I ran the launcher not realizing that it was still maintenance day. Bummer for me as I'm gonna be at work tomorrow.
So I'm pretty new to the game and I want to make a Dark Knight in the long run as a main job. Are they viable to tank? How long does it take to reach max level? Any guides I should look for?
Wait, if I buy SB tomorrow, like first thing in the morning, do I miss out on EA?
The Blackest Night will save DRK! You'll see!
someone took the time to do a full break down and sorting of all the skills here.
Wait, Thunder II's tooltip has it as strictly better than Thunder IV.
I guess we can't really rely on the English tooltips this time either.
I thought T2 was meant to be AoE?I think you missed the aoe part of Thunder IV.
So as a main White Mage character since 1.0, what should I be excited about? Is Cleric stance dancing no longer a thing? That makes me really happy as I would get so irritated if I accidentally hit it and my heal was weaker until the cooldown was up again to turn it off. Anything else I should be happy about? I didn't raid a lot in Heavensward (but did in ARR), but I heard WHM wasn't a good healer for it. Did that change?
WHM always was a good healer, it's just that the last set of raids sucked at giving you stuff to actually heal, which made WHM's healing completely overkill compared to what AST had to offer.So as a main White Mage character since 1.0, what should I be excited about? Is Cleric stance dancing no longer a thing? That makes me really happy as I would get so irritated if I accidentally hit it and my heal was weaker until the cooldown was up again to turn it off. Anything else I should be happy about? I didn't raid a lot in Heavensward (but did in ARR), but I heard WHM wasn't a good healer for it. Did that change?
So I'm pretty new to the game and I want to make a Dark Knight in the long run as a main job. Are they viable to tank? How long does it take to reach max level? Any guides I should look for?
I wonder why that list has the old selene skills though. There is no way she has all that and the buffed fey wind
The lack of cleric stance is good, and you can safely get hype for Thin Air, which lets you cast whatever you want for 12 seconds every two minutes with 0 MP cost. There's a bunch of RNG extra stuff that might kind of be fun? And WHM is positioned to be hands-down the best healer for AOE damage in dungeons.
WHM is perfectly capable of 'raw healing' in anything, including raids. The current controversy is that essentially WHM's extra healing boost isn't a big advantage in raids, since they're designed so that you can clear them without a WHM, but WHM also doesn't have any other real neat new thing or utility skill it can do, so it's in a bad spot overall.
You'll be able to heal anything, but the other healer jobs who heal for less might be just as capable of that while also being able to do other things WHM can't do, like boost the party's damage. WHM's two new systems are also kind of super RNG, and the entire Lily system kind of plays itself without you doing much, so they're disappointing.
WHM's spot is weird, in that there are a bunch of super valid complaints people have, and some reasons why it's not going to be the most desired healer in raids, but for the most for a lot of players it totally doesn't matter. Like, the side upset about the changes completely has a point, but there's nothing wrong that should stop you from WHM if that's what you want to do. It's just that in a raid setting, if you're trying to join a group for raid, their wishlist for healers is likely to be AST>>>SCH>WHM.
WHM always was good healer, it's just that the last set of raids sucked at giving you stuff to actually heal, which made WHM's healing completely overkill compared to what AST had to offer.
Cleric Stance as we knew it doesn't exist anymore, damage scales off MND now. WHMs have ridiculous AOE (compared to almost every job), lots of healing oGCDs and great MP economy to look forward to. I don't think a lot of people realize how big a deal is Assize's CD being reduced to 60 seconds.
Hosanna was explaining to me yesterday that all the old tool tips still have to be referenced because characters could still have the old skills equipped on their hotbars, so they have to be shown, but greyed out if they have been removed from the game.
Thanks for the reply although it kinda bums me out that White Mage went from being useful in ARR (since there were only 2 healers anyways lol) to the least preferred healer option of the three.I doubt I will be a big raider in Stormsblood anyway, but it still kind of sucks to hear. WHM is my only 60 from Heavensward too actually. I assume AST is the "best" because it also provides nice buffs for the party and WHM doesn't? I just don't know if I should level WHM to 70 or focus on getting AST or SCH now since healing is definitely my preferred job/class. My AST is still 30 though (haven't touched it since locking it).
its not just in aoe situations, single target, whm does the most with the things we know. AFAIK whm dots havent been nerfed, assize being shorter, and stone 4 being 250 pot( 20 and 30 higher than the other two healers), its a ton of dmg they can do.I like how they randomly nerfed Souleater's healing from 100% to 10% of its damage. It's honestly not looking great for DRK at the moment, which makes me sad because I loved playing it.
