Saw interstellar again in the imax. Liked it even more now I wasn't just focusing on the plot. McConaughey is so good.
Now off to my work Christmas party in brighton.
Saw interstellar again in the imax. Liked it even more now I wasn't just focusing on the plot. McConaughey is so good.
Now off to my work Christmas party in brighton.
Still want to see Interstellar but the wife won't go with me. Can't blame her after DKR...
Still want to see Interstellar but the wife won't go with me. Can't blame her after DKR...
Yeah yeah I know. Will deffo see of I can catch it while it is still on!But DKR and Interstellar have like zero connection to each other. His Batman films are completely different from the other stuff he's done (plot wise mainly) anyways.
Saw interstellar again in the imax. Liked it even more now I wasn't just focusing on the plot. McConaughey is so good.
Now off to my work Christmas party in brighton.
Balotelli may be in trouble for liking this pic on instagram. Telegraph says if he's charged he could face a 5 game ban.[MG][/QUOTE]
Just sell him already. I don't think Auckland City would take him for free.
What was B Rod thinking.
Balotelli may be in trouble for liking this pic on instagram. Telegraph says if he's charged he could face a 5 game ban.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Someone actually posted that here on GAF fairly recently and got banned for it (unsurprisingly). Not sure how long the ban was for, but it was quite swift.
I doubt Balotelli had any ill-intentions in mind when he posted it but punishment would be fair.
Bloody hellBalotelli may be in trouble for liking this pic on instagram. Telegraph says if he's charged he could face a 5 game ban.
Someone actually posted that here on GAF fairly recently and got banned for it (unsurprisingly). Not sure how long the ban was for, but it was quite swift.
I doubt Balotelli had any ill-intentions in mind when he posted it but punishment would be fair.
Unbelievable Jeff.Balotelli may be in trouble for liking this pic on instagram. Telegraph says if he's charged he could face a 5 game ban.
Maybe its just someone of the main cast, disguised as a storm trooper??
I don't understand what "jumps like a black man" means.
Balotelli may be in trouble for liking this pic on instagram. Telegraph says if he's charged he could face a 5 game ban.
Ever watch the NBA?
what tax exams are you sitting?
Balotelli may be in trouble for liking this pic on instagram. Telegraph says if he's charged he could face a 5 game ban.
Why are they posting koofoo tweets on gaming side? Is he some insider?
I thought koofoo was just a Newcastle fan that doesn't take showers. Lol.
What thread are we talking about?
Balotelli may be in trouble for liking this pic on instagram. Telegraph says if he's charged he could face a 5 game ban.
Looks like a Mexican (whatever that means) could be offensive too.The "grabs coins like a Jew" bit seems to be the one that has gotten people angry.
Balotelli may be in trouble for liking this pic on instagram. Telegraph says if he's charged he could face a 5 game ban.
Maybe we should tweet some stuff back and forth, then screeshot it and post it.
#insiders #nopants
Ey Meier, saw you pop by in the Fantasy Life thread. How ya liking it?
Goddamn is that PSX event thread confusing.. can someone sum this hype up for me?
Randy mate. I just used twitter for the first time in ages cause of you. What is your twitter name please
It's great! I've actually put in like 53 hours or something crazy into it. Just beat the story last night at level 48 and am now a Hero as a Paladin (have a few that are Master as well... still not done Mercenary, Archer or Wizard at all). I'm not kidding though when I say my thumb has been hurting from all of the button pressing.We got my wife a copy as well and she has gone absolutely ham on it. I can't ever remember her playing an actual game-game like this for this long. I'm so happy she's been enjoying it (we both just skip all the story text though).
@linius #ITK
Goddamn is that PSX event thread confusing.. can someone sum this hype up for me?
Goddamn is that PSX event thread confusing.. can someone sum this hype up for me?
Final fantasy 7 remake confirmed.
Final fantasy 7 remake confirmed.
Will it launch with the new consoles?