I....quite like the design of that really.Look at this shit, I can't believe someone was like "yeah that works perfectly".
I....quite like the design of that really.Look at this shit, I can't believe someone was like "yeah that works perfectly".
Can't wait for the savage version so people can dye it into a flesh toneI....quite like the design of that really.
・ドラゴンサイトの発動条件が 6m以内 → 12m以内に
・イルーシブジャンプは リキャストタイムを30秒に変更。
lol lochs instances are back with 4.05
potential 3 ixions in a row![]()
Unless they make it so the spawn timer randomization is shared between the three instances, that doesn't fix the problem as each instance will be spammed one at a time.
The fix would be to either...
1. Increase the number of horns Ixion drops, so people have to do it less
2. Lower the horn requirements for the mount, so people have to do it less
It's so you don't get forced into ST combo if you want to keep BoTD up during AOE pulls in dungeons, that was a commonly requested buff.(I'm not sure who the fuck thought Sonic Thrust needed that change or how it helps at all....)
(I'm not sure who the fuck thought Sonic Thrust needed that change or how it helps at all....)]
Not sure how poop the stats are in comparison to the gear I had, but I don't think spending on ironworks would be that good.If I'm a lvl 60 gatherer with the base 3.0 hq gear, I think it was serpent skin, without slotted materia, how should I go about leveling? Should I try and grind until I hit 61 and buy hq or vendor gear, or should I buy the ironworks gear so that I can gather easier?
Sadly, I think it says everything about the dev team currently when the player base finds a better skill rotation than they did...and they punish the players for it.
Oh shit does that mean glamour log?!Yoshida: However, we're planning to touch on glamour in the future, and we're planning functions such as accessing glamour history.
I mean, that's what balancing a game means? No game dev can take every possible optimization into account when balancing a game, NIN wasn't intended to do as much damage as it does currently so they're toning it down, it has nothing to do with "punishing" players.Sadly, I think it says everything about the dev team currently when the player base finds a better skill rotation than they did...and they punish the players for it.
They're not punishing the players, ninja is slightly overtuned considering everything it brings to a raid and needs to be nerfed a little. I just don't like that it makes optimization more awkward than it should be.
That's still a sad excuse, mind you.
Oh shit does that mean glamour log?!
I mean, that's what balancing a game means? No game dev can take every possible optimization into account when balancing a game, NIN wasn't intended to do as much damage as it does currently so they're toning it down, it has nothing to do with "punishing" players.
It's so you don't get forced into ST combo if you want to keep BoTD up during AOE pulls in dungeons, that was a commonly requested buff.
They really should have done something with Eyes but the Sonic change is good. Not being able to AoE and keep BoTD up sucks, specially because of GK/Nastrond
DRG shouldn't be THAT bad in Savage considering fights have very little untargetability. Buff alignment will still fucking suck and they'll still be punished heavily by mistaes but it's a lot more doable than having to deal with Susano's bullshit.
It's not going to matter for savage (barring some hidden aoe phase have to hit all 4 parts of Neo please be excited), but it makes the AOE rotation a little nicer in dungeons, at least; being able to actually use Nastrond in huge pulls and all without doing some weird shit.
Yes, which is why I said (twice, at that) that it's a bad excuse/wording. That doesn't come down to punishing players.Ninja
- Potency for Gust Slash will be reduced. The reason for this is because the players found a stronger skill rotation than those the dev. team was using while making adjustments.
The translation outright says it. Players found something better, fuck you, we have to adjust it. Could have just said "it was a bit too strong." =P
Okay that makes sense. I've never really felt that balancing AOE with BotD was that hard, but maybe that shows I don't AOE as much as I should in dungeons?
It makes no difference whether it was the dev team that found out or that players did lol the result is the same.Has everything to do with the way they say it. "We found this to be a bit more powerful than we intended." is way different than "You guys found something that made this very powerful and we can't have that going around..."
I wonder if they'll do something about Jin Ten Chi thoughI'm happy they never talked about adjusting our ability to Doton > Hide > Katon during AOE pulls (not that it would be easy to pull off with the way the game works anyway). NIN AOE feels great right now because of this and I don't want them to take it away. D:
Hopefully they'll make it slightly less clunky to use (I personally think removing the Ninjutsu requirement after every mudra would make it more enjoyable to use) but I'm not expecting anything before 3.1 at the very least.I wonder if they'll do something about Jin Ten Chi though
Q24. Please let us know if youve finalized the number of slots that will be added in the second Inventory and Armoury Chest expansion.
