Facism said:After last nights clan matches, the only valid tactic is for the whole team to go tactician the whole game.
TSPs are fucking terrible.
WE won everything except 2 games against 1080. Super heavy lag for us Euros in that game :/ Watched 4 guys in our team unload their guns into one guy, only to turn round and kill rick before the game caught up with him and told him he was dead.
Facism said:We had a game against [GOAT] last night. Despite how severely laggy it was for us, it was generally a close game and overall a lot of fun, if frustratingKind of like a forced wank, i suppose.
aj2good4you2 said:lol we played [AxP], the 2nd ranked clan twice last night, first in a 8v6 and a then 8v5 and they still beat us both times. both matches were in our favor but we just didnt have the talent on our team to win. we really need more US players to step up and play more since we're losing easy matches for no reason. i really hate to say this but unlike kz2 the euro talent is alot better overall than us laggy americans right now.
aj2good4you2 said:lol we played [AxP], the 2nd ranked clan twice last night, first in a 8v6 and a then 8v5 and they still beat us both times. both matches were in our favor but we just didnt have the talent on our team to win. we really need more US players to step up and play more since we're losing easy matches for no reason. i really hate to say this but unlike kz2 the euro talent is alot better overall than us laggy americans right now.
maybe i should just stick to playing with the euros from now on :0
Gek@ll said:I was not there for those two clan matches but every time we lose either because it is laggy or because people simply start going for kills instead of doing the objective and one guy will get past them and cap a tsp. Another problems is that people don't communicate even if they have a headset and they will let their whole team get stabbed in the back.
Cagen said:For EuroGaf on Killzone 2, I used to write up tactics, assign classes and squads to people, designated squad leaders and roles for each warzone mode attack and defence, where people should be and move to depending on different situations that could arise and sent them out via PMs.
It wasn't very comprehensive but it was enough that people knew their roles in the match and while it was a bit trial and error at times and we didn't always win, they definitely helped the cohesion of the clan in each match. I had time to do it though, with scheduling matches in K2, I had time to work out who was playing in the match, assign roles to their strengths and get it outto everyone playing.
Now, with matchmaking, you can't do that, especially when we are a larger clan with different members playing each night, maps and opponents being random and the system generally being utter shit.
The best tactic I've seen for K3 is everyone going Tactician and rushing the TSPs, once we hold it/them you either have the game won (if it's P. Crater) or got thefirst round locked down (if it's not body count). Someone suggested using two infiltrators to fend off tsps until tacticians get there which also works.
distrbnce said:PSN: Madriiax
Gek@ll said:How is it that we have about 90 member in the clan, yet half the time when we send out invites so we can play some clan matches only the same people accept it or we don't have enough so we don't do any. If we are doing clan matches with this many people in the clan we should easily be able to run multiple clan matches at the same time.
I am going to go through the clan and remove a lot of people, as with any GAF clan people join and then never play. If I remove anyone who is active or wanted to play you'll have to post or send me a message. Would be really useful if I could see when clan members were last active but I guess, seeing as the clan member list doesn't even filter by who is fucking online, I am asking for far too much.commish said:Ha, I was thinking about this earlier. Without our chat room, I don't know how someone would get invovled, though, and the chatroom is only limited to 16 people.
Cagen said:I am going to go through the clan and remove a lot of people, as with any GAF clan people join and then never play. If I remove anyone who is active or wanted to play you'll have to post or send me a message. Would be really useful if I could see when clan members were last active but I guess, seeing as the clan member list doesn't even filter by who is fucking online, I am asking for far too much.
Having the chatrooms limited to 16 people is really annoying. I was thinking about setting up a couple of clan chatrooms and have for example myself, lince, aj and pwonager in both and the current one to coordinate/communicate between them and get everyone invited to atleast one of them but this will get really complicated and messy. We could post here if we are looking for members to see if anyone is around. Problem is we make a squad of 8, then the couple who don't get in play the campaign or join another match and don't wait to start a second squad.
I think we should have two squads going (with enough people available) - one doing clan matches, one doing pub games. This way ppl can do what they want and don't have to be left out of playing with FTSG completely if the clan group is full (which is usually is).
moonspeak said:Hmm. Was I kicked out the clan? I only played one game with you guys but i just noticed the clan thing doesn't show up anymore for me or even on the Killzone site.
My ID is Neo_Soma btw.
Actually on that note I'm just not sure about this game anymore. Maybe it's just me playing against randoms or something but I'm just not having as much fun with the game lately. It's pretty heartbreaking considering how hyped I was for the game prior to the release. The lack of features and bizarre design choices is kinda killing my interest. I know there's plans of future patches in the works but I'm starting to think it might be too little too late![]()
Facism said:Hey man a lot of us feel like that. Don't post it in the official thread though, or idiots who think the mp is great, but only play TDM will be down your throat like liquid shill.
BrLvgThrChmstry said:Why I never! ...it's this kind of ignorance and opinions blinded by nostalgia, KZ2 was flawed/poor man's shooter, etc.
As much shit as I gave KZ2 (I loathe that game..) even I know that KZ3 MP is inferior in nearly every way. I love the new feel of the controls but everything else is complete crap. I actually thought Matchmaking was going to work out (and one of the holy defenders of this feature), this game needs custom serverlists w/ search options :|
Anywho, I applied for a spot in the clan. Waiting for an invite myself! -- I'm also definitely in the same boat as moonspeak, the only sense of enjoyment I get out of this game is playing with GAF(ers).
Giriath_89 said:For some reason I'm not in the clan any longer. I guess it's possible I did the infamous miss-click when leaving a group and accidentally left the clan. Can I get another invite Cagen? I've left an application via Killzone.com again.
Negaiido said:I had powers to kick people so kicked some enemies.
It's a mess with how the squads and matchmaking works, makes it really hard to get people together for clan matches. They tried to make it accessible for casuals (who won't give a shit about clan matches) but fucked it up for clans like ours. In K2 we would rotate players if needed for clan matches to make sure everyone got to play, it was usually the same core group but if someone else wanted to join one of us would bow outto let them in but we had time to organise it. Now we just get 8 people together which is always from the same core group and jump into match making, meaning others get left out, especially when we use the chatroom to get together and it's limited to 16 people.DenogginizerOS said:I have been on MP every night but Tuesday night and I have yet to get the timing right to get into a clan match. But I really, really want to play. I see guys are in a game, but I can't join. Grrrrrrr.
Nightz said:If you guys have a squad going, one of you could pop in here and post either: "Hey we have x number of people in our squad, we need y more. Ask so and so for an invite." or "Sorry guys we have a full squad. Go ahead and start another one." It would also help if you list who is in the current squad. Definitely a bit of a hassle, but it might save some people from waiting forever for an invite.