WHM always was a good healer, it's just that the last set of raids sucked at giving you stuff to actually heal, which made WHM's healing completely overkill compared to what AST had to offer.
Cleric Stance as we knew it doesn't exist anymore, damage scales off MND now. WHMs have ridiculous AOE (compared to almost every job), lots of healing oGCDs and great MP economy to look forward to. I don't think a lot of people realize how big a deal is Assize's baseline CD being reduced to 60 seconds along with Cleric Stance not being a thing anymore.
Yeah, that spin attack is pretty sick. Between that, DRK, and SAM, this expansion's pretty good for spin attack enthusiasts like me.Finally a spammable AoE attack!
One vote for PLD!
Wait, Thunder II's tooltip has it as strictly better than Thunder IV.
I guess we can't really rely on the English tooltips this time either.
Edit: Oh I see, Thunder II 's tooltip does not have it as aoe.
Yeah, that was the situation as of patch 3.4. WHM wasn't terrible, it just didn't offer anything in particular that made it desirable compared to AOE Balance.I guess I can see why WHM would be less sought after than the other healers if there wasn't a lot of healing required. WHM still has the most healing throughput, but it just isn't needed basically?
That's completely fair, but this was always the case. With AoE being gutted across the board, WHM naturally stands out more than ever in that respect.its not just in aoe situations, single target, whm does the most with the things we know. AFAIK whm dots havent been nerfed, assize being shorter, and stone 4 being 250 pot( 20 and 30 higher than the other two healers), its a ton of dmg they can do.
good point, t2 is also an aoe now, wonder why it's not mentioned
I honestly don't think you should be too disappointed until you try it out? Like, if you don't do a lot of Savage raiding, this doesn't touch you much. If you mostly do dungeons, or Palace of the Dead, or PVP, WHM is in a good place. I expect people to start actively wanting White Mages in their roulettes after a while, because they're so much better suited for that it's not funny.
AST is in a good spot because they got a lot of buffs and Balance is stupidly overpowered. SCH is in a pretty good spot because they still have the fairy and they have a new thing to boost party crits on a mob, but they're a little worse at AOE than they were. WHM is very, very good at one thing, but that one thing is also the only thing it does. And when the other two healers can make everyone look better with damage boosts, WHM stops being the 'instant in' it used to be.
Like, my raid group has a WHM. I'm pretty vocally disappointed in the big WHM mechanics in SB, but it's never been an issue where we'd ask him to not WHM because we'll still be able to kill stuff and there's no reason to think he's going to be a drawback there. WHM deserves to be treated better than it was, but absolute worst-case it's still Heavensward White Mage with more Assizes and more MP, and HW WHM could still heal things. It's just less flashy and attention-getting, and the expansion would have been an awesome time for them to change that.
What the FUCKI like how they randomly nerfed Souleater's healing from 100% to 10% of its damage. It's honestly not looking great for DRK at the moment, which makes me sad because I loved playing it.
I have absolutely no idea, lol.What the FUCK
Why does Souleater even have healing now
I ran the launcher not realizing that it was still maintenance day. Bummer for me as I'm gonna be at work tomorrow.
What the FUCK
Why does Souleater even have healing now
I like how they randomly nerfed Souleater's healing from 100% to 10% of its damage. It's honestly not looking great for DRK at the moment, which makes me sad because I loved playing it.
Lilyberty or death!Fuck it. Still going to roll WHM first.
White Mage 4 lyfe!11!!
To be fair, that might be a typo? Hopefully it's a typo. It's still 100% for PvP Souleater.I knew that they nerfed the heal on DA+Abyssal Drain, but not Souleater. Yeah, I think I'm leveling PLD or AST first now.
Sudden reminder that I lost all my screenshots when I reformatted last night.Post your last picture of your toon! Since we'll have new glamours soon.
I like how they randomly nerfed Souleater's healing from 100% to 10% of its damage. It's honestly not looking great for DRK at the moment, which makes me sad because I loved playing it.
Post your last picture of your toon! Since we'll have new glamours soon.
To be fair, that might be a typo? Hopefully it's a typo. It's still 100% for PvP Souleater.
DRK seems to have been rebalanced around TBN but I don't know, it's looking like they changed and removed a lot of stuff with very little care. Most of all I'm concerned about the new playstyle which is looking dull at a glance, but that's not something that you can easily judge from tooltips.
Grit combo bonus has been changed from "Absorbs 50% of damage dealt as HP" to "Absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP."