Very curious about this. Any importers tried the online out? Will it be in the NA ver at launch?So online is out! The PvP is also for this month or is that later?
Very curious about this. Any importers tried the online out? Will it be in the NA ver at launch?So online is out! The PvP is also for this month or is that later?
Very curious about this. Any importers tried the online out? Will it be in the NA ver at launch?
Rough translation. Correct me if I'm wrong
Ver 1.10
- Volunteer co-op via internet play
- Enemy territory invasion volunteer- New volunteer mission to attack other PTs, allowing you to affect their GDPP
- Proof of volunteer completion (for unlocking SP volunteer clear status if the mission was cleared in MP, allowing you to progress in SP story through MP)
- Added the need to unlock story cut scene video logs through rights
- Added an original movie set slightly before the game's story (requires certain amount of story progression)
- New tutorials - additional ibara tutorials, one on basic action and one on special abilities
- Ability to change names (found on the wall menu)
- Additional options added to option menu (camera speed, amount of zoom when aiming, voice chat vol, chat use text options, lock on settings, configuring volunteer launch options)
- Added individual Togabito rankings
- Added new rights to unlock for those who have reduced their sentence to 0 years
- Added more decals for the 47 prefectures
- Added new accessories that require insane amounts of points to unlock (100k and up)
- Added ability to free allies from the spider's net through melee attacks
- Added the ability to change the voice of your Accessory (content will be released as DLC in the future)
- Added text chat messages and emotions
- Allied NPC AI balancing
- Enemy togabito AI balancing
- Adjustments to a variety of parameters
- Other bug fixes
They didn't elaborate on the bug fixes
Up next, 4v4 PvP and ideological warfare(??)
Not gonna update until I grind the remaining part of my years. Free plants are too good to lose.
You know, the plant system in this game is fundamentally broken. They took it from free to play games on the phones, but unlike the phone Vita can not run several games at the same time, so it's either run the plants or play something else. And I really want to finish Sora no Kiseki SC already![]()
Do the plants really give that much? I'd rather wait for the next tenbatsu event or just join the co-op rooms doing tenbatsu runs, slap on both the volunteer boosters and get 17,500 years off every 10-15 minutes while farming for alpha parts.
So what's the verdict on this one? Worthy of a Pre-Order for my Vita?
Do the plants really give that much? I'd rather wait for the next tenbatsu event or just join the co-op rooms doing tenbatsu runs, slap on both the volunteer boosters and get 17,500 years off every 10-15 minutes while farming for alpha parts.
I'm not trying to start anything so I'm not gonna post any link but since I found it pretty funny and since Parakeetman is kinda involved I might as well share it.
So, remember that thread on Reddit a while ago about how terrible FW is and Parakeetman proved it was full of shit? Well, something happened, he dun goofed hard and now that user has been exposed of being indeed full of shit. He's basically a professional FUD spreader (which also happens to be a competitive Pokèmon player) that kept shitposting about anything Sony-related until now, in particular about the "Barbie dress up game" FW, on various boards/forums pretending to own those games. He did the same when SS was released.
Console warriors, mang.
Well, of course "professional" as in "full-time", it'd be less sad if he was actually being paid.LOL...A professional FUD spreader...smh.
I mean, why go into that much effort in creating an account across multiple boards?
Isn't there anything else he can do in his free time?
Like catching a shiny Pokemon instead?
PS: I would love a link so I can read the crazies >.>
I'm not trying to start anything so I'm not gonna post any link but since I found it pretty funny and since Parakeetman is kinda involved I might as well share it.
So, remember that thread on Reddit a while ago about how terrible FW is and Parakeetman proved it was full of shit? Well, something happened, he dun goofed hard and now that user has been exposed of being indeed full of shit. He's basically a professional FUD spreader (which also happens to be a competitive Pokèmon player) that kept shitposting about anything Sony-related until now, in particular about the "Barbie dress up game" FW, on various boards/forums pretending to own those games. He did the same when SS was released.
Console warriors, mang.