A24. Unless we change from the current method, we do not think we can add any more slots. There are other factors to consider, such as managing inventory through the upcoming app, so this will take a little more time. It would be difficult to implement it by 4.1, but it is not so far off.
The dream is dead.Q25. The inventory and Armour Chest expansion has helped a lot, but would it be possible to increase retainers inventory as well?
A25. The number of items available has increased in Patch 4.0. Were making sure that important data isnt lost, and also so that it cant be exploited, so its difficult to just simply add more slots. Currently, the disparity between those who use a lot of retainers, and those who dont, is quite large, and were a bit worried about this. We would like to observe the amount of retainers being used post the launch of 4.0 before we make future adjustments.
Sadly, I think it says everything about the dev team currently when the player base finds a better skill rotation than they did...and they punish the players for it.
Somehow both the US and JP PLL OF summary threads just straight up skip the machinist changes
How is this even possible?
I'm kind of a newcomer to playing an MMO for any length of time so the whole idea of classes having wild imbalances and the devs not understanding how their players will play is unthinkable to me. Other multiplayer genres manage a semblance of balance with 100+ characters, and that's competitively, and in scenarios where team composition can change wildly etc.
It's really really surprising to see so many people on here or the XIV Reddit complaining about balancing issues to me.
The fey union range change is good, but otherwise it sounds like they don't think scholar has a problem. Jesus.
I'm pretty sure tome gear was confirmed not being job locked so I'm just expecting it to be those contest winners. Upgraded AF would be... unfortunate to say the least but I'll take the excuse to not have to play AST.Somehow both the US and JP PLL OF summary threads just straight up skip the machinist changes; I now really want to know if they made changes to Barrel Stabilizer, because alongside the 5% -> 8% buff change for Hot Shot, they reduced the heat it generates from 10 to 5; this bumps the GCD count to get from 0 to 50 from 9 to 10, which is the opposite of what you'd want to happen. They're also taking the -10 potency out of Quick Reload, which would make Cooldown the only way to dump heat.
It's also a little interesting that no mention of crafted gear was made and I don't think they showed off tome gear. I still worry about the nightmare scenario where the tome gear is just an AF3 upgrade... somehow.
It's just not feasible to come up with every single possible scenario. Multiplayer games manage a semblance of balance - also the game is nowhere near as imbalanced as complaints make it out to be - but they constantly fuck up and have to quickly fix shit. League of Legends constantly puts out overpowered/underpowered champions because players come up with builds that the devs didn't envision or champs are garbage vs experienced players.How is this even possible?
I'm kind of a newcomer to playing an MMO for any length of time so the whole idea of classes having wild imbalances and the devs not understanding how their players will play is unthinkable to me. Other multiplayer genres manage a semblance of balance with 100+ characters, and that's competitively, and in scenarios where team composition can change wildly etc.
It's really really surprising to see so many people on here or the XIV Reddit complaining about balancing issues to me.
Yeah, they made heat management simpler at >50, but the drag from 0 to 50 stays.
I still welcome these changes, though.
It's just not feasible to come up with every single possible scenario. Multiplayer games manage a semblance of balance - also the game is nowhere near as imbalanced as complaints make it out to be - but they constantly fuck up and have to quickly fix shit. League of Legends constantly puts out overpowered/underpowered champions because players come up with builds that the devs didn't envision or champs are garbage vs experienced players.
You simply can't expect a couple hundred people to figure out things as fast as several thousand players running this shit for several hours a day.
Like, they didn't realize that a giant untcontrollabe pet following summoners and obscuring everyone's view would be a problem.
It's just not feasible to come up with every single possible scenario. Multiplayer games manage a semblance of balance - also the game is nowhere near as imbalanced as complaints make it out to be - but they constantly fuck up and have to quickly fix shit. League of Legends constantly puts out overpowered/underpowered champions because players come up with builds that the devs didn't envision or champs are garbage vs experienced players.
How has it been in the past?
Not sure how poop the stats are in comparison to the gear I had, but I don't think spending on ironworks would be that good.
Get yourself some cordials and get popping on levequests for gatherers in Kugane, they're quite generous with the exp if you complete quickly (get bonus).
You can also try to do the level 60 2-star collectable, but I'm not sure if you can get it to 450 collectable level (should be okay if you have a proper rotation). This helps not only in getting hand-in exp, but red scrips which you can spend on lvl 65 gatherer gear once you manage to get to that level, I suppose.
