Getting a PS4 just for RIME.
That looked nice, mix of Journey/Flower/ICO.
Footygaf PS4 Bros:
*long list here*
Yeah it's built into Seasons so you can do ranked 2v2 up to division 1.
Yes pls!
Getting a PS4 just for RIME.
Yeah it's built into Seasons so you can do ranked 2v2 up to division 1.
The best thing about all of this is that not only will you now get to play Football Manager Classic on a PS Vita but, for the first time ever, if you have the game on PC, Mac or Linux, youll be able to play the game across all platforms. Play the game at home on your computer, upload the saved game to the cloud, download on your PS Vita, and continue to play on the bus. Anytime, any place, anywhere.
The Vita is saved.
Join the VitaBro's footballGAF. We'll forgive you for being late.
The Order 1886 looks sexy too.
I haven't a clue what kind of game it is or what it's about. The art work makes me want to get it.
Told the marketing manager for The Order that I thought the art style looked naff and she gave me a piercing look. Admittedly that was just an initial impression, I actually have a feeling that thing could turn out really well.
There'll be a physics demonstration from it at Gamescom, so watch out for that.
Really torn on which console to choose.
Like, properly 50/50.
Giving serious thought to cancelling my PS4 preorder
-Underwhelming launch lineup (imo, of course)
-3+ month gap between launch and Infamous, which to me is the first truly exciting game to come out for it
-Minor hardware kinks could be ironed out in those 3 months
-Still have a big PS3 backlog, which will only grow when GTAV, Beyond, GT6 and Rain come out
-Judging by Gamescom, Sony have nothing from the major studios in the immediate pipeline after Infamous
Infamous looks fuking amazing though, definitely getting one by the time that comes out.
Is Laboured on holiday? Need help with that PC build![]()
Fuck you Lyon. WE DON'T WANT POT 2
Giving serious thought to cancelling my PS4 preorder
-Underwhelming launch lineup (imo, of course)
-3+ month gap between launch and Infamous, which to me is the first truly exciting game to come out for it
-Minor hardware kinks could be ironed out in those 3 months
-Still have a big PS3 backlog, which will only grow when GTAV, Beyond, GT6 and Rain come out
-Judging by Gamescom, Sony have nothing from the major studios in the immediate pipeline after Infamous
Infamous looks fuking amazing though, definitely getting one by the time that comes out.
Is Laboured on holiday? Need help with that PC build![]()
Just got round to watching Monday Night Football. GNev and Carra going in HAM on Arsenal loooooooooooool
Giving serious thought to cancelling my PS4 preorder
-Underwhelming launch lineup (imo, of course)
-3+ month gap between launch and Infamous, which to me is the first truly exciting game to come out for it
-Minor hardware kinks could be ironed out in those 3 months
-Still have a big PS3 backlog, which will only grow when GTAV, Beyond, GT6 and Rain come out
-Judging by Gamescom, Sony have nothing from the major studios in the immediate pipeline after Infamous
Infamous looks fuking amazing though, definitely getting one by the time that comes out.
Is Laboured on holiday? Need help with that PC build![]()
Getting a PS4 just for RIME.
I have keys for Medal of Honor and Mirror's Edge on Steam. One of each. PM me if you want them!
Carragher laying into Koscielny is great.
Oh God, I'm gonna enjoy this.
Carragher - "that cannot happen" re_ Bosscielny loooool
Edit - omg Nev's face when he says "they're just panicking" looool complete and utter disdain.
G Nev: "1 player can't fix this, they need 4 or 5"
Wtf I thought Arsenal was 2-3 signings away from winning the CL
Carragher laying into Koscielny is great.
What's your definition of immediate? Guerilla Games & Sony Santa Monica have been working on new IP's for a couple of years now and Naughty Dog have been working on their PS4 game since Uncharted 3.
Isn't the launch lineup basically the same as Microsoft's bar a few first party titles?
Rime looks spectacular and so does KZ, dat MP. The first game to look truly next-gen.
I think 64 player Battlefield 4 at 60fps is by far the biggest technical achievement on show at launch, Killzone included. When you throw all that together, add things like networked wave simulations, dynamic weather and destruction, it's spectacular.
Killzone has a great aesthetic, as always, but I don't think it matches the scope and ambition of Battlefield. Speaking honestly. Warzones look fun, though. Just hope they can develop a unique and deep combat loop that doesn't remind me of a slew of other shooters.
Saints Row IV is great guys
So sorry for those of you that have to play it on console![]()
I can;t help but shake the feeling that Gamescom was the last big chance they had to build hype pre-release, and they would have used it to announce at least one of the new games from ND, SSM and GG. The fact that none of them were there indicates to me that none of them will be out before September next year, which already puts 2 massive gaps in the games lineup, launch to Infamous, and Infamous to September. Maybe they'll surprise us all with a late announcement, which would be awesome
Knack > Killzone
Seen those MP screens from KZ? Honestly the cleanest looking game I've ever seen if they're at all indicative.
I've not been blown away by any of the technical achievements so far, all of the games look about how I'd expect.
Can't wait to see what SSM and Naughty Dog can do when they develop games from the ground up with finalised hardware specs
Also, hate that Sony are still pushing Ass Creed so much![]()
Is there a problem with the console versions or is the PC port just that excellent?
Thanks for podcast ideas guys, looking for better ways to fill my commuting time.
Norwich are picking up Elmander, third striker this window. Building a solid squad.
I muted it when Ass Creed came on. Thought it finished, then they started talking about it again.
As always, you know who plays Ass Creed?