I'm not trying to start anything so I'm not gonna post any link but since I found it pretty funny and since Parakeetman is kinda involved I might as well share it.
So, remember that thread on Reddit a while ago about how terrible FW is and Parakeetman proved it was full of shit? Well, something happened, he dun goofed hard and now that user has been exposed of being indeed full of shit. He's basically a professional FUD spreader (which also happens to be a competitive Pokèmon player) that kept shitposting about anything Sony-related until now, in particular about the "Barbie dress up game" FW, on various boards/forums pretending to own those games. He did the same when SS was released.
Console warriors, mang.
I'm not trying to start anything so I'm not gonna post any link but since I found it pretty funny and since Parakeetman is kinda involved I might as well share it.
So, remember that thread on Reddit a while ago about how terrible FW is and Parakeetman proved it was full of shit? Well, something happened, he dun goofed hard and now that user has been exposed of being indeed full of shit. He's basically a professional FUD spreader (which also happens to be a competitive Pokèmon player) that kept shitposting about anything Sony-related until now, in particular about the "Barbie dress up game" FW, on various boards/forums pretending to own those games. He did the same when SS was released.
Console warriors, mang.
He lives in Japan so you can bet he's one of them.reminds me of the dumbshits on amazon who write "reviews" before or literally on the day the game came out claiming they have played for 72 hrs etc.
Considering he tried to pass off every screenshot he posted for his own while they were just grabbed from japanese blogs and the like I sincerely doubt he had the game.What do you mean pretending to own the game? I saw him playing FW on twitch once, so he definitely owns it. And to be fair he has a point with most of his complaints on reddit. It's just that he mentions all the bad parts and does not go into details about the good parts of the game. That's the problem there, not that he is lying or anything.
Yamanashi prefecture gets destroyed after being a joint co-operation between other prefectures. Source: RyougaSaotome (
That's so mean, haha.Yamanashi prefecture gets destroyed after being a joint co-operation between other prefectures. Source: RyougaSaotome (
lol crazy.
though isnt the source that asunaro_game account?
Saw it being posted by Elliot on my timeline, and the article linked to the asunaro_game tweet.
Just noticed that the preorder just went up on shop to. And it's not even £23!
Still no sign of it on Amazon though, but oh well.
It can't be released soon enough!
Edit: are people still talking down on the game on JP forums or could the update give it som legs?
it still cant fix the fundamental problems that lies within the game design but at least now you can play coop with friends
And if I understand you correct the problems with the game is that melee combat is inferior to guns(which makes it "useless"), the crafting system is more or less random and the humanoid enemies just pop in on the map and are too skillful?
Playing co-op, I do see people relying on Melee weapons and not entirely on ranged weapons. I do a mix of both too, now that I've abandoned small weapons and gone towards Spears while working on a caliburn. In co-op, players tend to drag down or stun the abductors more so you do have opportunity to attack with the Melee weapon. If everyone focuses their attack, it's possible to chain stun the abductor for a short while.And if I understand you correct the problems with the game is that melee combat is inferior to guns(which makes it "useless"), the crafting system is more or less random and the humanoid enemies just pop in on the map and are too skillful?
there are a lot of various things that add up but yes thats some if them. plus the バーバラ still pretty much wrecks gamebalance if its maxed out correctly lol
crafting system is partially random since some of it can be controlled by the player to sn extent with rare items but there still will be some randomization thrown in
In which way are those problems unable to correct with a patch?
Soulsac h2h would be dopeyes
more major changes would be in an expansion more than likely.
What would continue is just the releasing of extra content to keep folks occupied while "if" another is being made, version of the game is in development.
Its a similar situation with what happened with Soul Sacrifice. Though that didnt get panned anything like what happened here initially.
Will be looking forward to seeing how the H2H stuff does once its released. Since looks like folks wasted no time in attacking other areas panopticons with the missions.
Oh my. They're making us work towards the next Tenbatsu event. How many Tenbatsu missions we have access to during the event period depends on each PT's GDPP average. Tokyo is doomed. ;_;
Desperately raising GDPP now.
