^ On the map there should be a question mark icon, that gives you a chance of joining a base defense mission or a quest mission.
Having fun with the game right now, though I wonder if I'll still enjoy it once the grind starts for real.
I chose Kyle, the mail constructor and don't regret it. Love the BASE feature. He got a hat and goggles when I 2-starred him.
Thanks. Yeah, I think I'm gonna focus on Ramirez for combat and field missions and switch sometimes with Penny for building stuff.As I mentioned earlier, I would *highly* recommend keeping them both and using them as required for the task required. You will also want multiple different class of heros once you open up more expiditions.
And yes, if you retire a hero, a % of hero points is returned and that hero is no longer available.
Edit: and yes, evolving a hero also gains them a new outfit along with a solid stat bump.
By default it's cropped 16:9 but addingI can't find this anywhere on the net? seeming that it's not suported it all even with tweaks?
it's the only thing stopping me buying the game.
Power 22 right now doing 34 enemies pretty easy, fair enough I'm getting the founders llamas but my friend who got the standard refuse to buy things like this and is doing the same with ease too, fair enough a bit slower than me but that's also because he saves his exp in most cases for legendaries.Plankerton is nice. Finally fighting strong enemies is fun. If it gets any harder though I can see more people who don't buy llama boxes complain about it.
Plankerton is nice. Finally fighting strong enemies is fun. If it gets any harder though I can see more people who don't buy llama boxes complain about it.
Plankerton is nice. Finally fighting strong enemies is fun. If it gets any harder though I can see more people who don't buy llama boxes complain about it.
I think I'm basically done. I just can't keep up with the downward spiral of crafting bullshit that this game is obsessed with.
Here are some reasons why crafting weapons in Fortnite really, really blows.
1) You can almost never craft the stuff you want to craft. This is a big one, because, lord knows you prayed daily to the RNG God to deliver unto you that super sick legendary weapon. Too bad! The materials for it are so sparse, you'll probably never get to use it. Enjoy looking at your schematic!
2) The RNG in this game is fucking *bonkers*. Like, maybe you just need 1 more Ore, or Rotating Gizmo. Just. One. More. Tough! Because now every single cave you enter isn't going to have any Ore. Hell, Ore deposits, when searched, will contain NO Ore. Those tool chests that have Rotating Gizmos? They're fresh out. In fact, you can spend hours upon hours of looting these things and *never* get one. Why? Because that's RNG for you.
3) The RNG makes *no* sense. Like, at first you think, hey, I get wood out of trees. Make sense, right? Wait until you start getting beef jerky out of electrical appliances.
4) Weapon durability is a stupid mechanic. Talked about this at length before, so I'll skip the long drawn out version of why Fortnite's implementation of durability is, bar-none, the worst implementation I have seen in a video game. Ever. Period. Full stop.
5) Your inventory is constantly filled with shit you never actually need. I spend more time destroying things in my inventory to make space for even semi-useful things, than I *ever* spend actually crafting cool things.
6) If you do manage to up the star level on even your weakest guns, all the mats you collected mostly become useless in lieu of whatever new rare shit they want you to grind out. This game actually encourages you to *not* build cool stuff.
The only good thing Fornite has is addictive combat (when you actually have a gun to shoot -- my friend stopped playing because he had no guns, no schematics, no materials to craft said guns), and building forts is cool. That's pretty much it. Everything else about the crafting is bad.
And, as another poster said, these problems? They are the *least* of Fortnite's concerns in terms of attracting and *keeping* people playing. Apparently the pay wall is so intensely high you can't see over it.
Anyway: Buyer beware, read my post. Done talking about this game now, as it's completely lost me unless the devs fix shit. How do they fix it? 1) Get rid of durability. 2) Make things that should appear in certain places actually appear there, not fucking banana peels. Easy. Oh, yeah, and 3) Probably fix the P2W shit.
By default it's cropped 16:9 but adding
Just add to the engine.file this under the last line: [/Script/Engine.LocalPlayer] AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainYFOV
Engine.file should located in: X:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalFortniteGameSavedConfigWindowsClient
Solves this issue
I think I'm basically done. I just can't keep up with the downward spiral of crafting bullshit that this game is obsessed with.
Here are some reasons why crafting weapons in Fortnite really, really blows.
1) You can almost never craft the stuff you want to craft. This is a big one, because, lord knows you prayed daily to the RNG God to deliver unto you that super sick legendary weapon. Too bad! The materials for it are so sparse, you'll probably never get to use it. Enjoy looking at your schematic!
2) The RNG in this game is fucking *bonkers*. Like, maybe you just need 1 more Ore, or Rotating Gizmo. Just. One. More. Tough! Because now every single cave you enter isn't going to have any Ore. Hell, Ore deposits, when searched, will contain NO Ore. Those tool chests that have Rotating Gizmos? They're fresh out. In fact, you can spend hours upon hours of looting these things and *never* get one. Why? Because that's RNG for you.
