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Final Fantasy XIV |OT2| ARR: Phase 4 August.

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I don't think 11 had a good community, it was good as long as you didn't bump into any elistist pricks, but they were everywhere, in games like WoW you are more likely to just bump into pricks and they aren't nearly as bad IMO.

I spent more of my time helping low level players than doing end-game content once I capped in XIV. Like I said though, it wasn't uncommon for me to see the same thing in the early years of XI. After about 2004/5 however, someone asking for help was likely to be met with hostility and elitism rather than someone just trying to be helpful.

Was just curious if anyone experienced different elsewhere.


I don't think we'll ever see a community like XI's in XIV (whether it be you becoming familiar with your "generation" of levelers or the insane endgame drama). Best case scenario is being in a good LS or two, but I don't really find that interesting. The separate servers kills off the fascinating multicultural aspect, but then would it really have ever mattered?

You don't need to tell me the negative aspects of playing with Japanese players or having to party up. I think things were good for the same reason they were bad. Hardship creates meaningful bonds. It happens out of necessity. Otherwise most humans naturally aim for the easy route*. I'd like it if they could find a balance between FFXI (which was terribly designed and as hellish as you can expect any MMO to be) and a new modern MMO (and not to mention improve combat across the board). If it comes down to playing a "bad MMO" (a bad version of a kind of game I dislike) like FFXI to capture a fascinating social ecosystem, I'm down. Otherwise I'm just here for the pretty graphics and lore and Nael Deus fights.

*: This is why they should be extremely cautious with solo content. However they simply are not going to be and that's just how it is.

EDIT: I think my best case scenario is that story missions are crazy hard and small communities form from pick-up parties failing and failing. Did I mention I liked Nael Deus Darnus?
Incoming boring and sad story:

I've never been branded as one of these "elitist jerks" in FFXI or WoW, but I have had to delineate myself from casuals, which can get ugly for a community. In both games I ran progression LS and guilds, even got a couple of server first kills. Many friends got left out. It sucked, but you made new like-minded friends.

In FFXI, when we started getting into Sky (long time ago) we only took the top players. Naturally, this pissed people off, especially people that didn't have the time/gil to do the proper quests or get the proper gear. Drama ensued. FFXI endgame was really gear dependent, at least for me anyway as NIN and DRK, I had spent millions on my gear to keep up. I hope that FFXIV isn't like that :/

WoW was a lot easier to stratify since the best gear dropped and wasn't purchased/crafted. We had 3 raid groups: A, B, C. These were in order of best to not best. If you did well, you moved up. We would rotate the best of A into leadership roles in B and C. Very organized, fair, and simple. Then again, WoW was a massive game, full of hundreds of players to keep coming in. I don't know if FFXIV will be like that.

Well, anyway, I love progression, some people cannot understand why that would be fun, but to each their own.


I don't think 11 had a good community, it was good as long as you didn't bump into any elistist pricks, but they were everywhere, in games like WoW you are more likely to just bump into pricks and they aren't nearly as bad IMO.

I just love how they forced you to work together in a way that shitty players are always weeded out. Shitty tank can't hold hate? Bard can't keep songs up and pull? WHM can't manage MP? Now I know you suck and won't invite you again. As many shitty DDs and tanks I invited, I still met a bunch of great players and great people. I never would have met these people if I was just solo grinding in a bad game like WoW :/
I just love how they forced you to work together in a way that shitty players are always weeded out. Shitty tank can't hold hate? Bard can't keep songs up and pull? WHM can't manage MP? Now I know you suck and won't invite you again. As many shitty DDs and tanks I invited, I still met a bunch of great players and great people.

In a kinder way, this is how I felt :)
When I dropped XI it was because I wasn't invited and expected to "know" everything despite being a newbie. I could have stuck with it. But the people I met were so cold and the game was so unforgiving.... I simply went somewhere else. I think the only reason I stuck with it as long as I did initially was because the world and the music was awesome back then.

To this day the most fun and excitement I have ever had in an MMO was running from Bastok to Sand'Oria at level 10.


Genuine question: Do any modern MMOs just simply have good communities nowadays? I've not played too much outside of XI and XIV (at least high-level in-depthwise)
but my experience has typically been a bad one. For the first few years of XI, people were pretty awesome, but that was also before Internet information clusters started forming (specifically tailored guides and whatnot), so people were pretty much forced to help one another.

