Alright, here a few more in-depth impressions:
What is it?
Its a downloadable title for 3DS from a third party/Indie Dev, so I didnt actually expect too much, but I heard people are enjoying it and since I really was in need of something for my 3DS this was the perfect excuse to get a game for it (Also considering other MAYBE worthwhile games cost 30-40€

. It was 6€ btw for anyone who hasnt yet bought it.
What do I do?
Well you just build a creature and poke around with it. Titles like these often live only through the imagination of the player and you are most definitely getting more from this game if you are creative, BUT you dont need to be. The game is doing a pretty good job at giving you a steady progress, introducing new elements to keep things fresh. And there is quite a bit of variety in examples. Meaning, that when creating you have the choice of having a basic layout on the top screen and a few other variants of it. This is remarkably helpful in getting basic ideas across (and in the meantime also showing how versatile all those parts really are).
Someone compared the general feeling to Animal Crossing. And surprisingly.. it isnt too far off. You sort of got the quirky villagers you are making errands for, you got a steady progress and supply of new "items", or here "parts" to make your creations.
Can I do more?
There are also a few other modes, mostly just to further get people to play around with the "toys" available. For example a panorama mode, which you can outfit with your self created environments and make 3D photos with your Formees, or a mode where you get the black outline of a formee and you'll try to recreate it without knowing exactly what it looks like. I thought it was pretty funny to see how the "real" formee was meant to look and what I made of it.
I mentioned it briefly, but you can also change environments, meaning, you have the chance to not only recreate a character you like but also the fitting surrounding for a panoramic screenshot. Its fun to create new trees and clouds but they dont add anything substantial to the mix, meaning the height of trees doesnt matter for example. Nothing too important, but it would be awesome if you had more ways of directly addressing features which your formees could use in one way or the other.
Other than that, you can QR code share, street pass share and probably a few other things I forgot.
How's the main part of the game except the creation?
The main part, next to the creations, is probably a side scrolling world in which you have a limited amount of time to jump and run around. You have your other formees and more random formees giving you quests of a limited variety, but they are a nice reason to explore the level and collect coins and brick stones. This isnt a super deep platforming experience, but it has quite a few nice touches. For example if you have a formee without legs, it will have more problems keeping itself away from gaps/holes than a formee with wide and lots of legs will have. I hope there are a few more elements that make these formees differ from each other than only with different looks and leg options. But if not it is still fun to poke around with the different moving methods (walking, flying, jumping, swimming).
To make things a little bit more dynamic they give you lots of rewards for what you do. So that you can get to customize your formees with more options, which also is used as sort of your "progress".The jump and run world is expanding, meaning you get to see more after a certain time AND you always got new parts to be creative with.
There are also some other small surprises to keep things a bit more interesting, but I dont want to spoil them here.
Oh and before I forget, there is a map for the side scrolling action. Super handy. Some might have missed it (Press start).
Controlled with the stylus? Does that work?
I was surprised to notice that it actually works pretty well. You arent moving them "normally" most of the time, but use the touch screen to "snap" them across the screen. It's also nice to see some difference in how formees react to jumping and landing. After a while you get pretty acurate with where you want to land.
What If I am not creative?
I'd say there is still a good chance that you still might like the game. Its only 6€ and definitely worth a look on the system. It is really charming with the cute voices (16 different types, which still have 5 different pitch options each), and seeing own creations moving can be adorable. The game offers quite a bit of content for 6€ even if you are not the creative type. They made sure to give a good amount of "examples" on what to create. Its simply light hearted fun.
How is the 3D?
Very subtle. Its not distracting at all. Sometimes I dont even notice it, but when its turned on, its still nice to see that the background is a bit further back than the rest, but not really that well implemented. I can see myself turning it off later for a bit sharper graphics.
Just a few basic formees of mine as I just started out: