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First Details on Halo Infinite Canceled Campaign Expansion


Gold Member
Their main mistake was making the game on a new engine which by all accounts is a pile of shit.

The move to ue5 is the last chance halo has.
The engine wasn't new as covered above, its just a modified version of the original Blam engine that's donkeys old.

From reddit as i can't be arsed digging around:

"Earlier in the video at 24:05 its said "we got to take a step back and overhaul the engine." (talking about Blam!) This shows us that Slipspace isn't something new, but just more built off of old stuff. This is a rebrand of the same engine they have been using. I saw rumors about this from unverifiable sources and decided to dive in and look around, turns out this is true."
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You mean like the first three Halo games had? How the hell does Breath of the Wild get credited for something the series already incorporated (prior to 343 running the show) and is cannon? The first game establishes that the Halo rings have biomes.
As I mentioned in a previous post 343i had always hated Bungie and I wouldn’t put them past purposefully not crediting anything to do with the original franchise.


A bunch of damn clowns over at 343i and upper Microsoft to allow this to happen to the Halo brand


ChatGPT 0.1
People want halo to shrink back to halo 1 levels it’s a franchise trying to move on.
Jimmy Fallon What GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon


Gold Member
The moment to moment and how it actually embedded a somewhat-open-world into levels was pretty decent, better than what Gears did for its 'open world' to connect the set pieces at least.
Agreed on that, for sure.

Hoping Gears retunes to it's roots with E-Day.


It always sounds cool but let’s be honest - it was probably shit given the team and tech. Whatever they work on now that they’ve had a leadership turnover could be good (or still shit idk)


So Gta gets 12+ years for its open world and Halo gets 5 or 6? I'm not saying there wasn't room for being faster, but if they had stuck to a traditionally on rails halo, the game would have had better levels, better everything. They were so busy trying to make it huge and open, it rushed the end product. I hope they ditch the open world for halo 7.
GTA's scope is 100 times bigger than halo in all aspects, why even bring it up
Microsoft should sue Bonnie Ross for maliciously damaging their flagship brand.
They’re at fault too. How many times were things botched that MS could have stepped in. Is it because she’s a woman that they were afraid to act? Idk. But both have a hand in it. And her departure as a matter of personal family matters was a joke. Bear the weight of your sins. For once listen to fans. She had no right being at the helm of this.


Such a weird unfinished game, it's not really bad or anything but it just feels like they forgot to ship the second half of it when you play it. Remember doing the final boss fight against the Harbinger or whatever the big bad was called thinking it was just another boss, and then the game just kinda ended - roll credits.
It's a perfectly average game. A straight solid 5/10. Not bad, not good, just average.


It’s stunning they never expanded the SP. The world is right there like just fill it up and add more story. So strange what a waste of time, money, and potential.

If you told me no one in the Xbox division plays video games I’d believe you.


Halo games going forward do require Local Coop at launch. The wife and I waited until the update for local coop was added. Though, was pissed off at that ending!
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Gold Member
All this stuff sounds cool but we all know 343 had absolutely zero ability to deliver it. Because when MS delayed the game, they brought in Staten to whip it up into shape and the game we got was the end result of that delay and another year of decvelopment.

Like if you gave 343 another 10 years they wouldn't be able to deliver this vision. They just suck.


They’re at fault too. How many times were things botched that MS could have stepped in. Is it because she’s a woman that they were afraid to act? Idk. But both have a hand in it. And her departure as a matter of personal family matters was a joke. Bear the weight of your sins. For once listen to fans. She had no right being at the helm of this.
No it’s not because she’s a woman. I want to clear up this misconception here, Yall wonder why Phil, Kiki, and Bonnie stuck around so long? Look at their careers! They are MICROSOFT people. Diehards, company men and women. They have been Microsoft people for decades. They have ALL spent their 20+ years at Microsoft since before the Xbox when they were focused on PC game publishing. They have spent the last 20+ years at Microsoft failing upwards and occasionally being lucky enough to make the executive team happy, and now some of them are the executive team. That’s just how a corpo like MS works.
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No it’s not because she’s a woman. I want to clear up this misconception here, Yall wonder why Phil, Kiki, and Bonnie stuck around so long? Look at their careers! They are MICROSOFT people. Diehards, company men and women. They have been Microsoft people for decades. They have ALL spent their 20+ years at Microsoft since before the Xbox when they were focused on PC game publishing. They have spent the last 20+ years at Microsoft failing upwards and occasionally being lucky enough to make the executive team happy, and now some of them are the executive team. That’s just how a corpo like MS works.
I agree with that. I think your implication is they may have “earned” it but some of them may not truly be right for the job. Only time can tell and usually it’s a reactive view once things have gone well or gone bad.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
What the hell happened to this engine demo vision?

It looked so much better than the game we got.

That’s why it’s hard to trust MS teasers these days. The actual product tends to fail to live up to reality
That's the reason their showcases are meaningless to me. Or anything that doesn't have a release date within 12 months with an actual playable build the 'press' can play.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
They’re at fault too. How many times were things botched that MS could have stepped in. Is it because she’s a woman that they were afraid to act? Idk. But both have a hand in it. And her departure as a matter of personal family matters was a joke. Bear the weight of your sins. For once listen to fans. She had no right being at the helm of this.
No, it's because of Matt Booty's patented "hands off" approach to studio/project management.


Cool ideas don't count for much when they're in 343i's hands. If it sounds like it would've been cool, 343i would've found a creative way to fuck it up.

