No, they don't need a stitch option, they need a true high-res lossless output option. Stitching crappy jpeg isn't the solution, the quality is way worse than a the real thing.
I'd rather get the possibility to upload 2 or 3 ≥8MP lossless photos than being able to upload 15/20 poorly compressed 720p jpeg but I guess I'm in the minority here as the casual gamer probably wouldn't see the difference anyway (and probably doesn't even know that he can get his photos from :-/
Turn 10 can continue to make us upload shitty jpegs, the only thing they need to do to make the community happier is to save high-res uncompressed files rather than the 720p compressed jpeg and make them visible rather than hidden in a photo file. That way we could easily extract the photos from our saves. Unfortunately, I don't think MS would be really happy about that... :-(
Anyway, the more I think about it, the more I think that one of the main problem of the career is that it's just a bunch of sterile menus that you go through. I've already said it but a 3D representation of the whole customization menus could be done.
They should also takes things from the Codemasters and EA games. I'd love to have a sense that I'm part of a race team competing in events all over the world in different categories of racing. Thinking about it, it sounds a lot like Michel Vaillant and the Vaillante race team. Imagine if you could hook up with friends and race under the same flag with each of team members competing in different events in their own career.
Having 3D representation of the AI would be cool too, seeing them in a paddock which would fill the more you win/become famous.
I know that now that they've announced it, it may sound as copying GT, but I've always thought that the driver in the Forza series looked generic and bland. They have a great livery editor, why don't they use it to create racing cloths so that it could truly be you driving the car. They could even get racing cloth company on board.
IMO, they need to really make you feel that YOU are the driver competing in those event and not some god controlling someone's mind in races. Combine that with better events, customizable events, online events integrated in career, more racing styles (rally, elimination, etc...), integration of DLC and no all gold achievement and we could have a winner.
There's so much more that could be done in the career department... :-/
PS : It has nothing to do with career or photo mode but I also want the tire to have Michelin, BF Goodrich, Pirelli, whatever written on them. Le Mans prototype don't look right without it for example !