What do you put in as the values when they ask you about what field you're in? I've been trying to sign up but they keep directing me to other magazines instead.
Damn, I could never get those things to work for me. I always wind up getting the complimentary subscription to network wireless or some other crap and not the magazine I want.
Hey Wario, do you ever find these free subscription thingies for other magazines? Non gaming related? If so you should post them in the OT. Maybe a nice free subscription to Stuff or FHM or something. That'd be cool.
Thanks BTW. Because of you I now have bathroom reading material for the next four years
Yeah, what should we put in those career field? I could have sworn I went through this site before without being re-directed like this. Still a good deal though, I wuv PSM.
I had to fill about a thousand different fields last time and was able to get a free sub of Tips & Tricks. Now I can't remember what I chose last time and can't seem to get the PSM sub.