I've done a lot of the class quests and it seems this time a recurring theme was having old characters, almost everytime your base class trainers at some point(like rogue trainer for ninja, gladiator trainer for pld etc) and quite often some other sidequest/msq characters too. I haven't done all of them yet so not sure if it's 100% consistent but so far almost all of them have been like that, which is kinda nice. Also in the RDM quests there's mentions of your Stormblood MSQ progress at the start of it, which was pretty interesting.
They've also improved quite a lot on the instances and stuff. Although most of them are just reused dungeons, they have interesting bosses mechanics and advanced AI for the other NPC that are with you. Hell they even made them healable by aoes and stuff so it made the healer questlines a lot less annoying.
First two omega clears have a MNK, nerf MNK, they're not allowed to have fun.
Yeah, I figured that was the goal but seems counterproductive since you lose dps
You're not allowed to have fun.
I'm mostly surprised to see crafting classes interacting with job quests, really! But what you say also relates to the crafting jobs, with Emmanellainn cameoing in WVR, and the Heavensward crafting job givers usually show up in their respective class quests. It's just a smart use of their existing characters, rather than abandoning them entirely for the sake of new ones.
I started GSM after completing the MSQ, and the lineis just thrown in there casually! Makes me wish I started it earlier to hear them recontextualise it."Now that Ala Mhigo has been liberated"
More time in O3S; still fun to figure out, but it'll be interesting to see how quickly PF strats and standardizations form because most of the fight is just WHAT WHAT WHATAHHHHH WTFWHY ARE THERE NINJAS!?!?! WHERE DID SHE GET AN IRON GIANT?!?
We're slowly running out of fight though so either it's dying soonish or we're about to wall hard.
The general idea is you meld VIT on crafted pieces on the right side to overcompensate for gear you don't have yet. And with crafted you meld slots 2-5 to make up for the secondaries you lose from slot 1. It ends up being an additional ~3k HP which can be the difference between survival and a death, and if it saves you from weakness once it's a giant damage gain.
It's worth it largely for the early progression stuff, and is failure padding for later fights. Since O1S and O2S are super lenient on the DPS (our clear of O2S involved our MT strategically murdering all of our DPS at once, gg) but are designed to bend to gearing, it's kind of a leg up. But once you get tome and raid gear on the left side, you swap it out.
But like 90% of the PFs requiring it are just people requiring random signs of srsness. It's silly,
The ARM quest line from 60-70 just kind of fills in a plot hole (I think) from 1.0.
Yeah...it's pretty cool. If you want, read the spoiler.
Having done the ARM quests but no the ALC quests I was wondering what the hell you were talking about until I realised the typo.
Sorry, fixed that. =x
why don't you try it yourself?
v1s is not a lot harder than the SB ex primals i feel, you should be able to win it within a few hours
raiding in this game really is the most fun part of the game, at least that's how i feel
and this is coming from a someone who quit hardcore and now just uses party/duty finder
The ALC quest line from 60-70 just kind of fills in a plot hole (I think) from 1.0.
Yeah...it's pretty cool. If you want, read the spoiler.
So...I find myself so many times with both ready procs up (fire and stone) and that plus dualcast also up so...what should I do at that moment?
Yes, in 1.0 story they later revealed it was all staged but it went wrong, so they felt guilty about it, and that's the main reason F'lhamin took care of Ascilia/Minfilia (she told this last one thing in 2.1, cause in 1.0 it was never sated that she adopted her, they were only spending time together).
I haven't done ALC Stormblood questline yet, but if it resolves who killed Niellefresne, that will be another plotline that gets a closure... seven years later haha.
Just fuck my shit up
Worth every penny.
Just saw on the forum that 30.000+ accounts just got perma banned for gill selling and or botting
is that the price for the whole set or per pose? because there are multiple poses
More time in O3S; still fun to figure out, but it'll be interesting to see how quickly PF strats and standardizations form because most of the fight is just WHAT WHAT WHATAHHHHH WTFWHY ARE THERE NINJAS!?!?! WHERE DID SHE GET AN IRON GIANT?!?
We're slowly running out of fight though so either it's dying soonish or we're about to wall hard.
I don't think that should happen, you shouldn't have both proc up and a dualcast unless you used vercure or something I think? Either way I would just use it on another verthunder/aero. There's no reason to waste it on stone/fire since those are short casts.
It happens when I get (for example) a verfire proc but i'm so high on black mana I decide to use jolt, with that jolt i reach 80/+80 and the verholy procs aero. In that situation I have all the readys and dualcast xD
Maybe my mistake is that I go full melee combo the second I reach 80/80 no matter how my procs are.
Our SCH has decided to switch to WHM as well because he's not enjoying current SCH (and well... He's enjoying WHM and was a former WHM main). Should be fun, Notcturnal AST is pretty strong.Down to 22% in v3 today. Solid progress! Going for the kill tomorrow evening
I'm usually 'main healing' on AST and my co-healer is on SCH, but we decided to change things up today. I went WHM (since I suck at shielding) and co-heals when noct AST. Worked out really well, to my surprise. I guess we'll probably switch back once we have it on farm but for now, it's solid. And really fun.
Oh yeah I didn't think of that situation, I don't think it's a mistake to go melee as soon as possible if you can but maybe someone with more experience as a RDM can chyme in.
Earthly Star is such a satisfying skill.
Once you've seen the ninjas - ahh am I glad to use Vermillion Scourge - the fight pretty much just loops a bunch of mechanics until enrage so you're on your way to the clear.
As are we as soon as I meld VIT and stop dying to reaperchakrams.
Feels bad man.
My static has been kind to me so far with this mechanic.Almost everyone has killed our BLM with the sluice mechanic. Poor guy.
Goal 1: remove potato.
(Grats to them/you/????).
Worth every penny.
True North in action.Code:[IMG]https://i.redd.it/vejqy5ngzlaz.png[/IMG]
No one's talking about Uznair.
I haven't been in there yet but I hear the final boss is random(guys from the emergency mission).
It wasn't too bad for Blood return. MP return, on the other hand...I'm digging nu Quietus. I can blur my eyes on big pulls and pretend BP is still not terrible.
If it was still 2016 I'd buy it for the dab emote alone![]()
Worth every penny.
It definitely helps take the sting out of removing Bloodbath a little, but I still miss the offensive buffs + Vengeance + Bloodbath + Overpower spam combo. That was sooo good in dungeons.Man giving HP recovery to Steel Cyclone is so good for dungeons.
I actually feel it gives WAR quite the edge in dungeons, but is just dungeons in the other hand. Lol