thats land im assuming the animals killed off, more like desert. add fresh land to it.Neuromancer said:Question: they may have said but I forgot. Sometimes there are areas, particularly I notice around villages, that aren't sand, rock, or vegetation. They're almost burned or scorched looking, not black but like dark brown and green patches. What is this and how can I get rid of it? Thanks.
Ok thanks, I think you're right.Mikasangelos said:thats land im assuming the animals killed off, more like desert. add fresh land to it.
That's cool. By the way, here's a picture of the Xbox avatar mask that unlocks as soon as you play the full version, if anyone hasn't seen it yet:PjotrStroganov said:PC version can be pre-ordered from steam now. It comes with a free version of mask of the shaman in TF2.
He could save himself a lot of grief if he moved his village totemsSn4ke_911 said:
Wren said:From Dust's Steam page has it listed with "3rd-party DRM: Ubisoft Online Service". That's the one that requires you to be always connected to the web correct?
Sora said:Yup, you got it right.
Did you guys pre-ordered it on Steam?
Nabs said:That's not the always-on DRM.
OS: Windows XP SP3 / Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1
Processor: Intel Core i7 920 2.66 Ghz or AMD Phenom II X4 3.00 Ghz
Memory: 3 GB DDR3
Graphics: 512 MB / GeForce 9 or ATI Radeon HD 4000 series
DirectX®: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 4 GB
Sound: DirectX 9.0 compliant sound card
Last level of the campaign? Sure.elektrixx said:Is it possible to beat that last level?
ultron87 said:I love it when you go away from a village for a couple minutes and then come back to them repelling their hearts out at this gigantic wall of lava that seemingly came out of nowhere.
Rez said:The three island, incoming tide level was fantastic. This game is perfect for long, relaxed sessions. If you're in a hurry, I could see thing thing being frustrating, but slowly reforming the land to ultimately achieve goals in the long term is super-enjoyable.
Rez said:Just finished it. Two things:
- the trees never felt natural, I didn't like them at all
- I wish there was more
I had so much fun. I can't believe how little content there is, though. It felt like things were just starting to get interesting and then it was over.
The last 'real' level was fantastic. Choosing which areas to rush to, and narrowly getting the lava repellent in time was hilariously thrilling, for a game like this.
I guess I "want DLC", but what I really want is more game for the money I already spent
Lima said:The last challenge is a complete bitch. I FUCKING hate it. That is all.
Almak said:The senior character modeller for the game posted a couple of renders on his site.
Be warned though some pics can be considered a bit NSFW.[/MG]
dang, those are some quality renders.
Looks like I'll have to dial down my expectations a good notch.So its not the grand god-game I thought it was from the trailer, its not the Populous sequel weve waited so long for and its certainly not another Another World at least, not yet. I hear tantalising talk the last level finally opens up its sandbox veins fully, which is something I shall absolutely persevere for. It is often, however, a pleasant waking dream of a game, and one that rewards the careful observer, thoughtful designer and measured experimenter far more than it does the wannabe old testament deity. It is much smaller in scope and less dramatic than perhaps Id hoped, but from what Ive seen it is a game whose existence I entirely welcome and from which I expect to derive far more than my so far rather superficial experiments have yielded.
Ubisoft press said:Hello
Today, Ubisoft is pleased to share with you that From Dust on Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft has broken record digital sales for Ubisoft after launching worldwide on July 27, 2011. The game had the highest first day sales of any Xbox LIVE Arcade game that Ubisoft has ever released with sales approximately 45 percent higher than Ubisofts previous best-selling XBLA release. The pre-orders for From Dust on Windows PC are also tracking very well with a significant number of orders on UbiShop and via other digital channels. From Dust on Windows PC is slated to release on August 17, 2011 and From Dust on the PlayStation Network will be available soon.
Somehow my villages got the two kites automatically at a certain point.ultron87 said:The volcano level is so good.
Is there any way to get your totems Repel Water/Fire in the sandbox level? I keep "accidentally" tsunaming them. From Dust PC will not require constant internet connection
You can expect Ubisoft's PC DRM scheme to remain in the news for as long as it requires a consistent online connection to play, and for as long as its implementation remains inconsistent. The upcoming PC version of Driver: San Francisco will require an importunate online link if you want to keep going, but world-shaper From Dust will not.
Speaking to Joystiq, a Ubisoft representative confirmed that the PC version of From Dust, which should be out on August 17, won't have the DRM cranked to maximum level. "Constant internet connection won't be necessary when playing From Dust's campaign and challenge mode on the PC."
You'll note the specific language there, which may refer to a potential multiplayer mode that was mentioned by From Dust designer Eric Chahi last year. For now, though, we're happy to report that you can keep playing god, even if your connection to our modern deity has faltered.