rocK` said:*Sorry* didn't read thread.
Best racing wheel for 360 (or) Ps3 and works well with PC?
Best is Fanatec, and the only other real option is the Microsoft one. The Logitech one is garbage.
rocK` said:*Sorry* didn't read thread.
Best racing wheel for 360 (or) Ps3 and works well with PC?
Jube3 said:Well, this just detroyed my week. My 360..fuck... just scratched a 360 line into the forza 3 disc..sigh..thats even worse than it red ringing. fuck..
I really doubt it but is there a way to fix this? Im screwed![]()
Metal Polish (Brasso, or whatever brands there are in the US). It works WONDERS (I used it to save a Mario & Sonic disc that was totally by my sister and it was perfect), go, it just may work.Jube3 said:Well, this just detroyed my week. My 360..fuck... just scratched a 360 line into the forza 3 disc..sigh..thats even worse than it red ringing. fuck..
I really doubt it but is there a way to fix this? Im screwed![]()
geez dont do that, it will worsen the situationJube3 said:The 360 is reading it im deleting everything I can and gonna try to install it. see if that works
Jonsoncao said:geez dont do that, it will worsen the situation
just take it to any movie rental store see if they can do sth about it
Jube3 said:The 360 is reading it now it im deleting everything I can and gonna try to install it. see if that works
rocK` said:*Sorry* didn't read thread.
Best racing wheel for 360 (or) Ps3 and works well with PC?
Jube3 said:
Blimblim said:That's what I did until I tried the cockpit view in F3 for a few races. I can't go back now. It may look a bit strange, but I think they found the right balance between showing the cockpit too much (reducing the view of the actual race, like in PGR for example) and not showing it enough.
Yes, I don't think I'll even try any other FOV, the default one feels perfectly right to me now.Jonsoncao said:Hi Blim
r u using the default FOV?
If someone actually intends to race on PS3/PC/360, then the Fanatec really isn't that expensive, actually.erahk64 said:OP contains wheel options, Fanatec works on PC/PS3/XBOX360.
p3tran said:LOL, I swear to God if I get banned after all this trouble and dissapointment, I'm bombing Microsoft HQ Greece!
I swear!
LaserBuddha said:Damn!
I just bought an MS wheel in preparation for Forza 3, and it has the same issue as my old one of being off-center to the left. It's not as bad as the old one in that it doesn't require me to hold the wheel to the right to make it drive straight (as far as I know, I don't have anythign with a long enough straightaway to be fully convinced). But it's still annoying.
Now, the Best Buy that actually has these is fairly far away, and I get the impression I will most likely see this on several wheels in a row. So the options I'm considering are either the DIY mod or having MS service it. The DIY thing looks kind of dicey though, I don't have a lot of confidence in my ability not to screw it up.
does anyone know if Microsoft will actually fix this? And if so, am I going to get a random wheel that might have the same problem?
LaserBuddha said:Damn!
I just bought an MS wheel in preparation for Forza 3, and it has the same issue as my old one of being off-center to the left. It's not as bad as the old one in that it doesn't require me to hold the wheel to the right to make it drive straight (as far as I know, I don't have anythign with a long enough straightaway to be fully convinced). But it's still annoying.
Iknos said:I have the same problem. I don't know if MS fixes it and one DIY fix I saw looked like there were a lot of room for mistakes so I'm not going for that. There is a bearing replacement you can do I think.
Seriously, if you've got a GameCrazy nearby, hit them first. They're the only ones I trust to have some professional grade machine, and not some CaseLogic, hand cranked buffer. They rescued my Crackdown disc from the lethal jaws of an early 360. Looked completely brand new.Jube3 said:Well I got in and managed to send the wake and final halo designs to che. So that was good. Im gonna go see if I can get it buffed tonight.