3) The RNG makes *no* sense. Like, at first you think, hey, I get wood out of trees. Make sense, right? Wait until you start getting beef jerky out of electrical appliances.
4) Weapon durability is a stupid mechanic. Talked about this at length before, so I'll skip the long drawn out version of why Fortnite's implementation of durability is, bar-none, the worst implementation I have seen in a video game. Ever. Period. Full stop.
5) Your inventory is constantly filled with shit you never actually need. I spend more time destroying things in my inventory to make space for even semi-useful things, than I *ever* spend actually crafting cool things.
6) If you do manage to up the star level on even your weakest guns, all the mats you collected mostly become useless in lieu of whatever new rare shit they want you to grind out. This game actually encourages you to *not* build cool stuff.
The only good thing Fornite has is addictive combat (when you actually have a gun to shoot -- my friend stopped playing because he had no guns, no schematics, no materials to craft said guns), and building forts is cool. That's pretty much it. Everything else about the crafting is bad.
And, as another poster said, these problems? They are the *least* of Fortnite's concerns in terms of attracting and *keeping* people playing. Apparently the pay wall is so intensely high you can't see over it.
Anyway: Buyer beware, read my post. Done talking about this game now, as it's completely lost me unless the devs fix shit. How do they fix it? 1) Get rid of durability. 2) Make things that should appear in certain places actually appear there, not fucking banana peels. Easy. Oh, yeah, and 3) Probably fix the P2W shit.
I highly disagree with this post. Materials for legendary weapons are far from sparse. And legendary weapons early on aren't much better than epics or rares anyway. You gotta play smart in this game. Plan ahead. If all the weapons you craft use the same mats, then you'll probably run out of those mats very fast.
Paywall? Bullshit. This actually kinda triggers me a little because there is no paywall. Even the founder exclusive stuff are easy to get. I got the standard edition I have at least 5-6 founder weapons. Paying accelerates some progression essentially. Whether people are okay with that or not, w/e. That doesn't make it a paywall if they don't like it.
Inventory space is easy to manage. It could be easier. But everything you collect is actually useful. Over time you unlock plenty of bag space, and storage space. I'm already at like 90 bag slots.
I generally disagree with most of what you said about the game, but it's too late to address everything here.
Yeah would post comparison but not access to my PC atmdamn, you're a hero! You're playing on ultrawide then and not got the weird zoomed thing?
Will pick up the limited edition later![]()
What do you want to do?What 2 legendary classes do you guys suggest I choose?
Call me when people start opening storm cheats alone and not even managing to get the first tier and never asking for help or announcing they found it.Whats with these siphon missions and people being insane during them, had a guy starting one on his own not asking for help and then not letting us repair the damage before starting it up, then another mission where me and another guy were doing it and the one other person on the map suicides the whole mission by starting the main defence alone.
Materials for legendary weapons are far from sparse. And legendary weapons early on aren't much better than epics or rares anyway. You gotta play smart in this game. Plan ahead. If all the weapons you craft use the same mats, then you'll probably run out of those mats very fast.
Paywall? Bullshit. This actually kinda triggers me a little because there is no paywall. Even the founder exclusive stuff are easy to get. I got the standard edition I have at least 5-6 founder weapons. Paying accelerates some progression essentially. Whether people are okay with that or not, w/e. That doesn't make it a paywall if they don't like it.
Inventory space is easy to manage. It could be easier. But everything you collect is actually useful. Over time you unlock plenty of bag space, and storage space. I'm already at like 90 bag slots.
I generally disagree with most of what you said about the game, but it's too late to address everything here.
Headshots.Do the fat husks have any weapon weaknesses? Kind of like how the chucking husks are weak to melee?
It seems a bit too artficial for the game to send a crap ton of these guys at you making it take 3 guys to get rid of them quickly, I really hope its not trap layouts to wear down their HP.
Do the fat husks have any weapon weaknesses? Kind of like how the chucking husks are weak to melee?
It seems a bit too artficial for the game to send a crap ton of these guys at you making it take 3 guys to get rid of them quickly, I really hope its not trap layouts to wear down their HP.
QFT honestly just didn't feel like his exasperated post was worth quoting. But just play the game and you'll progress the game is far from P2W especially considering it's not a competitive game. As the subreddit has noted it's mostly people who are trying to rush through the game that are having issues and that's far from how this game is meant to be played.
Ah dang lol. I've got a LOT to tear down
You addSorry Tecnniqe I add ( AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainYFOV ) Where exactly?
I feel late game both the ninja and outlander will be outclassed by Constructor and Soldier, if for no other reason than their over-all utility and team buffs.
Cheers mate.
I have literally just this second got a golden llama, have a choice between legendary melee schematic or legendary defender.. what should i choooooose? I will stop with the stupid questions once i get a hang of it. Ijust have no idea which is more usefull and don't wanna waste this
I think I'm basically done. I just can't keep up with the downward spiral of crafting bullshit that this game is obsessed with.
Here are some reasons why crafting weapons in Fortnite really, really blows.
