Next Gen PR.
If Chelsea really had some stones, their hashtag should have been #LeDreamIndeed
Then Zlatan would have got involved and it would have been wonderful.
Next Gen PR.
I've only posted in this thread about 2-3 times, but I'm a long term lurker... I read this thread every day for about 2 years.
Your posts have really changed, but for the good!
Oh man, you missed out. So many great RPGs and underrated games, especially later in its life.
If Chelsea really had some stones, their hashtag should have been #LeDreamIndeed
Then Zlatan would have got involved and it would have been wonderful.
Please support City. Please support City.
But I know of several other people following the GAF Football thread for a long time without posting.
No I didn't. Cause I'm playing those on my Vita now.
Will soon begin corpse party!
*Then Zlatans Nike pr agent would get involved on twitter.
Already said he supports Bayern m8
why you gotta spoil the mystery you fucking anus
Next Gen PR.
I think that the vita is the most impressive gaming hardware. It has impressed me more than the next gen consoles.
Shame that it lacks enough worthwhile games. Sony have been extremely poor in supporting the system. I don't really buy games for it. Instead I mainly rely on the free psn+ games every month.
Well, i'd rather take quality over quantity. PS+ makes it a fantastic investment and the 30+ games I already have are fun and some of them are simply amazing.I don't mind the device. It's a great piece of hardware with an underwhelming library, but I guess a nice companion device.
I would love to see some more of it!It's called artistic freedom.
Someone never owned a PSP
It's not really a mystery. It's the most obvious case of a PR guy being in control over a celebs twitter, the whole profile is just cringeworthy.
Now Cellino, they need to get that guy a twitter account.
Lurkers please show yourselves or at least follow us on twitter! <3
So apparently, if we win the league, Portsmouth get £1 million due to a clause in Glen Johnson's contract.
They could probably do with that to be fair.
PSP was more impressive for its time, and the games ran at the native resolution of the screen.
No Wooden, Torres needs one. Then he can start his own #DareToTorres fad.
"@Fer9doTorres I missed a sitter at football training today. Everyone laughed at me. #DareToTorres"
I think I lurked for like 3 years or some ridiculous number of years.
Bayern are the new PSG
I'm a Bayern fan for 25 years. It's not fair to compare me to Sheikh Club lovers!
(The only Sheikh I accept is our tax evading sausage king...)
480x272 on a 4 inch LCD with hilariously low pixel density never looked great tbh.
There are only a handful of Vita games running lower than native but have way better filtering, resolution, effects etc, so its not really a big deal. At least you have a second stick and thats what makes Vita in every possible way superior to PSP because controls and gameply are simply better.
I'm a Bayern fan for 25 years. It's not fair to compare me to Sheikh Club lovers!
(The only Sheikh I accept is our tax evading sausage king...)
So apparently, if we win the league, Portsmouth get £1 million due to a clause in Glen Johnson's contract.
They could probably do with that to be fair.
Cavani is ugly
Was it you that fancied him? Or Kyoufu :lol
tbh even if we finish 2nd or 3rd we should find a way to give it to them. They're extremely close to being relegated from League 2 (just 5 points above the relegation zone), its so sad.
Thats the proper attitudeI'm a Bayern fan for 25 years. It's not fair to compare me to Sheikh Club lovers!
(The only Sheikh I accept is our tax evading sausage king...)
There's some mad Mancunian bloke shouting come on Bayern at the tram platform
let me go home
Go find Mr. TechnicaletehThere's some mad Mancunian bloke shouting come on Bayern at the tram platform
let me go home
welcome to the lion's cave
Holy shit I enjoyed the Ajax match. Pretty great day out and the whole drinking in the stands things made me exceedingly happy.
Drinking in the stands with good footbll or David Moyes. I'm a changed man and am moving to Amsterdam.
welcome to the lion's cave
Go find Mr. Technicaleteh
There's some mad Mancunian bloke shouting come on Bayern at the tram platform
let me go home
Already took a picture of some Bayern cunts, maybe I'll try and get a video of them saying fuck Blablurn later <3
Have you ever been to OT before?
I hope SE eventually puts their PSP titles up on the store. :/
There's some mad Mancunian bloke shouting come on Bayern at the tram platform
let me go home
Wilbur's jurnul
In Manchester already. Someone doing a stunningly stinky shit in the station toilets. I'm gonna buy a comb.
I'm gonna go into town and look for u.
So calling you a murderer is a form of trolling too?
When we win the league we will be accused of ruining football... again.
The Lion's Roar, a poem by Dwayne Leon Rankin, USA
#Roar #PackMas #ProudLion
He isn't ugly he is legitimately the most handsome man in European football.