But your braking distances are longer with ABS on so saying you might as well just put ABS on is a dumb thing to say
No need for personal insults, son. Keep it civil or keep it shut.
But your braking distances are longer with ABS on so saying you might as well just put ABS on is a dumb thing to say
Don't take it personally mate.
Just learn how ABS works in Forza 6 V:
Isn't that tantamount to cheating though? Surely a big part of the decision to forego ABS is the extra challenge involved in threshold braking, carefully modulating the pressure to tread the fine line between arresting your speed and locking the wheels. If you are going to use a mechanical crutch so you can blindly "slam the trigger" to bypass that challenge without any skill whatsoever then you might as well just activate ABS and be done with it, getting a more realistic experience in the process.
Unless of course the real reason for disabling ABS is to maximise the XP/credit payout at the end of the race and not to make the game more realistic or challenging (and ultimately more immersive and a lot more fun). To me it seems pointless to disable ABS only to jam a brick under your brake pedal in case you press it a little too hard.
Isn't that tantamount to cheating though? Surely a big part of the decision to forego ABS is the extra challenge involved in threshold braking, carefully modulating the pressure to tread the fine line between arresting your speed and locking the wheels. If you are going to use a mechanical crutch so you can blindly "slam the trigger" to bypass that challenge without any skill whatsoever then you might as well just activate ABS and be done with it, getting a more realistic experience in the process.
Unless of course the real reason for disabling ABS is to maximise the XP/credit payout at the end of the race and not to make the game more realistic or challenging (and ultimately more immersive and a lot more fun). To me it seems pointless to disable ABS only to jam a brick under your brake pedal in case you press it a little too hard.
I think we all realize by now just how shit braking is on a controller and it's why we typically tune brake pressure settings in 5 and 6 (there has been multiple discussions here about this); I don't blame someone if they choose to limit the trigger when like 50% of the travel is going to result in locking up the brakes. It's a lot better to set the limit so you can lock the brakes if you need to, without wasting all that trigger travel trying to find the sweet spot.Isn't that tantamount to cheating though? Surely a big part of the decision to forego ABS is the extra challenge involved in threshold braking, carefully modulating the pressure to tread the fine line between arresting your speed and locking the wheels. If you are going to use a mechanical crutch so you can blindly "slam the trigger" to bypass that challenge without any skill whatsoever then you might as well just activate ABS and be done with it, getting a more realistic experience in the process.
Unless of course the real reason for disabling ABS is to maximise the XP/credit payout at the end of the race and not to make the game more realistic or challenging (and ultimately more immersive and a lot more fun). To me it seems pointless to disable ABS only to jam a brick under your brake pedal in case you press it a little too hard.
Also, in no way is that a personal insult. Calling what someone said dumb does not mean they're calling the person saying it dumb.No need for personal insults, son. Keep it civil or keep it shut.
Isn't that tantamount to cheating though? Surely a big part of the decision to forego ABS is the extra challenge involved in threshold braking, carefully modulating the pressure to tread the fine line between arresting your speed and locking the wheels. If you are going to use a mechanical crutch so you can blindly "slam the trigger" to bypass that challenge without any skill whatsoever then you might as well just activate ABS and be done with it, getting a more realistic experience in the process.
Unless of course the real reason for disabling ABS is to maximise the XP/credit payout at the end of the race and not to make the game more realistic or challenging (and ultimately more immersive and a lot more fun). To me it seems pointless to disable ABS only to jam a brick under your brake pedal in case you press it a little too hard.
Generally I agree with you but here are my issues.
Forza on Xbox One has such sensitive braking coupled with the poor triggers of the pad that I really like comfort wise and aesthetically but they have such a weak resistance that finer movements of the trigger become really hard to pull off.
It's a step back from the 360 controller where I never had any issues playing Forza.
The other thing is that either the triggers have a weird deadzone or the game doesn't have linear trigger travel for braking which means pressing the trigger 10% already applies 20% braking force for example. You can test this with the Elite if you play around with the trigger deadzones.
