Its ok, all you need to do is burn the extra 20% before your healers willingly jump off the platform!![]()
Not like this
Not like this
I barely got to level 20 years ago before heavensward, Do I have to buy the expansion for QOL improvements or I have a bit of content until I get to Heavensward?
I barely got to level 20 years ago before heavensward, Do I have to buy the expansion for QOL improvements or I have a bit of content until I get to Heavensward?
Really? I was getting Game of Thrones more. Where are you seeing the Star Wars out of interest?
So I finally reached level 50. Does this mean all exp I get beyond this point will go to waste unless I buy the expansions? I still haven't beaten the base game so I was hoping to hold off on them.
So I finally reached level 50. Does this mean all exp I get beyond this point will go to waste unless I buy the expansions? I still haven't beaten the base game so I was hoping to hold off on them.
Wooooah boy.
Got back on to my account. On Sarg.
That is correct. You're going to have to either get that EXP with a class that isn't 50 if you have one or get the expansion if you are at the point where the MSQ is at level 50.
You'll need the expansion to get exp past 50. I recommend it before you progress any further. The patches with get you to 52ish before you get to Heavensward
I guess I'll go ahead and buy Stormblood. I'm assuming I get Heavensward with it.
Also, I am now in Castrum Meridianum. This is the dungeon where things go to shit if you wanna watch cutscenes right?
I managed to form a party for Castrum Meridianum. Accidentally went in synced lol. It wasn't bad though. It still went by pretty quickly and the cutscenes didn't feel that long. I'll do the final dungeon tomorrow.
Once I complete that, what should I do? I know there's some kind of relic weapon for each job. There are also raids and all that to get better gear correct? Should I do any of that or should I just keep going with the story all the way through? I imagine the level 50 ARR stuff is really outdated by now.
Just mainline the story. The ARR relics are not at all worth doing unless you just really, really want some cool looking weapons to glamour. You will get sufficient gear just progressing through the main story. At 50, you start earning Poetics tomes which you can spend on i120 gear (which can be upgraded to i130) and later i260 gear (once you hit 60), which - along with gear you'll get doing story quests and dungeons - is all the gear you will really need until you hit 70.
There are level 50 and 60 raids that you might try to do for the story, but those can wait until later. Some of them can be pretty difficult to find groups for these days anyway.
Goodness me, v4s. The amount of healing. Our PLD is just covering me during that stupid arse DoT because I'm grabbing hate almost instantly trying to keep everyone alive and then getting rekt by the tank buster. #WHMwoes
Think we got to 60 something percent during Neo Exdeath. Solid progress maybe. I hate the Exdeath phase at the start though. I mean it wouldn't be bad if the black holes spawned in the same locations but it's like you can be screwed over by RNG half the time. Makes it worse when you gotta do it every time you enter
I'm sorry Dragoon
This is the second best gif I've seen today.
Does that mean my healer's robe is gonna become obsolete? It's so nice.
My timers menu says the lowest lv one is at 68, the rest are lv 70. Also most of the lv 70 nodes require books so use your reds to buy the books.I'm doing collectables to level my Botanist. When do I start getting yellow scrips so I can get the level 70 gear when I get there?
Sorry? You're a dragoonI'm sorry Dragoon
I am a bit late to Stormblood. Just had to do Susano normal/story and it was a complete disaster. People already went "oh no why this one?" at the start and then wiped two times and left.
I did read up on the mechanics and it seemed pretty easy as an AST. Even during the fight I didn't feel it was hard but one of the tanks kept on messing up. They kept on arguing about provoke and tank switching and stuff I have no idea about since I don't tank.
Is this one of the "idiot check" fights? What makes it so people don't like it and think it's "hard"?
Susano HM is sort of like Ravana HMSusano is considered hard? It's just basic aoe dodging the entire fight lol.
I am a bit late to Stormblood. Just had to do Susano normal/story and it was a complete disaster. People already went "oh no why this one?" at the start and then wiped two times and left.
I did read up on the mechanics and it seemed pretty easy as an AST. Even during the fight I didn't feel it was hard but one of the tanks kept on messing up. They kept on arguing about provoke and tank switching and stuff I have no idea about since I don't tank.
Is this one of the "idiot check" fights? What makes it so people don't like it and think it's "hard"?
People tend to get really lazy during the DPS check part
Pick whatever looks cooler, they're irrelevantHow do I know which guardian to pick? Does it necessarily matter, or is each race "supposed" to have a different one?
I did notice in their description, some say something along the lines of -- "deity of (this starting town)", so I had been picking them based off that?
Pick whatever looks cooler, they're irrelevant
Is there anywhere I can see the level 50, 60, and 70 gear for each class? You know, like the iconic gear like the white mage's white and red robes and the Dragoon Kain-like armor.
Is there anywhere I can see the level 50, 60, and 70 gear for each class? You know, like the iconic gear like the white mage's white and red robes and the Dragoon Kain-like armor.
Your best bet is to find the item in the official item database, then check the Images tab for them. If you are lucky, someone uploaded an image of the set you're looking for. Use advanced search to fill in level, class and set rarity to blue.
The iconic job specific gear is called artifact (or AF). You can try searching for that.
I feel like 90% of our issues with non-Grand Cross mechanics was "Why does Rin have threat?" and the double-edged sword that is Lucid is great for MP but also my only way to deal with my threat (besides hope it gets Provoked off and dealt with otherwise). We mostly solved it by just having AST solo heal basically all the Almagests unless I was needed to help spot heal a tick or two. Both of us healing it is excessive and if I'm just overly generating threat then simply removing mine from the equation is the easiest way. All I try to throw out most of the time is Medica 2 regens and then oGCD things to assist (aka, opener involves Med 2 + Asylum + Assize as my contributions).
I think Dark Knight's Stormblood AF is really good, same for Dragoon. Ninja, Paladin and Warrior AF3 is also really strong.Imo the jobs always have the best AF in the patch they were introduced because it's the one from the class artwork. The first classes haven't been topped since their lvl 50 class quest stuff for me. DRK/AST/MCH hasn't been topped either.