Wait is this another expansion or an event?
FFXIV does about 3-month cycles for major content patch drops. The expansion launched in June so were due for new content.
To further answer the question about the Ivalice thing. FFXIV has two ongoing raids every patch cycle. An 8-man Full Party raid and then a 24 man Alliance Raid. This Ivalice raid will be the 24 man raid story arc for the Stormblood expansion.
So everyone who is behind it will be around forever but I'll tell you this. Since you need 24 people to queue for this thing. Older 24 man raids are WAY harder to queue for. So while they will be there forever if you want a chance to more easily see this stuff I'd suggest making FFXIV a priority for awhile. You do have like 6 months until the next part of this 24 man raid will drop so you do have some time.