I have never seen a developer fail so spectacularly, so consistently, for so long. There's a reason Phil fired the CEO and gutted the studio.
It's sad that after all that time and money spent we got a campaign that had almost no story, no environmental variety and was clearly not what the game was supposed to be. You can't just blame 343 for this, the people above Ross share in the blame yet she's the only one who's gone.

Naked Lunch

Im alittle more optimistic than most about this - but Ill give 343 another chance after its seems they removed all the problem people from their studio post Infinite.
I DO trust the dude who turned the MCC around - and now he is in charge of 343.

A story reboot doesnt seem likely. The lore still continues to this day in many formats, books - audio podcasts mostly. There's no way they would just throw all of that away.
For the next game - they just need to make it fit at a point where its easy for everyone to understand. Its kinda like how the first Star Wars was the 4th episode - all that other history was still there in the background.

Those campaign ideas frankly sound terrible - and all the grasping for straws, start/restart development of Infinite was absurd.
It seems (or at least im hopeful) they finally have the right people in there at the 'new' 343. I hope they can deliver on the next.
The franchise is too good to be treated so poorly - its all there for them - just make it good again!
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There are other Spartans, it's obvious they want to move away from that drama, hopefully it has 1 & 2 magic.
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Gold Member
The brutal truth is Halo will never be good again as long as 343 owns it.
Brutal truth is the slow speed and TTK are dated and will never be popular again. The series carries too much baggage and the MP should be left to die.

I enjoy it still to this day, but im 50 years old, kids these days hate it.

Build a banger of a campaign like Doom does that will be enough.
No, it's because of Matt Booty's patented "hands off" approach to studio/project management.
While I think in general a hands-off approach is desired - there has to be some kind of accountability or checks and balances with the intellectual literacy with a brand and how fans react to it. As failures and flat launches are tallied up, someone should make a thoughtful and tough change. Totally easier said than done. I know.


I couldn't even bring myself to finish the base campaign. You're telling me they were planning to add even more?


Campaign sucked, largely due to being open world.

The only good thing about the game was sliding around as you could pickup some real speed and distance... but that wasn't even intentional and was just me trying to derive fun from an otherwise boring experience.


Most boring Halo to date. 4 and 5 are almost fun compared to it.
I loved Halo 4, good gameplay and great story, first Halo I bothered playing til the end. And I played Halo 5 just before Halo Infinite launched, it was short, took me 9 hours to finish, but waaaay more varied and interesting than Infinite.

I dropped Infinite after 16 hours of being bored. I liked the gunplay and grappling hook but traversing the same biome and fighting the same small forts over and over was just not fun.
It was a 7/10 for me, at best. It somehow managed to be TGA’s Player’s Choice and GAF’s GOTY same year as Metroid Dread released. Shameful.
Not sure if this cancelled thing would’ve brought me back but I would’ve given it a chance for sure.


Gold Member
343 has to go, they have ruined the Halo franchise and don't do jack just like Rare.
You mean jack for you. Last time i checked they are the best selling title on Playstation last month. I don't like the game personally but SOT's has been a smash hit for them for quite a while now.

Jinzo Prime


I think it is obvious that Halo Infinite was supposed to be a Ubisoft open world game before being reworked and cut down. The story should have been about rescuing Marines, engineers, pilots, ect that unlock more vehicles, ships, and weapons to take on tougher foes and challenges on Zeta. Lasky should have died, but left a final message making Chief capitain of Infinity, so we can see Chief grow from a soldier to a leader, giving Chief the character development he earned and Lasky a proper send-off.


It's time (well overdue) that 343i is closed up and hand the reigns to someone like id Software. Build it from the ground up, focusing on the tight Halo game play loop that was perfected in Halo 3. Keep the story on Master Chief. Make it a prequel/early days as a young spartan in the blue team in the early years of the war with the Covenant.
Have a mission/level based campaign with big set-pieces that can be played single player and multiplayer with coop/split-screen (can play as either of the 4x blue team members).
I'm so glad they all were dropped. Halo Infinite has the best campaign since the very 1st game.
The only issue I had with the game was the lack of variety in the levels, which hopefully the sequel will address.



Rebs Gaming (who revealed the cut Crusher campaign creature, Halo Infinite multiplayer content, Halo 5 multiplayer Project Infinity, how 343 Industries former leadership ruined the development of Infinites campaign, and confirmed the end of MCCs development) uploaded a video report that reveals specific cut content from Halo Infinites campaign:

Key Points:

  • UNSC Infinity was going to be a HUB for Master Chief on Zeta Halo with soldiers and scientists that gave out quests
  • Infinity HUB was scrapped and morphed into a UNSC compound which was scrapped for FOB’s.
  • Far Cry 5 like Factions controlled certain areas of the map
  • Factions controlled by Banished Warlords at Strongholds
  • Strongholds surrounded by support bases (barracks, weapon depot and vehicle depot).
  • 343 looked at collecting upgrades at bases like Ghost Recon Wildlands
  • Some form of dungeons similar to Mass Effect Andromeda was in the plan from a very early stage
  • Breathe of the Wild was a big inspiration, they wanted to include different biomes.

This is not cut content. These are features that where discarded during developement.
For example:
- Having fobs scattered around the map seems much more convenient fir the player than having to go to one single point on the map (the infinity)
- Having brute factions does not seem like it would add anything of value to the game
- Weapon upgrades would easily break the Halo weapon balance and hurt the weapon decision gameplay

Now, other biomes and more content is what we needed. Sure we could have the infinity as another level. But most importantly we missed the Flood and their unique gameplay mechanics and challenge. And that should be the faction that fights the Brutes
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