is there a secret to ammo?
I'm constantly running out of ammo in a mission and I don't have the resources to craft new ammo even though I'm running around looting everything![]()
is there a secret to ammo?
I'm constantly running out of ammo in a mission and I don't have the resources to craft new ammo even though I'm running around looting everything![]()
Finished level 10 stonewood defense, that was crazy. Near 1000? husks each wave, so much lead wasted, I had so good defenses but on the last two they asked from an unguarded section
It felt like the battle of Helms Deep. TAKE OUT THE GAS TANKER! Then my walls flew apart, oh god it was all glorious
Really not looking forward to that one at all. I did 7 and had to rethink everything after. Now I've spent an unfathomable amount of mats creating death tunnels at every entrance and am faced with the challenge of building 100 bazillion traps.
I really wish it would just let you search for players until you get a match instead of having an arbitrary timer. I always manage to jump into ones with a full team or a trio, yet I go through the first wave or 2 thinking someone will show up and it just never happens.
I don't think so. I upgraded to Ultimate, so I have all of them, and they're all like this.
The only difference between the male and female is the character model.
ill help if you on pc?
I just ask on global until I get a 4 man for those last two defenses and give premissions for repairs and B.A.S.E
is there a secret to ammo?
I'm constantly running out of ammo in a mission and I don't have the resources to craft new ammo even though I'm running around looting everything![]()
These Siphons are a pain in the ass, they have so little health! I managed to get one done because someone actually helped. The other times, no one helps, or starts it before even building a defense. Just wasted a bunch of mats trying to fortify the area because it had 20% health left on part 3 and some guy that wasn't even helping just starts it and a bomber instantly kills it, uggggh.
Man plankerton is getting tough/annoying. Especially when its just me and a friend and the third guy is off not even helping. So frustrating, and now there are two atlas's to protect. Loot is good though and I love the new homebase area
It's around this point where the AOE stuff starts getting really annoying. Since some of the most annoying ones are fodder compared to the other threats doesn't help either. You'll be killing a swarm of lobbers only to realise an army of the bee guys have just zoned half the base.
Hopefully the playerbase starts to pick up on the importance of death tunnels soon since it's heading towards the point of needing them.
How do you ensure the mobs enter the death tunnels?? The zombies seem to just do whatever the hell they want as far as movement??
I own the game on PC and played on PC for the first time. completed a quest and the vbucks didn't carry over. WTF that is stupid.
There was a theory that they avoid heavy upgraded areas and head for weaker sections
So you can upgrade sides and leave center weaker?
I find it better if all players pile up
It's because V-Bucks on PC cannot carry over to PS4 or PC to Xbox One. On PS4 and XboxOne Sony/MS get a % of the sales of V-Bucks while on PC the sale wholly goes to Epic. They don't share because Epic would get into some major shit if people were buying all V-Bucks on PC and then using them to spend on the other consoles.
To note it was the exact same for Paragon. Only way I could see them circumventing this would to have the V-Bucks that you earn in game and from missions be a different type of earnable currency that works the same way as the premium currency but since it is just earned and not purchased it could be shared. Something that I doubt would be high on their priority list.
It's nearly impossible to test it for sure, but it really seems like the Husks figure out which route would be shoptest, including paths that involve destroying stuff. So if the fast route is going right through a wall, they will. if the fast route is to take your nice death tunnel, they will.
I can show you a build pattern we use to block off areas in a bit.
Where do I get supply crates? Stuck on a quest 0/4. Thanks!
Where do I get supply crates? Stuck on a quest 0/4. Thanks!
Where do I get supply crates? Stuck on a quest 0/4. Thanks!
Seeing V-Bucks as a timed reward for doing missions on map for the first time. Have seen 15 V-Bucks so far not bad seems to be new haven't noticed that before.
There is a skill called supply crate that spawns in some wood stone and metal.
run around the map until they spawm, you'll see a yellow exclamation point on the map
They'll be marked as Yellow Exclamation Points on the map if someone goes near where they are.
Had a mission where the objective spawned on the edge of the map right near a cliff. Crazy fun, built some traps to push husks off the map and towards the end a smasher charged me rammed me off the cliff along with himself killing us both.
Lawl.This game is intriguing.. Is there any sort of progression system or is there currency to unlock heroes like league of legends?
Ok, stupid question time.
I originally got the $60 version of the game. Last night I upgraded to the next tier. One of those perks is the extra 50 inventory slots. However, when I go into a mission I still only have 55 slots in my inventory. I'm sure I just need to activate the bonus somewhere from one of the menus, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it. Can anyone answer this noob's question? Thanks.
Does anyone know where "shockwave" is on the skill tree? I can't seem to find it anywhere! Also, is it worth levelling up a Epic hero? Or should I just stock pile my hero XP until I get a legendary.
Never heard of it for the skill tree. Is not that the skill that some soldier heroes have?
Are you talking about that flag constructor place that health buildings?
It doe show up on my soldiers skill tree, but say's its locked. Even though I am past level 2? Maybe it means the 2nd phase of hero levelling?
It knocks enemies around you back.
If the skill/power has a 2 in a white star, it means that skill is not available until you evolve that hero to star level 2.