Caught that earlier. You think that's enough to imply conspiracy? I'd suggest the far more likely explanation is (if true) an individual's incompetence.
STOP. Why must injustice be so delicious. And bbq sauced..You don't even have to order Chic-Fil-A for me to go there. I go there of my own volition, fucking waffle fries and honey roasted BBQ sauce too damn good!
What?I wonder how these people feel about Nintendo hiring multiple rapists for sponsorship.
Is possession of cp the same as being a child molester in the eyes of justice?
I wonder how these people feel about Nintendo hiring multiple rapists for sponsorship.
Barring some prior criminal misconduct, what sort of proper vetting would result in an employer being made aware of something like this?
This would have been right after Fogle's relationship with the franchisee ended, so 2008-2009ish, right during the time when he was the face of the franchise and he was making Subway shitloads of money.
Goddamn do I feel old now.
See? Sometimes you can judge a person by their looks alone.
Because Jared Fogle has always just plain old LOOKED like friggin' pedophile. No surprise that he turns out to actually be one.
Well, considering the manager of his foundation was busted for it...
All Subway had to do was ask to see his computer and phone records as a condition of his employment. If Jared had nothing to hide, he gives them up. If he does, Subway quietly drops him. It's not like, with the numerous celebrity endorsers they had, they even needed him.
Nah, but I'm sure he'll get AIDS.
One doesn't get AIDS; you meant to say HIV. And prison rape jokes aren't really funny.
It isn't a prison rape joke. As someone else mentioned, it's a South Park episode reference.
I'm not saying that makes it better, necessarily.
EDIT: Sadly, I suppose it could be both. I hope it's not, though.
DVD's? Damn Jared!
Not saying I'm for what he did but the FBI are really looking into destroying peoples lives. Should they be looking for murders or major drug dealers instead of porn?
It's child porn for fucks sake!
Anyone boycotting subway for this is an idiot. Unless some kind of evidence surfaced that the company was aware of it or partakes in some kind of child porn then it's not their fault. If you end up dating a person who ends up being a pedophile should you be boycotted too?
Boycott subway if you hate their food, but not because Jared is a pedophile.
So can we finally call him a pedo now, or is that still unacceptable?
I don't get itSaw the Subway official tweet...look at their official Twitter artwork:
Not even marketing can save this.
What kind of charges is he looking at?
Jail time length I think I mean.
Surely the sentencing cant be as bad as actually abusing the kid personally himself?
I don't get it
Yes, I think we can now. The FBI doesn't go after someone unless the evidence is pretty solid.
Just saying, last thread people were all pissy about calling him a pedo.
He was originally charged with "production". It's hard to say whether the plea to only posession is because that's all they have, or because only that is the slam-dunk case.
Just saying, last thread people were all pissy about calling him a pedo.
Either way he's ruined. If he somehow avoids jail time, I hope he saved up his Subway money and just goes full retired Special Forces and lives out the rest of his life in the mountains and back woods, hunting rabbits for food.He was originally charged with "production". It's hard to say whether the plea to only posession is because that's all they have, or because only that is the slam-dunk case.
Just saying, last thread people were all pissy about calling him a pedo.
Cosby, Jared, Hogan, all these clean-image frauds getting exposed in 2015.
Wonder who's next before the year is up.
Even if his friend had cp on his PC he had possession of the cp. by all accounts nomatter how people spin it he is guilty on the possession count just like a passenger is guilty on drug trafficking it someone else put drugs in their bag.
And that's just his defense. It is nightly likely than not that he knew of the images
See? Sometimes you can judge a person by their looks alone.
STOP. Why must injustice be so delicious. And bbq sauced..
Honestly. Will people look down on me for going yo subway? They make a quick cheap meal. Ive been dieting and when I dont have food I go there.
So the guy who was in your ring of fucked up sickness was busted, yet you keep your PC and collection?
Crazy. Probably won't end with a prison term given Indiana laws, though.
Jersey Mikes is better than both subway and quiznoes.
You don't even have to order Chic-Fil-A for me to go there. I go there of my own volition, fucking waffle fries and honey roasted BBQ sauce too damn good!
I don't. Its one of the few fast food options that isn't an instant 1000+ calorie bomb for you. Every other sub chain is atrociously bad, just looking at Jersey Mike's nutrition page is enough for me to never want to go back there.