Man, online is fun. Melee is really good when playing with people. My medic build finally gets some use and I love using it in difficult Tenbatsu missions.
If they can fix the randomized weapon crafting system... or at least minimize the randomness, that'd be great. Other than that, just fix the Barbara gun and give small buff to some weapons then everything should be good.
For now, I am quite happy with the game.
actually you xan minimize it yourself with a rare resource but there will still be 3 slots on a max slot item that will be randomized i think.
average eh? wonder where that leaves yamanashi then lol
Oh, you can lower it down to three? That's not too bad I guess. I haven't experimented with inheriting attribute much yet as I only have three max slot weapons right now. And two of which are just niche weapons that I wouldn't bother upgrading.
I guess I can do it with Barbara and try to make it as absurd as possible loll. But those materials are really rare man... I hope I don't screw this up lol.
Tokyo on the other hand...
What's the current average?
Oh, you can lower it down to three? That's not too bad I guess. I haven't experimented with inheriting attribute much yet as I only have three max slot weapons right now. And two of which are just niche weapons that I wouldn't bother upgrading.
I guess I can do it with Barbara and try to make it as absurd as possible loll. But those materials are really rare man... I hope I don't screw this up lol.
at one point in the game its pretty easy to just keep running circuits. just that it gets tedious.
For those that can read japanese this pretty much is the only guide you need as its by literally the most "famous" FW player in Japan currently.
ill check with a coworker as he knows the exact number
its 7 you can protect but after 5 will be random sorry about the incorrect info earlier thats for a max 12 slot item
at one point in the game its pretty easy to just keep running circuits. just that it gets tedious.
For those that can read japanese this pretty much is the only guide you need as its by literally the most "famous" FW player in Japan currently.
I must have made 20+ Barbara's by now and only 2 rare 8 weapons. Both mid levelI just gave up and decided to raise one of the rare 8. I've put in over 7 hours getting this weapon to level 7 and have now hit a roadblock that requires 天罰 materials. Is there anyway to force these missions?
Even though I haven't followed that guide posted earlier to a T it's funny how fast abductors die to focus fire from the Barbara. Spider boss = lol once you break it's ass. Tempted to drop my melee weapon and just run two of them as ammo has become a huge problem.
シ101号作戦:市民1名奪還(コウシン、α-コウシン 出現)
ジ102号作戦:市民1名奪還(パラドクサ、α-パラドクサ 出現)
シ101号作戦:市民1名奪還(コウシン、α-コウシン 出現)
ジ102号作戦:市民1名奪還(パラドクサ、α-パラドクサ 出現)
サ109号作戦:市民5名奪還(ディオーネ、コウシン、パラドクサ 出現)
シ101号作戦:市民1名奪還(コウシン、α-コウシン 出現)
ジ102号作戦:市民1名奪還(パラドクサ、α-パラドクサ 出現)
サ109号作戦:市民5名奪還(ディオーネ、コウシン、パラドクサ 出現)
シ108号作戦:市民5名奪還(α-パラドクサ、α-コウシン 出現)
シ101号作戦:市民1名奪還(コウシン、α-コウシン 出現)
ジ102号作戦:市民1名奪還(パラドクサ、α-パラドクサ 出現)
サ109号作戦:市民5名奪還(ディオーネ、コウシン、パラドクサ 出現)
シ108号作戦:市民5名奪還(α-パラドクサ、α-コウシン 出現)
サ107号作戦:市民3名奪還(α-ディオーネ 出現)
シ101号作戦:市民1名奪還(コウシン、α-コウシン 出現)
ジ102号作戦:市民1名奪還(パラドクサ、α-パラドクサ 出現)
サ109号作戦:市民5名奪還(ディオーネ、コウシン、パラドクサ 出現)
シ108号作戦:市民5名奪還(α-パラドクサ、α-コウシン 出現)
サ107号作戦:市民3名奪還(α-ディオーネ 出現)
プ104号作戦:目標排除(α-ディオーネ、α-パラドクサ 出現)
is there a compiled list of things obtainable from each of the magazines?