Stoked, unlocked and beat the master levels in Monkey ball 1 and 2. So hard, so fun, and so good. Who here has done it? probably the most rewarding games I have played this gen.
Oh they most certainly do, are you playing 1 or 2? I got stuck on advanced for the longest of times, but once you sort those out the jump to expert is not as bad as from beginner to advanced.
The mini games are great, but main mode is where its at. (that and monkey target from smb1)
I spent most of my three launch GameCube games playing Super Monkey Ball. It was simply off the hook, and I spent HOURS playing the game with my brother - monkey target, monkey race, and the main game itself. So much fun. SMB2 was great also but not nearly as enticing - but its better for newcomers who never played the originals, that's for sure.
Theres roughly twice the games, so yes. Most of the games are great as well, I didn't really click with boat race and soccer. 1 player, while not as obviously brilliant is still actually very very good, it is let down by a few very bad levels mainly. those being on advanced mode Launchers and arthropod. and on expert mode Switch Inferno (
It's the second switch from the back, rightmost column
Here's a better way to propose this question...played SMB in a rental, beat it on the easiest setting, so the single player won't exactly be new to me.
But is it worth the extra money, just for the larger amount of multiplayer games?
Here's a better way to propose this question...played SMB in a rental, beat it on the easiest setting, so the single player won't exactly be new to me.
But is it worth the extra money, just for the larger amount of multiplayer games?
Beating the easy levels is a very small part of the game (I consider them training levels). You still have lots of playtime to complete the Advance and Expert levels, then unlock the Extra levels, and finally the Master levels (I never got these ). I'd say it's worth it. I'd even get it over SMB2 for multiplayer, simply because quality > quantity (I don't even like most of the new multi games added except for baseball).
Theres roughly twice the games, so yes. Most of the games are great as well, I didn't really click with boat race and soccer. 1 player, while not as obviously brilliant is still actually very very good, it is let down by a few very bad levels mainly. those being on advanced mode Launchers and arthropod. and on expert mode Switch Inferno (
It's the second switch from the back, rightmost column