Is there an easy way to get back into this area? It's where I meant to go for my screenshot but couldn't figure out how to get back in.
I think YoshiP said they are going to open it back up in 4.1 because people have been requesting it.
Is there an easy way to get back into this area? It's where I meant to go for my screenshot but couldn't figure out how to get back in.
So, to clarify: I think Yoshida said they'd be looking into opening up instanced areas like that so you could visit them again, but that's not what's happening in 4.1, we're just going to be visiting it again through the MSQ.I think YoshiP said they are going to open it back up in 4.1 because people have been requesting it.
I haven't been able to play this game for a week because of fucking Irma. I still don't have internet. I'm missing out on raid loot.
My entry. Such a pretty area.
Oh what a cool idea, thank you for it! Here is my entry:
Buttons about the save the world again. I loved the scenery here.
Fat Moogle Mount Giveaway!
Sorry I was a bit late on this. Fell asleep early, haha. 29 people posted screenshots which I think is really cool! The first winner is one that I chose out of all of them. Mostly because I like the colours a lot. I wish I remembered to explore this area on my first playthrough...
And this one is one that Google chose randomly out of all the entries. Which is pretty neat!
'grats guys! I'll PM codes soon!
You're right about that.
I usually (as a tank) do a quick group constellation analysis: how's the healer geared, will the dds be able to aoe, is there any new player, stuff like that.
I also tell people to ask questions if they're new to the content. Most of the time there's no reply though.
In my opinion the real problem is people with an aversion to communicate and treating other players like npcs or something.
"Hi, I'm new to this."/"Hi, first time for me."
"Can I do big pulls?"
"If you have any questions about this, just ask."
These are phrases you don't exactly read a lot.
Hell, even "Hi."/"Hello" and "Bye."/Good job, bye." or similar are comments some people aren't able or willing to type. It's easily doable with the auto-translation tool too.
Someday we'll find the time to actually run OS4 without getting interrupted.
I also tell people to ask questions if they're new to the content. Most of the time there's no reply though.
I'm only level 62, still haven't gotten to SB yet, but for what it's worth: In my case, I never chat in duties because I play on PS4, on a couch. Without a mouse, keyboard, and desk, chat in this game is something that I do at great peril to the party. The amount of time it takes to get into the right chat input mode, say something, and get back out is significantly longer and more error-prone. It's embarrassing when I inadvertently send flags or party instructions to FC chat, and it's humiliating when our tank dies in AV because I couldn't switch from keyboard to gamepad quickly enough to heal him. As much as I enjoy being social, the chat experience for me is so problematic that I'd honestly prefer if I could just turn off chat input entirely.
I'm only level 62, still haven't gotten to SB yet, but for what it's worth: In my case, I never chat in duties because I play on PS4, on a couch. Without a mouse, keyboard, and desk, chat in this game is something that I do at great peril to the party. The amount of time it takes to get into the right chat input mode, say something, and get back out is significantly longer and more error-prone. It's embarrassing when I inadvertently send flags or party instructions to FC chat, and it's humiliating when our tank dies in AV because I couldn't switch from keyboard to gamepad quickly enough to heal him. As much as I enjoy being social, the chat experience for me is so problematic that I'd honestly prefer if I could just turn off chat input entirely.
IMO, there's no excuse for not communicating in a game like this.
Do you have at least a bunch of shortcuts mapped to a preset ? Basic functions like agree/disagree/luagh , disapointment, hello , congratulations should be set for at least some basic form of communication. It really helps if you don't have a keyboard nearby
Even if we don't have the same setup, I feel like my perspective is valid, but I guess you don't agree. I don't know what to tell you.
Even if we don't have the same setup, I feel like my perspective is valid, but I guess you don't agree. I don't know what to tell you.
Yes, the emotes are tremendously helpful. I have a hotbar just for the ones I use commonly. They're insufficient for conversation about mechanics, unfortunately.
I don't know what you will decide to do in the end regarding your communication issue but good luck and enjoy the game nonetheless.
Fat Moogle Mount Giveaway!
Sorry I was a bit late on this. Fell asleep early, haha. 29 people posted screenshots which I think is really cool! The first winner is one that I chose out of all of them. Mostly because I like the colours a lot. I wish I remembered to explore this area on my first playthrough...
And this one is one that Google chose randomly out of all the entries. Which is pretty neat!
'grats guys! I'll PM codes soon!
Sounds like a shit server. Japan servers (Tonberry) are great, with polite English and Japanese players. Every dungeon I've ran has had a greeting at the start and a thanks at the end. Die? You apologise and people tell you to chill. You're new? Someone explains the tougher boss mechanics. It's great! My only bad experiences have been cross world.
I'm only level 62, still haven't gotten to SB yet, but for what it's worth: In my case, I never chat in duties because I play on PS4, on a couch. Without a mouse, keyboard, and desk, chat in this game is something that I do at great peril to the party. The amount of time it takes to get into the right chat input mode, say something, and get back out is significantly longer and more error-prone. It's embarrassing when I inadvertently send flags or party instructions to FC chat, and it's humiliating when our tank dies in AV because I couldn't switch from keyboard to gamepad quickly enough to heal him. As much as I enjoy being social, the chat experience for me is so problematic that I'd honestly prefer if I could just turn off chat input entirely.
Happened to two of my static with both Harvey and Irma. It isn't too big a deal, O4S is clearable with 330.I haven't been able to play this game for a week because of fucking Irma. I still don't have internet. I'm missing out on raid loot.
My group hasn't been hurt by the hurricanes so far, but we're in a similar loot situation because we're drowning in caster/ninja gear when we don't have a ninja, or healer/tank dupes. Our caster is decked the fuck out and we've gotten maybe... one physical DPS/slaying gear piece of any sort since this tier started.Happened to two of my static with both Harvey and Irma. It isn't too big a deal, O4S is clearable with 330.
Most people do only do it once a week. Anyone doing it more than once is usually helping someone out of kindness and that's it. That's how top level gear works in MMOs, it's to prevent people from getting the best stuff in like a week or two.
I don't understand why it can't just be like Omega normal? That keeps people from getting i320 gear in a week or two, and still takes ~1.5-2 months. But it also doesn't have any of these weird rules. You can keep redoing the raids and rolling until you get win 1 item for the week.
I guess it just feels like this system punishes new players because it seems like most of the pf groups will have at least 1 person whose already cleared for the week if not 5+ people in the party so the new players clearing for the first time won't have a chest and won't get loot and will get screwed and have to wait out the 6 weeks or so for gear through page drops.
Damn I wasn gonna PF Omega 1.0 Normal tonight but is that gonna be a fruitless effort gear wise? Or do I get the pages that I trade?
For those that pf, they purposely put in the description whether it is a two chest or one chest run so that's a moot point, if someone lies, it tells the entire group before even entering.
It really takes no time to hit /p enter or /fc enter to switch chat channels. And most mechanics, I'd say even all, have some sort of short form term you could call out. Tethers, adds, stack, spread, those all come out easy enough.
dont know if this is just me, but in a game where you will run into other people, having an easy means of communication is huge. and from the sounds of it, a keyboard would fix your issue of chat being problematic.I'm only level 62, still haven't gotten to SB yet, but for what it's worth: In my case, I never chat in duties because I play on PS4, on a couch. Without a mouse, keyboard, and desk, chat in this game is something that I do at great peril to the party. The amount of time it takes to get into the right chat input mode, say something, and get back out is significantly longer and more error-prone. It's embarrassing when I inadvertently send flags or party instructions to FC chat, and it's humiliating when our tank dies in AV because I couldn't switch from keyboard to gamepad quickly enough to heal him. As much as I enjoy being social, the chat experience for me is so problematic that I'd honestly prefer if I could just turn off chat input entirely.
if 1-4 people have already cleared a floor of savage for the week, only 1 chest drops. if 0 people have cleared for the week, 2 chests drop. if 5-8 people have cleared, no chests drop.
It's mainly to prevent people from gearing up too fast by just running it over and over, artifically increasing the longevity of the content, and it also serves of a way to increase the power level of groups consistently week by week assuming your group gets stuff they can use, meaning the longer you're stuck on a floor you'll get stronger and stronger each week. Additionally you can't cheese it by clearing for the week and joining a 1 chest party as you won't even see the chest drop.Really ? i didn't know . I don't do Savage content .
That's really arch when people want to get some content with the same group of people
I'm actually fairly sure every raid tier upon unlocking tells you again and again how the lockouts work (furthermore there's a brief summary of the same in the Raid Finder) but reading is hard ¯\_(ツ_/¯
We FFIX now?This morning, residents of Kugane woke to find above their city an airship unlike any ever seen. Yet while of Garlean design, the vessel distinctly lacked the bleak outfitting common in the Empire's warmachina. No, this was the Prima Vista, private stage for the Majestic Imperial Theater Company─a troupe having won acclaim across Garlemald for their timeless work, ”The Zodiac Brave Story." Which begets the question...why are they here? The answer to that question and more lies in the selfsame legend of which they sing. The legend of Ivalice.