Now that a remake is announced, with SE's track record only hilarity can ensue from here.
FF8 remake next.
Now that a remake is announced, with SE's track record only hilarity can ensue from here.
FF8 remake next.
Free-to-play iOS and Android.
FF8 remake next.
Upcoming schedule for the week. Looking forward to the prelim patch notes reading tonight.
So there's a real chance that in 12-ish hours we'll finally get some real data on all the new skills?
It may actually finally be time to get hype/RSVP for Bard's funeral.
I expect to be disappointed by whatever else they do to the Scholar.So there's a real chance that in 12-ish hours we'll finally get some real data on all the new skills?
It may actually finally be time to get hype/RSVP for Bard's funeral.
I mean, if I may break character for a moment, Bard is gonna be borderline broken. Two new on GCD skills out of five, and two of the skills are songs. Empyrean Arrow looks like the new lone off GCD skill so that means Sidewinder/Iron Jaw are on GCD. I don't know how that's supposed to bring balance to the force. It'll be interesting to see.
Time to glamour that dungeon set, because black will be in season come Friday. Retire the Amon hat now.
Unless they drop the cast time from Minuet, and they really, really should (does anybody else have to stand still for three seconds just to stance dance?)
(does anybody else have to stand still for three seconds just to stance dance?)
Have you met Black Mage? We have to stand still for the whole fight.
Have you met Black Mage? We have to stand still for the whole fight.
Speaking of which, now that Ley Lines is a thing, I sure am glad that I won't have pesky bards running around in circles and forcing me to break the lines because they dropped a player-targeted AOE on where I was standing.
Thanks Yoshida. <3
I mean, imagine slapping a three second cast time on Cleric stance. People would freak.
now just blame the healers
I definitely can agree with what you said about possible icons and ogcd/ongcd stuff.Agree on broken, do not agree on your icon assessment. The two GCD skills have a TP cost, which usually (always?) means no cooldown beyond GCD. Sidewinder being Bard Fester, that's wayyyyyy too powerful to be able to spam on GCD (and renders Heavy Shot useless), so I'm guessing that's our new oGCD. One of the two new GCDs looks like a bear trap, so Iron Jaw, and the other looks like a bow so I'd guess Empyrean.
Bard contagion only costing 60 TP and having no extended cooldown is still dumb as hell, so I have to be missing something but I guess the usage hinges on having Minuet up, so kiss having Max DPS bards move EVER goodbye as Minuet uptime to keep extending opener dots will be priority one. Unless they drop the cast time from Minuet, and they really, really should (does anybody else have to stand still for three seconds just to stance dance?)
Originally CS had no recast delay upon application.
Anyway the thing you all need to consider here is that you're thinking about raiding issues in terms of how battles are designed now in ARR whereas design of raid battles specifically could change dramatically.
It makes sense for Fester to be useful for it to be off with a decent cooldown to it. Otherwise it's super busted. Iron Jaw can be on because you won't be spamming it. Who even knows what Empyrean does yet even, so maybe THAT replaces Heavy Shot while in Minuet.
I can't see them changing battles drastically because ARR revolved around movement. You're still going to see movement heavy fights in Heavensward.
The worst part of a new filler move would be figuring out how to map it while keeping Heavy Shot comfortably accessible for level-synced stuff.
Oh man. That's the most exciting part of tonight--hopefully having enough detail to start figuring out how to remap everything.
im already maxed out on button space as it is. I dont want to be using shifts and ctrls. That's dumb
It's an MMO, you should get used to this.
Im not trying to fat finger skills in the heat of the moment. If I can get by without using multiple buttons I'll try
G600 bro
Also, bard tears are delicious
im already maxed out on button space as it is. I dont want to be using shifts and ctrls. That's dumb
Well use a controller then.
Why downgrade to something with less buttons?
You all can keep your Shenmues and FFVIIrs, somehow there is another NieR I don't know how this is happening but it needs a tie-in event. Amazing music and catgirls/Catgirl 2.0s everywhere would probably kill for Kaine's outfit.
Gimme that moon head
Nothing new for this game shown at the E3 Conference.
Still no FFXII HD. *table flip*
Still no FFXII HD. *table flip*
Time for more cash shop wind-up minions?
Nothing new for this game shown at the E3 Conference.
Still no FFXII HD. *table flip*
Wind-up Grimoire Weiss!
Now we're talking.Wind-up Grimoire Weiss!
You all can keep your Shenmues and FFVIIrs, somehow there is another NieR I don't know how this is happening but it needs a tie-in event. Amazing music and catgirls/Catgirl 2.0s everywhere would probably kill for Kaine's outfit.
I feel like I need to go out and play NieR now.
ffxii hd is already out
you just need pcsx2