is what I was using. If you want me to add your name too, I will.
These are the bees that need to be roaming Eorzea:
They already went Amano inspired with the gnats (Beelzebub from FF1), toads, and the raptors, why not keep going?
While i'm at it, lets throw one of these in for good measure:
Also i'll try to get on mumble with you guys next time.
Can we put this in the OP or something?
Zorak? Yeah, Zorak.
Man, one of these things running at me under the Black Shroud in the middle of the night would turn Eorzea into Silent Hill.
Did 1.0 have any enemies that were mildly or even severely terrifying for people? I can't think of any. Though admittedly I was kind of thrown off a bit when I saw Atomos for the first time and had not read the news, so in turn having no context when he started crapping out Deepvoids.
They already went Amano inspired with the gnats (Beelzebub from FF1), toads, and the raptors, why not keep going?
Can we put this in the OP or something?
Hey, they also have FFIV's Yellow Dragon with the pink and blue highlights on it. Can't wait to slay that beast
The Behemoth looks like the FFXI, no wings I think. Chimera is in, but I've only seen in that bullshot. Chupon is in, or whatever creature that is.
It's nice to see Amano inspiration here. I hope that the sand worm is in because Amano's design on that thing is iconic.
I cant wait to see how Chupon animates, and yeah, nice catch on the dragon.
Chimera was in 1.0 as well:
There was another version of the monster as a dungeon boss, but I think I made it to the thing once. I know our LS must've killed it at least twice though.
Damn, I'm off for three days and then the test starts the day I go back.
Anyone who played the Beta more than me and likes the exploring, was the gate south of Hawthorne Hut open? Were there NPCs in Fallgourd Float? What is the big building in Fallgourd Float?
They pretty much removed the wait for tp part, and once people start fighting longer fights it's going to be about managing your tp and spending it properly. If you played a rogue in wow the idea is similar.
Oh another nice touch, you can now sit on every chair in the pubs, buildings, etc.
With the /sit emote? I mentioned that to someone else and they told me you could do that in 1.0. Was really cook when I found it, as I thought all the background stuff was going to just be non interactive.
I'm I the only one who enjoys ARR battle more than I enjoyed 1.0 battle?
I'm I the only one who enjoys ARR battle more than I enjoyed 1.0 battle?
I'm I the only one who enjoys ARR battle more than I enjoyed 1.0 battle?
You could in 1.0 but not on the pub tables for example. Now you can. And i love this lol.
I love that you can sit on things at the bars now. Some drinking emotes would go a long way for people that want to RP as well, I think.
I love that you can sit on things at the bars now. Some drinking emotes would go a long way for people that want to RP as well, I think.