I wouldn't want them to make manufacturer badges more difficult to unlock, but I wouldn't care if affinity was uncapped.
Quite disappointing that manufacturer affinity is capped at 25, and that it's so much quicker to max out than in previous versions, I have a number of manufacturers maxed out, and this actively discourages me from driving cars from that manufacturer, seems odd that driver level is uncapped and manufacturer isn't.
I really need to start racing with you guys again or something because I haven't touched Forza in like a week. And that is really weird for me because I used to play it damn near every day. I feel like I am becoming "bored" or something with the Forza formula. Which is odd because this is one of the better ones, especially with rain and night added in. I dunno, maybe the right car or track pack might change my mind but this might be the first Forza I just stop playing.
Seriously, I am not even level 50 yet.
Understandable if you spent all that time with Forza 5. Garbage. You seriously need to dive into 6. The night racing is terrifying on some tracks and the rain courses, albeit challenging, are gorgeous
Yeah, and every time I start it up I am into it and can't wait to race. But for some reason after a few races I just get bored with it and start wondering what else I can play. It is really odd for me because I am huge fuckin car fan and that alone usually makes me want to just drive all the cars on all the tracks just to see what they are like.
Just not "feeling" it this time and I literally have no idea why. Not complaining or anything just surprised by my lack of interest.
NFS doesn't feel like a pallet cleanser. It feels more like a rectal examination.
I love the look of it. I love the campy FMVs. I hate everything else about it. I want to like it so much too. The driving is not great. The rubber banding is crazy. But the nail in the coffin was I couldn't find a way to restart/replay a race/event. That and no way to pause the game. Thanks to EA Access I didn't have to learn this $90 lesson. I can wait till it's in the vault to play more of it.
Damn, seriously? I have it preordered and was going to pick it up. How is the car customization because that was the thing I was the most excited about. It looks pretty fuckin awesome with legit wide body kids by real manufacturers.
The rubber banding is crazy.
This is by far the worst thing about the game.
It's been a problem with NFS and other racing games in general. I remember Split/Second being downright awful in that regard.
I liked what little I played of the beta, I'll probably end up picking it up if there is a good Black Friday deal.
There's no rubber banding, obviously they just programmed the AI to do ricer flybys all the time. It's a feature, not a defect; it fits with the theme of the game.The rubber banding is crazy.
There's no rubber banding, obviously they just programmed the AI to do ricer flybys all the time. It's a feature, not a defect; it fits with the theme of the game.
Yeah, and every time I start it up I am into it and can't wait to race. But for some reason after a few races I just get bored with it and start wondering what else I can play. It is really odd for me because I am huge fuckin car fan and that alone usually makes me want to just drive all the cars on all the tracks just to see what they are like.
Just not "feeling" it this time and I literally have no idea why. Not complaining or anything just surprised by my lack of interest.
Because it's the same formula for the last ten years, and the whole forza motorsport franchise is suffering fatigue.
There isn't enough different in FM6 to set it apart, FM only ever has small incremental improvements that never really feel like a fully fledged release.
Personally, I think it needs a big shake up, and a longer dev cycle.
Inside sim racing SP review, has a lot of legitimate criticism that I can identify with.
Because it's the same formula for the last ten years, and the whole forza motorsport franchise is suffering fatigue.
There isn't enough different in FM6 to set it apart, FM only ever has small incremental improvements that never really feel like a fully fledged release.
Personally, I think it needs a big shake up, and a longer dev cycle.
Inside sim racing SP review, has a lot of legitimate criticism that I can identify with.
I wonder what cars we're getting as DLC in November. I'm still hoping for a Furai and Alfa 155 V6 Ti.
I wonder if we'll see the Sesto Elemento come back at some point too. I loved it in Forza 4.
Yeah the new Focus RS should definitely be in a DLC pack soon. That'll be a fun one to drive around too.My (uninformed) guesses
Focus RS 15
Jaguar C-X75
Aston Martin DB10
Also, what experimental new structure and focus would you want in Forza? I don't mean like "personally", but what would get people to say "the Forza guys are doing whaaaat??! I need to have this!! (Even though I just bought a racing game)"?
Some narrative in the career, rather than an uninspired slew of events to plough through.
Dynamic TOD and weather is a must.
Turn 10 needs to make themselves some new fans with inventions like Autovista from Forza 4 that has let you have car conversation with none gamers like your dad for example. Horizon 1 got themselves a lot of new fans too probably. Driveclub will probably get a lot of new players with their motorcycle DLC, not that I want that in Forza, but it's a clever feature to get some new players.
I don't think they need to do anything revolutionary, just flesh out the things that are in the game currently, but the things I'd like to see are...
Some narrative in the career, rather than an uninspired slew of events to plough through.
Some segregation between road cars and race cars, maybe even separate careers, but with the option to promote road cars to race cars with a certain amount of upgrades (slick tyres, rollcages etc)
Dynamic TOD and weather is a must.
Proper motorsport rules
Remove the arbitrary 3rd place requirement, focus on leaderboard points, make the player feel they've had a good and fun race regardless of them finishing 1st or 10th.
Make each race count in context to the next race, as it is, each race is independent and doesn't have any bearing on the next race.
Ditch the Drivatars.
Let us move our seat in cockpit view.
Tyre decals, may be a small detail, but adds alot to the visual fidelity of the game.
That game already exists on Xbox One.
If that game already exists on the Xbox One (*wink* *wink*), then why are you guys so hell bent on homogenizing Forza?
I think you're confusing the physics and the controller implementation.
That game already exists on Xbox One.
And it's a fucking half cocked mess.
I'm surprised the inside sim guys didn't specifically mention how little grip there is with racing tires. They did mention the odd snap oversteer with some cars but that's pretty easy to tune out of cars with zero performance points added (decel diff settings). I've never been able to get the amount of grip I'd expect with any of the racing cars personally. They're all still pretty driveable and fun for the most part but I'd like more grip.
That game already exists on Xbox One.
I wonder what cars we're getting as DLC in November. I'm still hoping for a Furai and Alfa 155 V6 Ti.
I wonder if we'll see the Sesto Elemento come back at some point too. I loved it in Forza 4.
I wonder what cars we're getting as DLC in November. I'm still hoping for a Furai and Alfa 155 V6 Ti.
I wonder if we'll see the Sesto Elemento come back at some point too. I loved it in Forza 4.
Well here are the clues:
Clue One
Dominant, pioneering, and in Forza it's in a class by itself
Clue Two
I'm willing to bet it's silhouette alone will capture your heart.
Clue Three
So fast he could pull to the side, reset his systems and still win the race.
Clue Four
No worries mate! Pretty sure this will be a hit.
Clue Five
A millennial moonshot.
Clue Six
I'm not dumb, but I can't understand why more American cars don't take advantage of this technology.
Clue Seven
Shazbot, Nanu Nanu
Honestly? I want the Koeingsegg Agera R?
Sorry guys, i'm not going to make it this time.
Yay I'm the only one turning up
is it still winning if I'm the only one?