I've never ran into an MMO outside of XI that had anything I'd call a community at all. They've just got similar people you may run into every once in awhile. XI was a rare occurrence because of perfect storm of forced interaction through parties and with a large amount of open-world content that forced people with similar priorities to be around each other often. XIV was just very small.

Never seen that in any other major MMO. People are pretty much disposable and you can say or do whatever you want with zero repercussions. That's probably what we're going to see in XIV 2.0.
When I dropped XI it was because I wasn't invited and expected to "know" everything despite being a newbie. I could have stuck with it. But the people I met were so cold and the game was so unforgiving.... I simply went somewhere else. I think the only reason I stuck with it as long as I did initially was because the world and the music was awesome back then.

To this day the most fun and excitement I have ever had in an MMO was running from Bastok to Sand'Oria at level 10.

They should just release a version of the game called "Danger Run" where you are level 10, have 1 dust and 1 sneak oil, and you have to make it to all of the major cities. If you die, you start back at your starting city.
Elitism and just aging (boring) gameplay made me leave XI. During my last months in the game I did nothing but help lower level people who probably eventually became elitists. :p
My personal experience with XI was great, at least in the first years. There was a lof of people willing to help and my LS was really nice, I remember we spent like a day getting SMN job together, I didn't even want it but I was there to help or rather just do something together. People with high level jobs or low levels all together and having fun.

When I came back (years later) the situation was veeeery different and the experience with my new LS (since my old one dissapeared) wasn't, well let's just say it wasn't was as pleasant. Anecdotal evidence but I think, that at least on my server, community went to shit over the years.


My only problem with elitism is that FFXI evolved in a very, very boring way.

I stopped playing when I realized I had to suck up to LS higher ups to get gear. No I won't sit here and boost/Chi all day and never get an Osode. I had a decent time NIN tanking in Dynamis though, it was the only thing I enjoyed about the endgame.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just ran the benchmark at max settings 1920x1200 and got a score of 5250... The game looks very nice, indeed and runs smoothly.

I'll be upgrading from a 5870 to a 7970 later today, so I hope to see a big jump in the benchmark score.
I never would have met these people if I was just solo grinding in a bad game like WoW :/

Bad is subjective and there are still a lot of things that even the games that have come and tried to directly copy WoW haven't been able to accomplish as well as WoW regarding game play and game systems. Big example relating to the subject here is the combat system. Game came out in like 2004 and yet ever class had a different game play mechanic and resource management system that gave each class a uniqueness to play that FFXIV could only hope to have at this point.

Also, relating to your statement, in every zone there was series of quests that couldn't be soloed without being over leveled or using some sort of trickery. Difference is that it didn't force it, and let people decide for themselves if that is the kind of person they wanted to be. Of course all of this has changed and things like cross server battlegrounds/instances and dungeon finder removed any semblance of forced teamwork that you would need to develop with people of your server, but the game wasn't always as bad as people think it is now. There were good reasons that I dropped my 75s on XI within a week of being convinced to give it a try.

They should just release a version of the game called "Danger Run" where you are level 10, have 1 dust and 1 sneak oil, and you have to make it to all of the major cities. If you die, you start back at your starting city.

Thing that got me first hooked on XI was the run to Jeuno. From that point on I always wanted to explore and go places where everything around me could kill easily with no chance for me to escape. The aggro system in XI was great and it's sad that games just don't seem interested in copying it. I don't think a game completely based on that mechanic would work though since part of my fun with it was being places and going to zones where I really didn't think I should be.

Ala Alba

Thing that got me first hooked on XI was the run to Jeuno. From that point on I always wanted to explore and go places where everything around me could kill easily with no chance for me to escape. The aggro system in XI was great and it's sad that games just don't seem interested in copying it. I don't think a game completely based on that mechanic would work though since part of my fun with it was being places and going to zones where I really didn't think I should be.

I imagine the feeling must be similar to attempting to visit every Aetheryte in XIV 1.2x.
I imagine the feeling must be similar to attempting to visit every Aetheryte in XIV 1.2x.

Something similar, I assume, was one of my favorite quests in XI. One that most people never completed and didn't like I'm sure. The quest to get the crawler's nest map.

