tfw low pop server area instances basically = solo instances
I hit level 5 last night, am I raid ready yet?/s
I downloaded the free trial from the PS Store last night to see what this game was all about, & come to find out, I REALLY like it.. but (unfortunately) I have NO clue what I'm doing.
Outside of a little Elder Scrolls Online, this will be my first MMO, so hopefully that doesn't work against me.
The only thing I'm sure of is that I'm looking to be a white mage/healer. Problem is, no clue how to go about that. I thought white mage would be one of the classes, but I didn't see it as an option when I created my character.
I (think I) remember reading some text last night that said I had opened up "jobs" now that I'm level 5 -- what are these?
I loved doing hunts in FFXV & was happy to see hunts were in XIV as well. Are they basically the same thing? & when can I start doing them? Are they solo, group, or both?
I'm having trouble reading the map, for some reason. At first I thought it was pretty clear/straight forward, but then I started picking up quests on different floors & I couldn't tell which quest was where. Is there an "easy way" to read it? Or, like most games, do you just get used to it?
Any tips for NOT getting overwhelmed &/or what I should be doing/looking for, in general?
I welcome any tips & appreciate the replies in advance. Hopefully this game clicks because I absolutely adore what I've played thus far.
PS - ALL (well, at least most of) THE ARMOR IN THIS GAME LOOKS AMAZING! I can't wait to get out of what I'm currently wearing.
PPS - sorry for all the random questions, I'm kinda still processing what I played last night.
As I level Red Mage, I can't help but wonder why they didn't design the job to queue for dungeon roulette as a healer (or dps) but not quite be able to main heal a raid/trial. I feel like I could heal most dungeons with vercure anyway. It seems like a missed opportunity because Square is still stuck in the rigid trifecta of tank/healer/dps. I hope they design for more flex roles in the future, it's not too late for Red Mage or future jobs. Dungeons are designed for brain dead healing already since a Scholar's fairy can handle the majority of healing.
The problem with this is that RDM doesn't get its heals until later in the job, so if you queued as a healer and got, say, Aurum Vale you'd be pretty well screwed.
Honestly, hybriding jobs isn't an issue as much as it would be a problem for how they handle the DF and matching in general. You'd have to allow a slot to be red/green but only for content post a certain level OR unsynced. I haven't checked in a while but I imagine there are some PF that have maybe room for one healer and then a green/RDM slot or even two of those.
Got to HW today. Tried out Machinist, think I really like this job but man leveling 30-50 without any quests is such a pain in the ass. Just been grinding fates because POTD is so boring.
Also I don't think I've seen a single machinst at any point playing this game. Didn't even think they existed until I tried it out myself.
Do people not level in dungeons anymore on NA/EU? Right now I get 5 minutes or less queues in JP, and as a DPS.
But yeah, a lot of jobs added later are actually pretty boring at low levels.
Yesterday I was pretty close to leveling my Sam after doing a dungeon, so I was like "I'll just do some fates real quick". Wrong. There's no chance of doing fates with the low pop instances.tfw low pop server area instances basically = solo instances
Got to HW today. Tried out Machinist, think I really like this job but man leveling 30-50 without any quests is such a pain in the ass. Just been grinding fates because POTD is so boring.
Also I don't think I've seen a single machinst at any point playing this game. Didn't even think they existed until I tried it out myself.
Novice Network is amazing for newcomers.
I have learned so much from that chat group. Great community really.
Too bad I was only added to it at level 30 or so lololol.
I'm sure it involves you writing another novel about how the game is too easy and extremely disappointing but you continue to play it anyway.
So on my SMN, should I go direct hit , crit, or intelligence on my materia??
I'm sure it involves you writing another novel about how the game is too easy and extremely disappointing but you continue to play it anyway.
Anyone want to set up a palace of the dead to 200 tomorrow?
Wow shots being fire on all sides.
I'm sure it involves you writing another novel about how the game is too easy and extremely disappointing but you continue to play it anyway.
It's nice to see your contribution to this thread is worth about as much as your contribution to your raid group
I'm not going to stop advocating for what I feel would be a stronger game--
I don't see anything wrong with Angary's post, for the record.