All in all yeah I could get just get gud and used to it, enable ABS or use my solution that works on a pad I paid fucking $150 for.
Okay you party pooper?![]()
I wasn't going to say anything but as you seen to take everything as a personal attack I'm going to see this as an attack and call you out on it...
I don't actually have any sense of touch in my fingers after an accident 3 years ago, so modulating anything on the brakes is sheer guess work, with the accelerator I get a pretty good visual representation of what is going on via the speedo but braking not so much so its almost impossible for me to drive without abs as I either don't brake hard enough or to hard but by the time I realise its too late so anything that'll help is a god send, but if this offends your sensibility's perhaps gaming isn't really your thing seeing as everyone is always looking for an advantage.
You know what really disappoints me about your posts though Mascot??? FORZA GAF was the community that brought me back to gaming, I never told anyone why I locked up the brakes here, or missed the braking point there they didn't care, you to me ruin this thread by taking everything so personally and being passive aggressive leading to this thread derailing.
/rant and I'm out.
Also, in no way is that a personal insult. Calling what someone said dumb does not mean they're calling the person saying it dumb.
I could stick a small children's book under my brake pedal and achieve the same inability to lock my wheels in real life. There's nothing wrong with using an elite controller and adjusting the dead zones to make braking easier lol.
And @mascot, you spend an awful lot of time in this thread for someone who hasn't even played Forza 6 or Horizon 2.
Haha. The rabble just got a hold of the microtransaction news.![]()
Haha. The rabble just got a hold of the microtransaction news.![]()
Our prophet tried to warn us, but we didn't listen! When the Forza economy was adjusted so much that tokens became the only form of progress, it was too late and all we could do was hopelessly dish out more money and continue buying Forza games.I think the fact (regardless of how it affects this game) that this can be done after release is something worthy of discussion, I don't think it's stupid at all.
I think the fact (regardless of how it affects this game) that this can be done after release is something worthy of discussion, I don't think it's stupid at all.
Where is the fun in that though? I still love you. <3It is (or at least should be) possible for someone to have an opposing opinion without others being derogatory to them.
2 months since release and it is still impossible to do any sort of drag racing without paying for live.
This is literally a spit in the face at this point.
Just out of interest, and I know this doesn't excuse it, but why don't you have Gold?
I have it; grabbed the Wild Run expansion as well, cuz monstar twucks.Any of you Driveclub lovers played The Crew or plan on getting it with the Wild Run edition?
Thinking of picking it up.
I honestly do not care for playing in multiplayer, this is a car sandbox for me, I buy cars, tune them, tweak them, test them and that's my whole fun in this game. Been doing that since the original Forza. Hell, the original Gran Turismo.
What keeps me coming back to Forza, warts and all, is that I play games because I love cars, and Forza simply gives me more of the ones I'm into to fuck around with than anyone else. The series' shortcomings and stagnation are certainly no secret 'round here, but fuck it; until and unless someone offers a greater breadth of metal, Turn 10 has my money.
Aw, that's awfully nice of you to say, Spiff. I love all of ForzaGAF, even if I'm no longer a card-carrying member. Being on the outside does give me a more objective perspective these days as I'm no longer financially invested in the franchise. I'll always remain emotionally invested though. ForzaGAF always has been a very tight community and it doesn't take much for the wagons to form a circle, and as I've always been one of Forzas harshest critics I expect a bit of occasional flak here and there. The criticism is born from frustrated love though - FM is always nearly my perfect driving game. Who knows, maybe one day it will be.Things were getting a tad Real Housewives earlier, but I, for one, am glad Mascot is around to say what needs to be said or just generally stir the shit. This thread would be utterly impoverished without him.
Any of you Driveclub lovers played The Crew or plan on getting it with the Wild Run edition?
Thinking of picking it up.