That feeling of exploration is something few things go for now. I miss being expected to be able to navigate though clearly hostile zones that you have no chance to even zone if something aggros you. Expected to do all that on the way to the next area that you are suppose to go story and leveling wise. Zones and games are now designed with too much of a clear point a to b path that you never have to go out of your comfort zone to follow.

WoW had some of that as well at the start. Going from Darny to Ironforge at a low level was great. Rolling up to a massive mountain with a city built into it seamlessly with no loading except on a ship ride was a different kind of pleasure. Seeing it in the distance and realizing that that is where you were headed, and it wasn't just some background decoration or environment flavor. That kind of immersion was one of the things that pulled me from XI to WoW.


Reads more like the learning curve goes up with levels. To not judge the game based on the first 15 levels because those are specifically targeted to the casual player base and new console MMO player influx.

MY BODY IS READY... 3 hours remain D:


Loved this part:

He gets it guys! He really gets it. This gives me hope for the future of the battle system and party based content.

You may want to be careful posting direct quotes if that's from the ARR Beta forums.

Though, it's a breath of relief to hear his views on it.


Just because he tried to help us out a few months ago, I sent Yoshi-P a code for the Japanese release of Skullgirls.

Got a quick reply, but he basically said he'll play it whenever he has a break.

Ala Alba

Hmm, I was thinking about class variety and potential jobs, and had a couple ideas (wishful thinking, mostly) I'd like to share.

Thematically speaking, a Dancer job would make an excellent evade tank. Dancers should be good at drawing attention, and I can see matador-esque movements being incorporated.

Second, I really want a Chemist-type job. Maybe as an offshoot of Musketeer for the guns. With a 'Mix' ability, and a way to use most items without much cool down. TP based healing, perhaps?

Yeah that's all. I blame these thoughts on not being able to play the beta for a few more hours.


I stopped playing when I realized I had to suck up to LS higher ups to get gear. No I won't sit here and boost/Chi all day and never get an Osode. I had a decent time NIN tanking in Dynamis though, it was the only thing I enjoyed about the endgame.

LS stuff was ugly, though I sort of miss it. I think one of my worst (/best learning) experiences was becoming a leader of a minor endgame shell. At the time I was totally unprepared to deal with, how should I put it... the lower elements of human interaction. I was a bit of a pollyanna on LS affairs up until then. I was only in it out of some misguided dream to create a HNM LS, because why not, but the experience hardened me. I was only a teen at the time, so it was neat.

However, what I meant was that the strategy of FFXI simply went to shit. Zerging is simply not interesting at all. A game which is reduced to zerging has failed. I liked that I was in a LS which employed skillchains a lot (with MBs, as a BLM), but that was a shitty strategy compared to just pumping numbers. Since I left it seems FFXI has only gone further in this direction. It is insane.


Neo Member
Tonberry character seems blocked out until it frees up a bit.

I tried making a new character on a different, less full server, but it still gives a connection error when trying to load.

Looks like things are going to be a bit busted at the start.


So I was actually able to make a toon on Tonberry this time. I named it "Frisky Twotimes". Now if only I could actually connect.


Edit: removed quote.

He gets it guys! He really gets it. This gives me hope for the future of the battle system and party based content.

And thats why I use these on the forums:




I tried Tonberry for 15 minutes and then created a new character on Atomos and it logged me in straight away. Maybe everyone wants to get on tonberry or tonberry is having problems o_O


The server we pick always has problems/random maintenance/something.


Great, now the entire everything is full. You'd think with extra servers up + seeing how many people logged in before, there would be expanded limits... Either that or they allowed more testers than they should have.


The server we pick always has problems/random maintenance/something.


Great, now the entire everything is full. You'd think with extra servers up + seeing how many people logged in before, there would be expanded limits... Either that or they allowed more testers than they should have.

I really don't understand how the world is full when they control the amount of beta keys that went out. As good as the game is, this is extremely disappointing.


Well, I'll say one thing. I may not be able to get into any of the servers, but at least there are a lot of people clearly interested in the game. Hopefully they stick around when it actually launches.


To be honest, it's incredibly laggy. Even if you could log on, you're not going to have much fun. Overloading their servers is the point, though. If they can resolve lag issues with so many people crammed into beginner areas, they'll be well prepared for launch.

Logged off, in any case. Going to get some sleep.
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