30 fps should really never be an option. Ever. Really. Come on guys.
Despite I was extremely positively surprised with "late-gen" 30fps driving games - Forza Horizon, NASCAR and Ferrari Racing Legends comes to mind - I still have hard time going back to both games after 60fps sessions.
Especially with the wheel.
I learned how both Horizon and FRL are using the special novelty technique where actual physics are separated from graphics engine thus 30fps is rock-solid and have great IQ (that technique should be also used on this-gen console release of pCARS - I have no confirmation that Eutechnyx used it for NASCAR, but there is also some great fluidity despite it being 30fps game). But I would also give everything for getting all three games in 60fps.
Same for PGR. I do not know when was the last time you actually booted it, but despite it still looks gorgeous - both PGR3 and PGR4 - it is really cringeworthy to drive it and cry about how great it would look if they managed to do it in higher-resolution and 60fps. I would literally pay 100 euros for proper 720p/60fps next-gen upscaled PGR3/PGR4 combo release (with proper FFB support).
I still can't accept how GT5 went to 30fps for replays (despite post-processing effects) because it just doesn't look natural. It just doesn't.
However, everything suggests how next-gen multicores and fast RAM will be approx 8X more powerful then this gen. And since we have already reached astonishing level of modelling, post-processing effects, lightning, shading, parallel ambient-engines and IQ during this gen for driving games, I am pretty sure how driving genre will bloom on the next-gen.
All genuine FM4 car-models (especially DLC ones - when I say "FM4" I think about models done for FM4, not ones ported from FM2/FM3) are simply gorgeous. GT5 Premium models are category of its own (most superior shading ever) and surprisingly good work was done for pCARS/Shift 2/Ferrari Racing Legends models that SMS has produced through past years. I also have to mention astonishing job made by Eutechnyx guys for NASCAR games (both cars and tracks, tracks looks really perfect). I can't even fathom how they really look like before downscale and when lightened and shaded in full-effect.
This generation gave us even HDR during gameplay (cockpit during Nurburging GP track in GT5 most notably), not even to mention what Polyphony achieved in 2008 for GT5

rologue during infamous "garage sequences" (basic HDR ray tracing in 1080p/60 fps) which was unfortunately dropped down for GT5 release.
Next generation will be heaven for racing games. GT5 is the best showcase of what can be done when current power is used properly (16 cars on track, real-time HDR, real-time effects of flames and brakes, real-time particle effects, real-time smoke, daytime/weather, real-time ambiance lighting with lens-flaring, animated rain with physics properties, animated drivers, movable objects in cockpits, animated vehicles (aerodynamic parts, suspensions and real-time crumble damage), on-tracks physics (side-track objects, real-time wind simulation, real-time skid marks..), pit-crew AI, real-time vehicle properties (mechanical damage, tyre and fuel), real-time track properties that influence vehicles and weather-engine (temperature, air humidity, track temperature, surface humidity..), real-time weather properties (rain changes into light snow for instance on SSR7 track or clear weather changes to light snow and to blizzard on Chamonix..), ambiance effects (fireworks) - all that during actual gameplay in 1280p/60 fps) while same can be said for astonishing work Codemasters done for their F1 engine, despite 30fps and plethora of gameplay bugs - which actually does so many things in real-time for 24 vehicles that I still can't beleive they managed to port it for 512MB of RAM.
Other genres will profit immensely, but I am sure driving genre will profit most. This generation is clear showcase of things to come and I can't wait to witness Forza Motorsport 5 for the first time - I think it will be the first actual next-gen consoles simulator on the market - and see what will new power actually bring. It will be nothing but glorious IMO