The next 4 delta's of Omega out tomorrow right?
Along with the first 4 delta's in savage?
No, the next non-savage fights of Omega won't come out for several months.The next 4 delta's of Omega out tomorrow right?
Along with the first 4 delta's in savage?
No. FF14 raids are 4 fights. Savage is out next week, not tomorrow.The next 4 delta's of Omega out tomorrow right?
Along with the first 4 delta's in savage?
SMN I haven't had the chance to play around with yet.How do you like SCH / SMN at 70? SCH was my first class, but I abandoned it at 42 because I didn't have Swiftcast and didn't want to raise BM to get it. (Well, that and CS dancing mishaps).
I've got AST sitting at 42 right now too, and it's pretty fun. ^^
How does SUM play? Is it fun or just Broil / Ruin x 1000?
Nah, the main raids come in tiers of 4 and are released every 7 months give or take.Well, shit. I just assumed they would release 4 Detlas each week until it was done and then Return to Ivalice would be further down the line.
Guess i've got time to take a break and play FF12.
I'm on level 36 quests and I think I have like 160 more quests before Heavensward.Right now I'm doing Level 30 Quests, I'm. Can someone tell me how far I am into the ARR story and how much more I have to do before reaching Heavensward?on my way to deal with the Kobolds
Well, shit. I just assumed they would release 4 Detlas each week until it was done and then Return to Ivalice would be further down the line.
Guess i've got time to take a break and play FF12.
It takes a lot of effort to design and tune boss fights, and each set is basically 4 boss fights, some more complex than others.
Yeah generally speaking unless you have more than one main job you would like to work on than you're going to have some extra time to play other games on the side because you're routine would boil down to logging in to do some daily daily objectives (Gold Saucer Cacpot, Roulettes, Beast Tribe Quests) or work on some weekly objectives (Omega drops and Wondrous Tales) until the next batch of content drops in 9 weeks.Yeah, i understand that. A long with the story content to go with it.
I've just never been about when a raid has launched fresh so didn't know how the content rolled out.
Yeah generally speaking unless you have more than one main job you would like to work on than you're going to have some extra time to play other games on the side because you're routine would boil down to logging in to do some daily daily objectives (Gold Saucer Cacpot, Roulettes, Beast Tribe Quests) or work on some weekly objectives (Omega drops and Wondrous Tales) until the next batch of content drops in 9 weeks.
Yeah, i understand that. A long with the story content to go with it.
I've just never been about when a raid has launched fresh so didn't know how the content rolled out.
Shot in the dark here, but I was having a problem like that and it turned out my wireless connection was to blame. I'd never had major issues with other games, but FFXIV is apparently very bad at dealing with client-side packet loss. I was constantly getting massive lag spikes, after a few seconds of which I would either disconnect or everything would sort of play in fast-forward in my client until I was back up to speed. It was weird.
The solution for me was to upgrade my wireless connection to 5ghz instead of 2.4ghz. Everything's been smooth since then.
How viable is it to pug the Extreme Primals and Omega? I want to try the content but I have no guild.
You're like a quarter into ARR, I'm afraid.
I'm on level 36 quests and I think I have like 160 more quests before Heavensward.![]()
Ooooooooooh boy...
So, uh, I REALLY like the game so far. But...does the story or its presentation pick up at all until then? Maybe in regards to voiced dialogue? Cutscenes? Those do exist all ready but they sure are sparse as fuck :/
Yes to everythingOoooooooooh boy...
So, uh, I REALLY like the game so far. But...does the story or its presentation pick up at all until then? Maybe in regards to voiced dialogue? Cutscenes? Those do exist all ready but they sure are sparse as fuck :/
Yes to everything
You're basically at the worst part of the game storywise. Game picks up immensely once you get over the main ARR plot and the expansions are miles better.
Speaking of the story, lol, apparently the threat of Titan is a big deal but now this guy wants me spend hours collecting food for him. Mmos man...
The Titan trolling, the Garuda trolling, and the 2.1 to 2.3 zzzzzzzzzzz content are the lowest points of FFXIV. Those are clearly time wasting filler questlines where they make you do as much pointless garbage as possible to pad out stuff because they could make a limited amount of "OMG" content.
But that all changes with 2.4. From that point on, presumably because FFXIV actually took off and they knew they wouldn't be wasting their time on a dead project, everything got really focused and streamlined. Budget got a big boost too.
I'm glad it gets out of this rut eventually then. Where is 2.4 game wise, is it what people call the expansions?
Speaking of the story, lol, apparently the threat of Titan is a big deal but now this guy wants me spend hours collecting food for him. Mmos man...
2.4 is between ARR and HW. Basically the story content that filled the gap between the main game and the first expansion.
If Delta Savage is anything like Creator Savage then yes, it'll be puggable.Never done Savage stuff.
Can you just pug it?
I want to fight O4 (Savage) spoiler.Neo Exdeath
Never done Savage stuff.
Can you just pug it?
I want to fight O4 (Savage) spoiler.Neo Exdeath
I'm glad it gets out of this rut eventually then. Where is 2.4 game wise, is it what people call the expansions?
I'm kind of in the same spot, though I think our comp would be considered optimal. Healing serious content for the first time as well.Shaping up to raid with a pretty non-optimal comp, and healing srs stuff for the first time ever, so it should at least be entertaining.
The whole reason behind normal mode and savage is for the people who don't want to do actual raiding but still want to see the story. Locking a "true" ending. Behind savage would be frustrating for everyone involved.I suppose it's too much to hope that Omega Savage gets its own story. I feel like they could make it work within the framework they have set up for Omega already:Say,
Omega decides that your battle data is not good enough, so it throws more difficult battles at you to defeat. Then, after the 3rd Omega tier in 4.4 they could set it up where you can get both the good ending (if you beat Omega normal) or the "true" ending if you beat Savage. Make Savage like coil- only open up the next tier after the previous tier has been completed and then, for the story section of the third tier have Omega kill everyone anyways (because your performance was not sufficient or whatever) unless you beat the 3rd Savage tier to get the "true" ending.
But nah, they'll probably just do minstrel.
Prog should be funny considering I'm one greedy son of a bitch. People will die while I chuck rocks.
My job icon might be green but I assure you my heart is red.This sounds like the WHM I'm going to be stuck with, who claims to be WHM because they didn't want to level a pet class or force me to switch off AST but I'm like 90% sure just wants the highest personal DPS.
I am going to spend the entire tier triggered by Assize going off half a GCD before I detonate Earthly Star. "But it was up!" I planted that thing 15 seconds ago you had to know it was going off after that AOE FIGHT ME.
So what you're saying is that you want me to cast Assize more often? Don't mind if I do!Really I'll just retaliate by overwriting AOE balance on them with single target spear.
First Baha coil was hell on PUGs but I never played actual savage stuff post-ARR so I don't know where it sits now.
I mean in the first days most Pugs couldn't do the first floor sub-boss.
WHMs already have a built in Spear, I don't think they care anymore
No, Savage for the first 4 comes out July 18th. The next 4 won't release until patch 4.2.
Each patch takes about 3.5 months so 4.2 should be in January or so.How far is 4.2 away? How is the content-release schedule for FFXIV? I'm used to waiting months for new content with WoW.
How much longer until I unlock Ishgard?
I've done the MSQ and had the credits roll and im nowbuilding up the Scions in Mor Ghana (or whatevs). Unlocked a bunch of Hard mode dungeons.
You still have another 100 or so quests in 2.xx before Heavensward.