So bummed out. I started SS (after reading all the info and advice given to other people new to lifting in this thread) in January and after 2 months I was starting to look and feel a lot better. I also started doing kickboxing 2-3 times a week, which I have absolutely loved so far. Regular exercise was also helping me sleep way better, and I have been on a strict diet the last 2 months...Unfortunately, tonight I fucked up my back while at kickboxing through a stupid accident. I'm going to go to the doctor tomorrow, but I am guessing that I will not be able to lift, do kickboxing, or any exercise, for at least 1 month, possibly longer. I'm legitimately depressed now... 
By the way, thanks to all the regulars in this thread. I have been reading all the advice you have posted for other people new to lifting and it has helped me a lot.
By the way, thanks to all the regulars in this thread. I have been reading all the advice you have posted for other people new to lifting and it has helped me a lot.