AFAIK, you just get more musou attacks. You get those as you progress through the game / level up, but your base moveset never changes.Tell me you're kidding.
So you get full move set from the start and nothing to learn?
AFAIK, you just get more musou attacks. You get those as you progress through the game / level up, but your base moveset never changes.Tell me you're kidding.
So you get full move set from the start and nothing to learn?
AFAIK, you just get more musou attacks. You get those as you progress through the game / level up, but your base moveset never changes.
This is awful.
Getting new moves with Jagi and doing better and crazier combos was the best thing ever.
You have failed us Koei.
And yeah, waiting for a swing to activate heightened awareness works pretty much 100% on a boss, it's just the fodder that is more or less random/all over the place.
I've never had a problem pulling it off during swaths of enemies or intimate encounters. I know some enemies have a smaller input windows than others. Maybe that's messing up your groove?
It hasn't really been discussed but the level system is pretty cool. There are 5 seperate experience gauges; Life, Aura, Attack, Defense and Technique. You gain Life experience by killing enemies with normal attacks. Aura for killing enemies with specials. Attack is raised after strong kills. Defense when you take down enemies while your life gauge is green. And Technique experience for high combo counts. Leveling the technique stat is handy because it makes blocking and dodging more effective. It also increases the combo window time along with shocking enemies.
Wait, what? All these times, I've been needlessly trying to block enemies' attacks because I thought that's how to raise defense. :-< It's only logical that way.
Still find it difficult to see what tangible benefit leveling or equiping scrolls does to these in actual gameplay.
How many episodes is Legend Mode exactly? I hear something like 22-25 and I'm 9 episodes in but its only up to Rei's stuff.
100% in agreement that this game is pretty disappointing. I heard it would play a little bit more similarly to Dynasty Warriors games, but it's still mostly just Ken's Rage with more enemies on screen and larger hitboxes for your attacks. Which is a good thing, just not enough to make it a great Warriors game. Which shouldn't be all that hard to do.
0% in agreement that the first game was in any way shape or form a good game. Ken's Rage 1 might be the worst game Omega Force has ever produced. The only thing I can say the first game did better than this one was a sense of character progression, what with moves unlocking as you level up. The problem in Ken's Rage 1 was, though, that the process of unlocking moves was boring as sin. Nothing is fun about mindlessly mashing out Jagi's C2 for mission after mission until you get his other one combo that's actually viable. Especially in a game where your character's moves target one or two enemies and your mission is to kill hundreds of them.
tl;dr, it's an improvement over a terrible game, but still not a good game. On the plus side, Ken's Land of Shura costume looks pretty great.
Edit: And I just realized that I Platinumed Ken's Rage 1 for some reason. I must have hated myself that weekend.
100% in agreement that this game is pretty disappointing. I heard it would play a little bit more similarly to Dynasty Warriors games, but it's still mostly just Ken's Rage with more enemies on screen and larger hitboxes for your attacks. Which is a good thing, just not enough to make it a great Warriors game. Which shouldn't be all that hard to do.
0% in agreement that the first game was in any way shape or form a good game. Ken's Rage 1 might be the worst game Omega Force has ever produced. The only thing I can say the first game did better than this one was a sense of character progression, what with moves unlocking as you level up. The problem in Ken's Rage 1 was, though, that the process of unlocking moves was boring as sin. Nothing is fun about mindlessly mashing out Jagi's C2 for mission after mission until you get his other one combo that's actually viable. Especially in a game where your character's moves target one or two enemies and your mission is to kill hundreds of them.
tl;dr, it's an improvement over a terrible game, but still not a good game. On the plus side, Ken's Land of Shura costume looks pretty great.
Edit: And I just realized that I Platinumed Ken's Rage 1 for some reason. I must have hated myself that weekend.
Seriously got sick of fighting Raoh before the final battle (plus I couldn't defeat him).
That last Raoh fight was my first game over. My biggest complaint about the cutscenes are the absolute ridiculous number of load screens.
Yea the load screens between them are awful. I also don't like how they're not pausable, especially since they can tend to be quite long.
Hah! That happened to me earlier tonight. My wife called me into the kitchen and I just reflex tapped start. Came back a minute or so later to Kenshiro getting pummeled by thugs.
My thoughts exactly!! Fist of the North star was my first "Japanimation" as it was called, so playing through the well fleshed out Legend mode was a treat..Dream mode is good more so the Challenge missions which are like what Ifs. a monster..killing so much with him!!Just started playing asin story mode. I honestly think this is the first adaptation I've played where everything is largely coherent and gels very well. In most other games based off of pre existing properties, the story is stilted and fractured. Not here and for that, I am extremely grateful to Omega Force.Bat
Yeah, the level design can be weak, dodge is OP and I would've rather had an evolution of the Meridian system, but I'll be damned if I'm not genuinely enjoying every minute. I, for one, am very glad Omega Force didn't just throw the FotNS universe into a cookie cutter mold of another Musou title. The game stands just fine on its own.
Anyway, back to it!![]()
My thoughts exactly!! Fist of the North star was my first "Japanimation" as it was called, so playing through the well fleshed out Legend mode was a treat..Dream mode is good more so the Challenge missions which are like what Ifs. a monster..killing so much with him!!
Eff the haters. Loving every minute of this macho nonsense. It's junk food for the soul.
Need more NNIDs!
My thoughts exactly!! Fist of the North star was my first "Japanimation" as it was called, so playing through the well fleshed out Legend mode was a treat..Dream mode is good more so the Challenge missions which are like what Ifs. a monster..killing so much with him!!
I've never had a problem pulling it off during swaths of enemies or intimate encounters. I know some enemies have a smaller input windows than others. Maybe that's messing up your groove?
Preorder bonus varied from retailers, US I believe only from GameStop for 360 anyway.Was there meant to be any pre-order bonus with the EU version or was the US only?
I do that but sometimes my army manages to take him down!Holy moly, I haven't heard "Japanimation" since my earlier days of going the Suncoast video to see if they had new Guyver tapes.![]()
Good to hear that you're enjoying the game despite some niggling issues. And yes, The challenge missions are pretty darn fun. I just figured out a trick the other night with base capturing in the standard Dream Mode. Kill all the grunts at a base, summon the commander, then head over to another base. You can generally get all the enemies from all the bases that way. Makes Dream Mode more of a murderfest.
Was there meant to be any pre-order bonus with the EU version or was the US only?
arrange your scrolls to get the perks for starting with a full aura guage and one extra ..find a combo that kills the most people at a time and spam it, you'll level up with time and kill things easier, you also want to watch the aura color on defenders and boss characters, when it turns red spam your signature move or dash away, if you're playing legend mode keep at it, when it clicks its kinda zen, and applies to other characters in dream mode.I'm not really good at this game at all... I don't feel like a badass playing it as I do playing NG3 on Wii U
maybe I just don't understand the controls
Online is great, if you can find anyone to play with.![]()
It seems to take a long time to unlock characters for dream mode, that might be a reason. I've played legend mode to the point I feel I need a break from the game but I've only unlocked 2 dream mode characters (badguys only). It's a bit disappointing.
Thread is already dead.
New Dream Mode missions available for download tomorrow on Wii U.
Yeah, they came out on PSN yesterday. Was thinkin' about grabbing them. I think it's $4 for all 5. I just wish the extra costumes were a little cheaper.
Hokuto Shitken
Is the 1st one worth it? I found the 360 version for 8.