Aw, that's awfully nice of you to say, Spiff. I love all of ForzaGAF, even if I'm no longer a card-carrying member. Being on the outside does give me a more objective perspective these days as I'm no longer financially invested in the franchise. I'll always remain emotionally invested though. ForzaGAF always has been a very tight community and it doesn't take much for the wagons to form a circle, and as I've always been one of Forzas harshest critics I expect a bit of occasional flak here and there. The criticism is born from frustrated love though - FM is always nearly my perfect driving game. Who knows, maybe one day it will be.
DriveClub sold 1 million in the first week
Forza Horizon 2 sold 366k in first week
Forza Motorsport 6 sold 490k in first 2 months
This could easily be the last FM we see on current hardware. T10 could simply keep adding and expanding to 6 until better hardware facilitates dynamic weather and ToD without the compromises that T10 are unwilling to make.The decline is pretty apparent with Forza, FM6's community is already half-dead, which is a shame because it's easily the best FM game imo.
I guess we'll see how MS views this franchise and whether it will continue on @ next E3, if all is going well then we'll see Horizon 3 in 7 months.
Just saw somebody re-tweet this on twitter, have no idea if this guy knows his shit or has sources (just tweeted at him for a source) but that is seriously bad if true.
EDIT: Lol he used Chartzzz nvm - https://twitter.com/BlackPanthaaYT/status/666913482336559104
This could easily be the last FM we see on current hardware. T10 could simply keep adding and expanding to 6 until better hardware facilitates dynamic weather and ToD without the compromises that T10 are unwilling to make.
Maybe it's time to open the door to a PC version? FM isn't the crown jewel system seller it once was.
I doubt lack of dynamic ToD/Weather is the reason for low sales. Market saturation is more like it, as good as FH is, people are kinda sick of yearly Forza games. There's hardly been any excitement for Forza 6 from both the press and games. A lot less interviews than for previous games.
Just saw somebody re-tweet this on twitter, have no idea if this guy knows his shit or has sources (just tweeted at him for a source) but that is seriously bad if true.
EDIT: Lol he used Chartzzz nvm - https://twitter.com/BlackPanthaaYT/status/666913482336559104
Thing is, I can't test my car's acceleration anymore.
Turn 10 won't have my money next time unless this is fixed.
If at least they would add drag rivals for each car class, I could test and tune them in there, and a lot of people would be happy to have those.
ToD and weather might be a factor now that other games are doing it more comprehensively (albeit with associated performance issues). FM6's night and weather are kind of half-assed purely due to hardware limitations, but you are right - the franchise is stagnating and could do with a shake up. It'll be very interesting to see how GT Sport is received, as a more motorsports-focussed iteration is exactly what I've been wanting from FM for several years. If GT Sport gets a lot of plaudits I can easily see a similar spin-off for FM, even if that would potentially give us three versions in the franchise and lead to greater saturation and congestion in the release schedule. FM seems to have been the architect of its own demise in trying to be every (racing) game to every man when a little more focus is probably called for. The whole experience seems to be getting more and more diluted somehow. The sim physics are still present and correct but they are increasingly wrapped up in an arcade game structure.
There really is no correlation with what GT is doing and what Forza should be doing. GT is a much much bigger franchise worldwide and anything PD puts out will blow Forza away sales wise. If anything a sports oriented Forza would sell like 50k copies tops.
I think in general interest for cars is pretty low among younger demographic, plus X1 isn't selling too well, so there you have what you have. I guess T10 could cut down on staff to counter low sales, so next Forza could have 5 new tracks and say 50 new cars, I think they've reached a point of having enough content with Forza 6 as far as tracks/cars go, so investing a ton of money into content doesn't make a lot of sense, especially considering how expensive licensing/workforce is.
What's frustrating is that FM could add features to cater for the more 'hardcore' crowd with relatively little work (eg collate times and *voila!*, turn practice laps into quali laps) which might attract more players. This needn't even interfere with the current structure of the game as it could all be hidden behind a totally separate mode. FM seems to get more 'casual' and arcadey with every release and that could be putting some customers off who are looking for a more serious motorsports experience.
We do need Mascot. I mean otherwise we would just have Noobcraft talking about how great Driveclub is.