Unconfirmed Member
DRG is not the one with "Doom of the Living" for LB3.
No they mean DRG literally has more edges, AF and all.
DRG is not the one with "Doom of the Living" for LB3.
They 1:1 copied a 2004 Warcraft Warlock with an Imp pet for a Final Fantasy summoner. After that, they kept the exact same design but fudged with the dots and made the Imp giant and float in front of your camera.
It's a stupid design and every complaint about it is right. I usually hate it when people say this about a class in an MMO but this time its right: Summoner should basically be erased and remade. They royally fucked it up.
It is especially irritating when most of their systems favor a classically designed Summoner.
Queueing a skill guarantees it'll come out as soon as possible while using macros pretty much guarantees that not only you can't reach your lowest delay possible but it'll greatly increase it as well as clipping your stuff. It might not sound like much but over the course of a long fight it'll add up immensely because you'll be one GCD behind someone with no macros after just a handful of GCDs and this will lower your damage quite a lot.
It's really not worth it specially since execute skills only trigger once every 12~30 seconds and only while the enemy is almost dead which will basically mean you're losing 20+ GCDs over a 10 minute fight for something you'll use less than 10 times. Depending on how many macros you have set up for Assassinate its very likely that you'd do more damage ignoring it completely than using macros for it.
You could map it to Mug or Jugulate to save hotbar space if you need it and press those when it's ready. I put Shield Swipe/Spirit's Within and Howling Fist/Elixir Field together for that reason. I also map Circle of Scorn with Flash, and Unleash with Salted Earth and just press it in between my GCD when I want to use it.
No they mean DRG literally has more edges, AF and all.
Lootmaster parties are so stupid. I never understand why people join if they are 8th or 7th in the group. I never join those because it always ends up in the leader disbanding after he gets his mount.
Who the fuck joins lootmaster parties in the first place?
Fuck that, you can filter them out.
Lootmasters can be useful if you don't want a rare drop and are just looking to get some clears for a weapon or token
Joining one for any other reason is the definition of insanity
Tried my first EX (Ramuh). Was a wipe and the Tank started rantingc and saying anyone that never did it needs to leave and watch the videos. Sigh. Not a pleasant experience.
Tried my first EX (Ramuh). Was a wipe and the Tank started rantingc and saying anyone that never did it needs to leave and watch the videos. Sigh. Not a pleasant experience.
Whens we get patch notes
Hmm I think Yoshida said something about it in the live letter? If they don't they don't, just wouldn't bank on it being OP permanently.
Let me set the stage
Code:PRE 2.0 Community: Holy shit they gave us summoners holy fuck holy fu... Post 2.0 Community: These fucking summons look like shit, why this dude a chicken nugget fam? Post 3.0: This fucking nugget still looks like a nugget, I fucking hate DOTs, why am I just a DOT class jfc 4.0: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW THEY FUCKING TOOK MY DOTS THANKS ASSHOLE, PLUS NOW I CAN'T SEE SHIT BEHIND THIS FUCKING DRAGON
Also when in doubt, blame PS3 limitations for anything you hate pre-4.0
Tried my first EX (Ramuh). Was a wipe and the Tank started rantingc and saying anyone that never did it needs to leave and watch the videos. Sigh. Not a pleasant experience.
Let me set the stage
Code:PRE 2.0 Community: Holy shit they gave us summoners holy fuck holy fu... Post 2.0 Community: These fucking summons look like shit, why this dude a chicken nugget fam? Post 3.0: This fucking nugget still looks like a nugget, I fucking hate DOTs, why am I just a DOT class jfc 4.0: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW THEY FUCKING TOOK MY DOTS THANKS ASSHOLE, PLUS NOW I CAN'T SEE SHIT BEHIND THIS FUCKING DRAGON
Also when in doubt, blame PS3 limitations for anything you hate pre-4.0
Yeah, so it's unlikely that they are buffing Vercure. More likely to be a nerf which sucks because right now it's fun to use.