Hmm. Ok I'll level RDM up is it DH for RDM too?![]()
Serious note: DH > DET > CRIT
Serious-serious note: SMN is in bad shape, try Red Mage. Less effort, more DPS; even if you put full effort with SMN, RDM will still top.
Catching up on these 50-60 crafter job quests is a real snore, but I need that extra exp. I'm so sick of farming and crafting dawn serge.
Ultimately, it was about what happens when you stuff story behind hard content. People won't be happy. It's like the worst case scenario for the super Savage stuff with the whole there's one less dungeon and now there's unique story content behind the 1% raid.
I'm super interested in the Super Savage thing. That doesn't mean I want it to take resources from elsewhere and I really don't want it to have other value attached to it that makes people regret missing out on it.
You should sound like me before I decided to stop wasting my time doing this, which is why I stand by what I said before when I told you that maybe you shouldn't bother playing because the game is never going to be what you want it to.
Nobody cares. Even if your points are sound and your criticism valid and everything you say makes perfect sense...nobody cares.
But people expecting radical changes, aren't gonna get it. Better to accept the game for what it is, for rather what you would want it to be.
You have to do them for the skills and traits the 60-70 quests give you anyway so it's nice to do them while you still benefit from the exp at least.
The post that I now retroactively regret making because I seriously didn't figure it would trigger anyone specifically addresses a tier of content they're in part adding to appease people like me. I'm invested in them doing it in the way most likely to make it something they want to keep doing. Making a really cool fight with story content and a bunch of unique assets that eat dev time, and releasing it alongside the first-ever single dungeon patch, is going to reset us to the Coil problem Normal was created to solve. Only, if they follow through on their promise, it's going to be worse because it's going to brick wall people who ran coil too.
I agree with angary's points about as often as I disagree with them, but she makes an effort with her posts and activelt contributes to the thread so I don't really see the point Tiv's post at all.
tfw low pop server area instances basically = solo instances
Which is a baffling point to make given that I'm currently actively raiding, enjoying myself, and trying to keep expectations in check for a piece of content they keep claiming is tailor made for what I want. It's extra baffling given how much time and effort was spent recently discrediting the opinions of everyone who won't be finishing the raid tier any time soon.
I still run Susano and Lakshmi clear parties with PF randoms on the regular because I enjoy it. I'm going back and doing weird undersized Heavensward stuff to see how I can break the game.
None of that is at odds with talking about perceived issues.
Coil felt alot better when its progression was exclusive to hardcore raiders, even though the only Final Coil turn I played was 10. I have never liked the "Normal / Savage" thing.
Yeah, I'm gonna want those new skills too. There's just so much teleporting and going back and forth padding on these crafter quests that it gets tedious.
I'm currently 67+ on all my crafters except ARM and CUL which are 63 and 59 respectively. Is there any new rotation I should be using to make SB crafting easier? Currently have about 404 CP.
/ac "Comfort Zone" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Inner Quiet" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Steady Hand II" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Manipulation II" <me><wait.2>
/ac "Steady Hand II" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/echo Macro #1 complete <se.1>
/ac "Steady Hand" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Great Strides" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis III" <me>
/ac "Careful Synthesis II" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis III" <me>
/ac "Careful Synthesis II" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis III" <me>
/ac "Careful Synthesis II" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis III" <me>
/ac "Careful Synthesis II" <me> <wait.3>
/echo Macro #2 complete <se.14>
Yeah, I'm gonna want those new skills too. There's just so much teleporting and going back and forth padding on these crafter quests that it gets tedious.
I'm currently 67+ on all my crafters except ARM and CUL which are 63 and 59 respectively. Is there any new rotation I should be using to make SB crafting easier? Currently have about 404 CP.
Let's put a pin in this.I'm just going to go sit in a corner and rock quietly back and forth.
> Design hard endgame raids with a story behind them. Casual players are upset they can't see the story
> introduce two difficulties in raid so everyone can see all the story! Raiders get frustrated with the fights being too hard
> Make the hard stuff more accessible, so everyone can see the story and clear the raids if they want to be about that raid life! Subsegment is wistful for the missing harder content
> Announce super savage fights that will be so hard only the "top" players will be able to clear it. Tell people you don't want to hear complaints about how hard it is, because it's supposed to be inaccessible to the masses
> Design super hard endgame raid with a story behind it. I WONDER HOW THIS GOES FROM HERE