Which match
West Ham on the 14th of March
Which match
It's quite funny, even a few in here have been strangely emotional in the debate.
West Ham on the 14th of March
A liittle dead dog's vagina. My friends cut it out and agreed to pay for a sandwich afterwards. I was a very poor 12 year old boy.
In my country they just kill the dog, tore it to pieces,cook it and sell it in side these deep fried flour made balls called rellenos. Theyre fucking incredible. You have to be careful though, one time I got one with a long, fat hair on it and puked my ass out.
I know how you feel op. My 13 year old cousin was in love with me. I knew that because my family was teasing me because they saw her crying with a photo of me because she had not seen me in a week and later cause she told me. I was 22 at the time, just out of a relationship and depressed. At a new years eve i was alone in the balcony, sort of drunk with tears in my eyes then all of suddenly she kissed me and I kissed her back. We started feeling each other up but suddenly we heard someone coming. It wasnt her it was my aunt. We stopped. My cousin always visits us once a week so for the following months we would sneak around to make out and I teached her how to pleasure me. I always asked her if she wanted to do this and she said yes. It took a while for her to let me eat her too. We were happy just being with one another.
One day I came to a realization that this was wrong. I explained to her how much I loved her but that I was her cousin and she was a beautiful girl that should have a boyfriend outside her family. She cried and said she wouldnt go away so I started being distant with her. She texted me constantly, began cutting herself and began fighting because she thought I had found someone else. I saw how much it was bothering her so I began to be closer to her as a friend. She began to hate me. Everytime I went to talk to her she wouldnt respond like she was erasing me from existence. I thought she had found someone else and even though it made me feel angry It was for the greater good. Believe me when I say the air is not right between us ever since. I am a piece of shit. I fucked up her life. All because I am weak.
:lol :lol :lol
Otrebor Nightmarecoat, have you ever been molested by another relative? Did you like tonguing a puppy's asshole?
Other than my sister, my grandma washed my penis when I was like 5, but I dont think thats bad. I didint like licking the anus. I just did it once and was over it.
Can't resist big Sam huh
Milch m8
What are your predictions for the juve game
How great is the defeat for juve
i want a birthday present from him
Just looked at some of the GOAT posters Otrebors posts, and ... I'm starting to think it was Andres.
and other insane shit
Notice all the common themes? ANDRES WE KNOW.
Just looked at some of the GOAT posters Otrebors posts, and ... I'm starting to think it was Andres.
and other insane shit
Notice all the common themes? ANDRES WE KNOW.
What the fuck at that picture :loooool
Every fat person knows his fat covers his penis. A normal size penis is reduced to an 3 inch clit because of that fat above the genitalia. The potential is there, its just that we prefer taco bell over satisfying a woman. The fix is simple, loosing some goddamn weight. Easier said than done. Food is our antidepressant, Its the instrument of our cowardly slow suicide. We need it to hide memories that need to be dealt with.
When my fingers press two keys ast the same time I reflect on what I did wrong in life, what boooty i could tap if I my breasts wouldn't jiggle every time i make a sudden movement. Women and sports are alien to me. Just yesterday my ass was itchy and I scratched it with my bed cover. I left poo stains on it. I cant run a mile before vomiting cheetos. I have no neck. The only things left for me to complete a stereotype are being a nintendo retard and playing too much WoW.
Being fat sucks. Being a whiny fat message board fuck sucks more.
What what is that picture? Is that some fat dude's crotch?
Just looked at some of the GOAT posters Otrebors posts, and ... I'm starting to think it was Andres.
and other insane shit
Notice all the common themes? ANDRES WE KNOW.
I miss him
I can name you 10 bigger clubs mate.
You gotta admit it's pretty funny mate.
You should hear mine. Too bad my mic is broken
Name me 10 bigger clubs than Arsenal. This should be interesting.
It's a real achievement to be alive on GAF for a long time. It never ceases to amaze me just how many people have been banned. Thread necros are hilarious because like half the names in their are of banned people.
On getting into Bastian Schweinsteiger's head:
"All the time I was saying it [that we are going to win]. At the corner kick [Bastian] Schweinsteiger came to me to mark me and I said: No problem, it's not me who will score.' And Didier scored. And Schweinsteiger looked at me as if to say what the?' "
0 bans(so far) people where you at!!!
Mes que un club
Hi ff
Already done
0 bans(so far) people where you at!!!
Mes que un club
So far, chances of that lasting are low though
Just wait until I become a mod. Or guess the password of Wes
Have you tried Vlaarissexy123?
Ff mateDc89 mate r u here
Have you been banned before?
Oh yeah here was his ban reason
Came back and got perma banned the first day back. :lol
Seems like some of the faces on are broken
Dc89 mate r u here
Have you been banned before?
Ff mate
I can't believe I'm genuinely hyped for a dragonball game
The last time was for budokai 1
Just looked at some of the GOAT posters Otrebors posts, and ... I'm starting to think it was Andres.
and other insane shit
Notice all the common themes? ANDRES WE KNOW.
I remember these :lolJust wait until I become a mod. Or guess the password of Wes.
My ban history as I remember, probably forgot some:
A few weeks or a month, for calling Cambiasso a chemo headed cunt.
6 months, reduced, for posting the shape of Arnies cock through his underpants. Although this was totally sleepless fault for actually posting a gif of Wilburs balls on here.
2 weeks for mods being soft as fuck in here not long ago.
There's at least a few more I forgot.
Just wait until I become a mod. Or guess the password of Wes.
My ban history as I remember, probably forgot some:
A week for saying Boxxy was ugly (when I was still a junior, probably survived due to like 5 of us getting banned in a row)
2 days which I am pretty sure was a mistake, as I got banned for reasons, that applied to the poster I quoted (not stating the name of a movie I believe, when just posting a picture). He didn't get banned lol.
A few weeks or a month, for calling Cambiasso a chemo headed cunt.
6 months, reduced, for posting the shape of Arnies cock through his underpants. Although this was totally sleepless fault for actually posting a gif of Wilburs balls on here.
2 weeks for mods being soft as fuck in here not long ago.
There's at least a few more I forgot.
FF you're such a wuss, you're only cool and legit after you get banned m8er
Remember when DC asked for a link to a torrent of Xenoblade Chronicles in the OT/emulation thread?
Who was it that got banned for calling Evilore a serial killer?
You are Adam Sandler
Wilbur is the old lady
KidA is ms vaughn - falling in love with you
Replace peeing pants with getting banned
Remember when DC asked for a link to a torrent of Xenoblade Chronicles in the OT/emulation thread?
Who was it that got banned for calling Evilore a serial killer?
Lol no way
Awesome thanks bro. Forgot to note I'm on Windows 64bit is that version still fine?
Also could you throw me a download link for the game if that's allowed in here![]()
FF you're such a wuss, you're only cool and legit after you get banned m8er. (releasing an album while banned is optional)
that was great :lol
but nothing will ever beat getting banned for 6 months for calling elsk a daft cunt :loool
and posting a graphic poorly drawn doodle courtesy of ADO Den Haag
Remember when DC asked for a link to a torrent of Xenoblade Chronicles in the OT/emulation thread?
Who was it that got banned for calling Evilore a serial killer?