1) You can almost never craft the stuff you want to craft. This is a big one, because, lord knows you prayed daily to the RNG God to deliver unto you that super sick legendary weapon. Too bad! The materials for it are so sparse, you'll probably never get to use it. Enjoy looking at your schematic!
2) The RNG in this game is fucking *bonkers*. Like, maybe you just need 1 more Ore, or Rotating Gizmo. Just. One. More. Tough! Because now every single cave you enter isn't going to have any Ore. Hell, Ore deposits, when searched, will contain NO Ore. Those tool chests that have Rotating Gizmos? They're fresh out. In fact, you can spend hours upon hours of looting these things and *never* get one. Why? Because that's RNG for you.
3) The RNG makes *no* sense. Like, at first you think, hey, I get wood out of trees. Make sense, right? Wait until you start getting beef jerky out of electrical appliances.
4) Weapon durability is a stupid mechanic. Talked about this at length before, so I'll skip the long drawn out version of why Fortnite's implementation of durability is, bar-none, the worst implementation I have seen in a video game. Ever. Period. Full stop.
5) Your inventory is constantly filled with shit you never actually need. I spend more time destroying things in my inventory to make space for even semi-useful things, than I *ever* spend actually crafting cool things.
6) If you do manage to up the star level on even your weakest guns, all the mats you collected mostly become useless in lieu of whatever new rare shit they want you to grind out. This game actually encourages you to *not* build cool stuff.
The only good thing Fornite has is addictive combat (when you actually have a gun to shoot -- my friend stopped playing because he had no guns, no schematics, no materials to craft said guns), and building forts is cool. That's pretty much it. Everything else about the crafting is bad.
And, as another poster said, these problems? They are the *least* of Fortnite's concerns in terms of attracting and *keeping* people playing. Apparently the pay wall is so intensely high you can't see over it.
Anyway: Buyer beware, read my post. Done talking about this game now, as it's completely lost me unless the devs fix shit. How do they fix it? 1) Get rid of durability. 2) Make things that should appear in certain places actually appear there, not fucking banana peels. Easy. Oh, yeah, and 3) Probably fix the P2W shit.
yeah get the melee
Man I dunno what's going on but I just cannot find a match anymore. Have not been able to get any help with the defence all last night and now today choosing the ? icon loads me into matches alone and global chat is empty. It can't be dead already surely?
3. For the 4 hero types, is there a particular version that seems best later on? I got a rare constructor to the 2nd star only to see an Epic version drop, followed by a Legendary version, though different type. I forget their types, but the Rare has Bullrush and the Legendary has the Plasma generator thing.
I have never problems to find people. Must be a problem of your end.
3. For the 4 hero types, is there a particular version that seems best later on? I got a rare constructor to the 2nd star only to see an Epic version drop, followed by a Legendary version, though different type. I forget their types, but the Rare has Bullrush and the Legendary has the Plasma generator thing.
People talk that in the long term, a good builder or a good soldier is more effective than a outlander or ninja. But that can (and usually do) change with a balance pass on the game, so I would not change my decisions based on that.
I have already leveling a soldier and stopped playing with my outlander, but having one of each class levelup is nice.
Power 22 right now doing 34 enemies pretty easy, fair enough I'm getting the founders llamas but my friend who got the standard refuse to buy things like this and is doing the same with ease too, fair enough a bit slower than me but that's also because he saves his exp in most cases for legendaries.
A couple of questions, so far really enjoying this game, especially with friends.
1. With transmutation, it lists survivors as a cost. Do you spend these doing those, or are they just required and you still have them after it is done?
2. Same as the first question, but regarding missions. Do you get the survivors back once those missions are completed? Also, does the quality of the hero you send matter, or simply matching the type it recommends for that mission is enough?
3. For the 4 hero types, is there a particular version that seems best later on? I got a rare constructor to the 2nd star only to see an Epic version drop, followed by a Legendary version, though different type. I forget their types, but the Rare has Bullrush and the Legendary has the Plasma generator thing.
4. As far as what hero to level goes, if a Legendary and a Rare are the same types and same abilities, are they the same stats until you get to the point where the better one can keep progressing or is the Legendary always better stats when compared to a lower rarity of the same level?
5. Can mini llamas go gold? I have had two go metal, but only one gold and it was a full-size Llama.
Wad? How?
I'm 19 and have problems to fight against 23 monsters
1. I haven't used the transmutation system much yet, but you have people resource, and those are needed to transform heroes, survivors and defenders.
2. Are you referring to expeditions? You do get your heroes back. If you mean squads or in-match defenders, then yeah, you get those back too.
Upgraded a pistol that is ez mode when you headshot for days![]()
Log in, guys. Looks like they just gave everyone 15 free llamas for "believing in Fortnite."
Just to check I'm not crazy - I upgraded a mini-llama with some free V-bucks I got and that one turned silver, some of its drops were question mark cards that give you an option out of two heroes or weapons. However the one you pick is the one that gets discarded. That, uh, seems unintuitive to say the least, or it's a bug.
Has this happened to anyone else?