Fucking nerds, go back to gaming side.
Do not deny the collective conscious.
Ever meet someone for a brief moment and you're 90% sure they are a Gaffer?
Weird feeling.
I am not a nerd I only like non nerd video games and football
I'm always really worried someone from real life will be reading this and see all the pictures of me. No one knows about my secret GAF life. Danni knows Kipless exists because he wants to fuck her but she doesn't know where from. She saw Suen in my phone the other day and I saved it as Susan and she thinks I have a new girlfriend
Twitter's saying HBO GO is fucked.
Will be watching TD tomorrow night.
It's the musky smell that triggers it, right?
You certainly got to ask yourself if it's worth explaining to people haha, usually if someone has asked me about it, when I sit browsing and writing angry GAF posts at uni, I just tell them it's "some forum" and then give them a mean look and click my facebook bookmark.
Yeah I always open up new tabs if anyone looks at my phone haha. A few people say "what is that black website you're always on"
I just tell them occult child porn and they stop asking.
A friend asked me about why the fuck I wrote about football in English with a bunch of idiots on whatsapp, when I went to watch Europa League with him a few weeks back. Both he and his girlfriend agreed it was weird to do that. Luckily we found common ground and watched efutk together afterwards, good friendly entertainment we could all agree on wasn't weird but just great.
No one knows about my GAF life. Hell, none of my close friends even LIKE football so you guys are the only one I talk to about it. T_T
Couldn't catch the game but saw the results, very pleased. We aren't even far behind Fiore! I had a small presence in whatsapp regarding the game, and bud tried to devalue the results by saying Materazzi looks funny.Where is Suen?
Parma took a huge leap towards Europe today.
No one knows about my GAF life. Hell, none of my close friends even LIKE football so you guys are the only one I talk to about it. T_T
Weird, and you live at malaysia right?
Huge following of english football
I don't even have friends
I'm going to end up in a cottage somewhere with 2 cats and 3 dogs for company.
But do you show her Benfica's CL exits?i show my little girl the "funny pictures" thread all the time. she loves all the animals pics and gifs.
But do you show her Benfica's CL exits?
Get a club kit for all of them and see who wins the pet champions league.
Only FF is old enough to remember those Parma matches in the 70's. Lambda pls.yep, it's on the same tape as Parma's Serie C matches.
Well they were fucking wrong we don't talk about football in whatsapp just curved dicks and moles and farts and console wars
I'd wait for the PC version guys.
This is embarrassing and I'm not sure I want to say it, but my brother sometimes browses this site and told other members of my family :lol.I'm always really worried someone from real life will be reading this and see all the pictures of me. No one knows about my secret GAF life. Danni knows Kipless exists because he wants to fuck her but she doesn't know where from. She saw Suen in my phone the other day and I saved it as Susan and she thinks I have a new girlfriend
I'd wait for the PC version guys.
I'm always really worried someone from real life will be reading this