Any game store worth anything should have a proper buffer on site.Spasm said:Seriously, if you've got a GameCrazy nearby, hit them first. They're the only ones I trust to have some professional grade machine, and not some CaseLogic, hand cranked buffer. They rescued my Crackdown disc from the lethal jaws of an early 360. Looked completely brand new.
You wouldn't be able to recharge it in a reasonable amount of time for an endurance race. How would you accurately sim the charge consumption on that as well? When Top Gear took it out, they killed the charge before their review session was done.Warm Machine said:Incredible OP!
Too bad there isn't a Tesla Roadster in this game. Really dissapointed about that actually considering the one in PGR4 was so damn cool to drive.
AMUSIX said:Any game store worth anything should have a proper buffer on site.
Falagard said:I've used Blockbuster in the past. $4 I think.
Another place to call is pawn shops - they'll usually have a disk buffer for their used movies/music/games and charge a small fee to use it.
Jube3 said:Im starting to go through withdrawl now..:lol
cjelly said:Did anyone buy the new Car Showroom Premium Theme yet?
Any pics?
KingOfSnake said:Hopefully I'm doing this right guys.. Don't make fun of my achievs ok?![]()
Yeah, I pulled the trigger on it. Kinda meh imo but I support T10
That's essentially the meat. Might have a different image (the gray R8 and black Ferrari we all have seen) on an option but of course the blade\frame takes up almost the entire image.
Fender_Uk said:thats cool, too bad i'm not paying for themes..its bad enough paying to play online let alone buying shitty clothes for my shitty little minime and backgrounds
dude, dont be so defensiveantiquegamer said:Why do you care, it seems anything Forza is shit to you anyway? Every comments from you has to have some sort of negatives even your praises are lace with poison and snide comments. Really ... there's another thread where you can bash T10 and Forza with impunity you should really use it.
Thanks Kingofsnake for posting those theme. I have a feeling this might be the one that comes with LE so I will hold off a bit since I am gettng LE anyway.
Fender_Uk said:hahahaha
FLUXCapacitor said:
Jonsoncao said:dude, dont be so defensive
Fender was just expressing his opinion about those digital contents, I like those themes but honestly speaking I d rather have them as some in-game unlockables; he is also a fan of Forza, and a fan of racing game
also thanks KingofSnake for posting the theme pix, siriuly M$ should consider adding the preview function for those premium themes
antiquegamer said:Sorry, just tired of reading his snide comments in almost every posts he makes. Go look at his post history ... the game is good but ... (insert whatever negative here). It just get kinda old.
Someone post theme for the rest of us to see, and he has to insert I am not buying that shitty avartar cloth eventhough you can plainly see that the person that post the picture have bought the "shitty" cloth. Instead of thanking the guy, he have to put in his 2 cents that the person bought "shitty" stuff.
Iknos said:Your laughter is laced with poison.
X-Play gave Forza 3 a 5/5...this game is scoring consistently high and T10 should be proud.
Hope the scores don't go to their heads though the series has many areas it can improve and in my view some fundamental additions need to be made for Forza 4 IF NOT a patch for Forza 3. Of course I'm talking about the pre-race countdown and things like no qualifying trials for online races. I really don't think these things are that complicated to add to the game...I'm not asking for realtime day/night cycles here.
Still...good job on not only creating a great sim racer but evidently a great videogame that your publisher Microsoft can be proud of.
Maybe it's time people started talking about T10 in the same way they talk about Bungie or Rare?
realtime day/night cycles in Forza 4 please!!!!!!!!!chespace said:The scores won't go to our heads. We're thrilled at the reviews but we know we've got to step our game up even more for future projects. It also comes down to the luxury of time -- and how you make the best of those resources.
Given Turn 10's track record for producing consistently high-quality software, I'd say they're a notch or two above Rare and possibly even Bungie.Iknos said:Maybe it's time people started talking about T10 in the same way they talk about Bungie or Rare?
enzo_gt said:Jube's painting Iron Man eh?