If they make it any weaker there won't be any point to using it other than getting Dualcast.
Q12. Red mages Vercure is affected by the INT attribute, but would it be possible to change summoners Physic so that the cure potency changes with INT?
A12. Red mage was born from both white and black magic; however, summoner is different.
Summoner can raise players, while black mages cannot. This is part of their role. If we made it so that all jobs can do everything, every job will just become the same, and I dont think thats how a game should be.
This is what is putting me off trying EX trials. I usually do look up a guide as I'm usually behind on content so I'll definitely watch a YouTube video for any EX if I attempt. I only managed to work up the courage to try the Binding Coil of Bahamut this year, and that's in part because it got nerfed and was less intimidating.
There's just too much to take into account and not fuck up while trying to do every mechanic. People complained about WT and F&C, but even they were easier to manage in HW compared to everything you have to take into account now.
The positionals. They make having True North a necessity in some fights. I don't have the numbers on me, but fucking up just positional massively fucks up dps numbers way more than any other job.
The Eyes. Why do you even have these dropping off.
When to actually pop Life of the Dragon.
Even if they are part of the generic rotation, even our buffs and debuff timers are ridiculous. Higanbana lasting 60 seconds was like a breath of fresh air. Imagine if Higanbana or Ninja's Huton only lasted 30 seconds.
Dragon Sight even being a thing seems like a joke from the dev team. You can't use it in solo play. Requires you to select a teammate in the middle of a fight on top of everything else you are taking care of. And now you need to make sure that person is sticking by you or your dps falls even more.
I was super surprised to see other classes have gauges similar to BotD or Eyes, but those gauges don't drop. When I got my Kenki gauge as a SAM and noticed it wasn't falling at all, even out of battle, I was like "lol wut".
I don't think any kind of conclusion can be drawn from the answer to "Can our heal be non-shit like the RDM heal?" Being "No, you can rez while BLM can't and it is our diversity that purple monkey dishwasher."
Didn't it get mentioned as part of the whole Summoner thing?
This hilarious answer
I don't think any kind of conclusion can be drawn from the answer to "Can our heal be non-shit like the RDM heal?" Being "No, you can rez while BLM can't and it is our diversity that purple monkey dishwasher."
They kind of painted themselves into a corner with Summoner since the real summons are the Primals. Should've gone with the Iceheart/Shiva-style setup
There was another one where they said they were going to make adjustments to Vercure.
I wonder if they'll end up making Vercure heal for 500 HP like how SMN physick currently does.
Yeah, so it's unlikely that they are buffing Vercure. More likely to be a nerf which sucks because right now it's fun to use.
If they make it any weaker there won't be any point to using it other than getting Dualcast
That's what I said, that it was possible it'll get nerfed, not that it would get buffed.
A little bit of context. I was discussing the infamous butt nerf between 1.0 and 2.0. To give a better comparison between models during 1.0 and current game, I made a couple of screenshots to demonstrate the current state of the model. I did not give her this facial expression intentionally. It just a happy little amusing coincidence that my character ended up looking really unhappy about me undressing her XD
I want to die. Two dungeons in a row with the worst players in FFXIV.
Leaf Sushi is probably the best food you can get atmwhat raid food are red mages using
That's not possible. I haven't done any dungeons today.
Was it in SastashaI want to laugh but a 47 dps samurai hurts my soul.
That is not a typo.
Was it in Sastasha
Please tell me it was Sastasha
Hahahahahahahaa you wish.
Let that sink in.
How? Even jumpers that do nothing but auto attack should get at least 300ish DPSHahahahahahahaa you wish.
Let that sink in.
Usually right before servers come upWhen are patch notes typically available? I'm curious to see what they do with SCH![]()
Lootmaster parties are so stupid. I never understand why people join if they are 8th or 7th in the group. I never join those because it always ends up in the leader disbanding after he gets his mount.