Looks like a hole, but it's not a holeThat thing that looks like a hole is not a hole. It's the aftermath of when you stitch a panoramic together. Since earth is a sphere, it's difficult to take a perfect picture of it. You will find a similar stitching error on Google Maps.
IMO there's no evidence that could change a sceptic (and not only when it comes to hollow earth theory), because you can always easily disprove everything if you want. Lets say people would even record a real hollow earth entrance on the camera, but then sceptic can always say that's just a CGI or something like that.
People these days are programmed to have certain believes, and current science is like a religion. You dont question your religion, but just blindly believe it. Why people think our planet is solid, they come up to that conclusion themselves studying facts and data? No, they believe our planet is solid because their priests (scientists) told them that's a fact, so therefore it must be a fact.
Hollow Planet Seismology Vs Solid Earth Seismology
I think the only way to change people like that into believer is some personal experience. Seeings something with your own eyes totaly change your perspective. Personally I have seen UFO for myself, although I cant tell if real aliens were inside, because it could be very well some secret project with real humans inside, but that ship was using antigravity for sure, and most people think antigravity technology should not exist on this planet. However I can say antigravity exsist for a fact, because I have seen on my own eyes ship that was using it (and I have saw it with other people, and we all were surpised and shocked). After seeing something like that for myself even hollow earth story (Admiral Byrd story) is not longer out of this world. Below is book that talks about that and it's no longer a Sci-Fi to me, and I really wouldnt be surprised if hollow earth theory is indeed a fact. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction
The New Germany and the Hollow Earth
Of course people shouldnt blindly believe anyone (including me), but rather think for themselves. Only people like that cant be manipulated.
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