Oh yeah, they definitely seem to be caught with their pants down more often than not, but most of the time they do try adress stuff somewhat.One consistent through line is that the XIV dev team essentially never understands how players are going to react to anything. Ever. They spent early HW claiming there were magic secret rotations they'd balanced the ranged jobs against, then had to give up and buff them when it turned out no. The tank accessory thing we're seeing right now was highly predictable but completely blindsided them.
Like, they didn't realize that a giant untcontrollabe pet following summoners and obscuring everyone's view would be a problem.
They're bad at understanding how things they put in the game will be leveraged by players; it's not new at all.
It depends. Sometimes they can be relatively quick - WAR and DRG in 2.0 - sometimes they'll tip toe around issues until they're finally fixed but the tip toeing creates more issues - everything that has ever been done to AST since 3.0.I'm not arguing that the devs are bad or anything, I'm just curious about it, considering the effort involved into making SB. The scope (to me) seems way smaller than a game like LoL/DotA, but like I say, I still consider myself a newcomer and I'm just asking questions. I'll be interested to see how quickly they can "balance" the game in the eyes of the players. How has it been in the past?
One consistent through line is that the XIV dev team essentially never understands how players are going to react to anything. Ever. They spent early HW claiming there were magic secret rotations they'd balanced the ranged jobs against, then had to give up and buff them when it turned out no. The tank accessory thing we're seeing right now was highly predictable but completely blindsided them.
Like, they didn't realize that a giant untcontrollabe pet following summoners and obscuring everyone's view would be a problem.
They're bad at understanding how things they put in the game will be leveraged by players; it's not new at all.
I'm not arguing that the devs are bad or anything, I'm just curious about it, considering the effort involved into making SB. The scope (to me) seems way smaller than a game like LoL/DotA, but like I say, I still consider myself a newcomer and I'm just asking questions. I'll be interested to see how quickly they can "balance" the game in the eyes of the players.
Twinfinite: Could you talk a little bit about the process into making these changes? Did you consider the endgame activities that players would face in FFXIV: Stormblood when designing the job action changes, or were they made independent of that with a different goal in mind?
Yoshida: So when the development team (including Mr. Yoshida), perform their balancing of the jobs they look at it from a two prong approach. The content that the players go into is actually irrelevant to this approach.
So the first prong would be, say for example you have your striking dummy. This job will continue to do their skill rotation for a straight two minutes, and see how much DPS is yielded from that timed measure. The second prong will be how difficult is it to control that specific job. Is it complicated to control? So those are the things that they (the development team and Yoshida-san) keep in mind when adjusting the balance of jobs. Raid content and etc. doesnt necessarily matter in terms of that.
And so after the individual job balance has been performed, then we look at balancing the difficult for the raid content, and thats when we make sure theres no disparity with how these jobs are being utilized within that content. Thats when we go into the raid and make sure that the difficulty level is not so different no matter what combination of your party is going into it and then they would adjust the mechanics. If they find any actions that are OP they would adjust it from there.
Oh they knew, they just gave the fans exactly what they wanted in this case.
Egis were designed small to not clutter the screen and people demanded large summons because duurr we are summoners we need big shit and now they are going "shit is too big!"
Maybe it has something to do with JCT in relation to Savage since JCT depends on Doton hitting most of its ticks? I dunno, that's basically all I can think of.On the other hand, what exactly are the players doing here with NIN that necessitated -20 potency on all of their combos? JCT instead of TCJ? 5th GCD TA? Literally the rest of their opener and general priority is as simple as "Use all of your buttons."
With how binary of a level the game operates at, League, etc. comparisons feel fairly flat as they have room for things unrelated to the specific numbers involved. That isn't really XIV. It's about fitting as close to a math equation and that's simply all of it.
Now that im lvl 70 with my NIN once I get a good Weapon Id like to check out adding Materia to it.
Does anyone have a guide that explains Materia Melding? What is Melding? Just equiping it to your gear/weapon? Or are you able to combine 2 different Materia creating 1 new one? Not exactly sure how it works.
Also which Materia should I be using? Direct Hit and something else? Crit?
Doton is also believed to be bugged right now and counts as physical damage (which means it's benefiting from Dripping Blades). It's pretty funny.Maybe it has something to do with JCT in relation to Savage since JCT depends on Doton hitting most of its ticks? I dunno, that's basically all I can think of.
So the same shit that was happening with Bhavacakra?Doton is also believed to be bugged right now and counts as physical damage (which means it's benefiting from Dripping Blades). It's pretty funny.