probably will get a What-If mode in DW9 Complete edition/DW9-2/ whatever they're going to do for that route.
I hope so, I need my happy ending for my Shubros
probably will get a What-If mode in DW9 Complete edition/DW9-2/ whatever they're going to do for that route.
Ma dai and the paint brush will always make me laugh. Just imagining going through the battle field wacking people with a giant paint brush
Oddest thing is that DW7, the very game that introduced him, featured him using his giant brush like a blade in a cutscene.
The first SW Chronicle did well though, especially for something entirely made out of SW3 reused assets.
The issue is that then they released what was basically an expansion pack of an already recycled game as a standalone game (SWC2 - the player even needed to go through the same scenarios again in order to unlock the new ones) and SWC3, although built upon SW4 and a great improvement on SW4's gameplay, removed Chronicle's fan favorite feature (Personal events between the custom officer and the actual characters, which got even implemented in the mainline SW4 itself after their positive reception in Chronicles). You can see how SWC3 had poor numbers in spite of also getting a Vita release, so you can't really blame "Nintendo userbase" for that.
im glad theyre going back to a more realistic style in terms of their armor. hope the same goes for the weapons. The flying swords and snooker balls were getting ridiculous..
I'd rather keep the weird weapons if it means unique movesets and no cloned movesets.im glad theyre going back to a more realistic style in terms of their armor. hope the same goes for the weapons. The flying swords and snooker balls were getting ridiculous..
I have zero faith that this will work out thoughCharacters' new costumes in DW9 will have a tendency of getting less flashier and more geared towards realistic based on the costumes in Three Kingdoms era. *NEW*
The only thing that matters to me is if I can go shield surfing and throwing sheilds around like captain america with xing cai realism be damned
Sounds kind of ridiculously good?
I have zero faith that this will work out though
Environment shots
Yup.Is this the first time Dynasty Warriors has gone full open world?
Hmmm. What are the odds of them rebranding the series yet again? This seems to be a great place to hop on, but I imagine lots of people going "no use starting now since I missed the story of the first eight games".
This has the potential to be the best selling entry on western markets.
its the same story, you can hop in where-ever. Same goes for samurai warriors and ditto for the ROTK/ nobunaga's ambition games.
for it to do that, it needs to beat sales of either Dynasty Warriors 4 or Hyrule Warriors (the two most successful titles for the Musou line of games)
But does the average consumer know that? That may be a reason why you rebrand it.
You cant rebrand the story..... its an established thing, Romance of the Three kingdoms is a book. I can think of only 1 way this has sorta worked in the past.. and thats the New testament compared to the old testament (in relation to the bible).
That would kill the game on the spot in Japan and probably the Asia market (it does sell over there, hell DW8CE was bundled over there to sell ps4s iirc) Hell average consumer in the west probably only cares about the 1 vs 1000 aspect which is what they market it as over here.
Keep Jim Sterling away from this thread, the Dynasty Warriors hype might kill him.![]()
Stirlings a big DW fan?
wow, I honestly would never have guessed
Hu Lao Gate, from twitter
Hu Lao Gate, from twitter
Lu Bu DW2.......most simple design but absolutely the most brutal......his fucking healthbar was absolutely ridiculous, not to mention if you accidentally knocked him over he healed every fucking time, even on the lowest difficulty and a fully maxed stat character he could single combo kill you
Hu Lao Gate, from twitter
Finally, the tyranny of baby face Liu Bei can end.