Mr. Luchador
Moogles are cool.
There, I said it.
There, I said it.
Stefan;63534921 said:1. As long as you didn't link your SE EU account to your US PSN then you're fine.
2. Phase 4 is will be open beta so it doesn't really matter. I don't know whether character progression will be carried over from phase 3 to 4. However, I do believe you will be able to carry your phase 4 character over once the game launches.
I am sure there is an extensive FAQ for all of this.
You're not joining GAF server?
Oh I don't know it didn't say anything in the OP about who should make it. The name was actually too long so maybe you even want to choose something different, I had to get it with no spaces. If you'd rather be owner I can probably transfer it to you (delete and remake), doesn't matter to me. Are you in yet?
I did. RIP I'm screwed aren't I?
Stefan;63535356 said:Well I'm not quite sure, but if it does pose as a concern you could always contact support once the game launches.
ETA 160 minutes for the update.
Im in the JP server.
Stefan™;63535771 said:Mine is ~600 minutes. RIP. Why is it so damn slow?
Ouch, that sucks. I'm getting 800kb, EU.
Kyon - are you actually playing or still downloading? I see you on my friends list, apparently in the game, haha. I guess that's just the client?
nooooooooooooooooooo I just got a US code in email and now i already linked my US PSN account to my EU SE account. noooooooooooooooooooo how do unlink it?
I did a few searches in the SE support section and couldn't find anything so I'd recommend calling SE support when they open to see if it's possible. In the off chance you can't unlock it and you can't use the code, I'd gladly put it to good use.
PS3 Client Warning - Do not cancel it.
It does not continue from where you last started, as far as I can tell. It goes back to 0%.
I thought this was how all PS3 downloads worked? Can you not do a background download for it?
Also, my internet ;_; start the download when I went to sleep, wake up and it's only a little over 4 gigs downloaded. Still got a couple hours left, but I am under the assumption the servers will be crap for most of the day anyway.
Spoiled for choice today - FF Beta & The Last of Us. I don't know which to play!
Same with me, but also add Animal Crossing...
GAF Server is Ultros right? I'll make a Character there later today.
Handsome dude you're standing next to.
Literally just got my beta invite! How long is the DL on PC?
It looks so good maxed out <3
So pretty! How do you take screenshots?
My character's name will be Okami Amaterasu (my 1.0 char) when I make her later.