gregor7777 said:Is there a round limit? I had two men left and lost, presumably because my opponent had three when the match ended. Round 7 or 8.
8 rounds. After that round, whoever has the most guys remaining wins.
gregor7777 said:Is there a round limit? I had two men left and lost, presumably because my opponent had three when the match ended. Round 7 or 8.
Zomo said:Alright so
Group G
Gregor7777 vs Doolez
Turn 8 came along and both my machine gunner and rocket guy were still standing when the results come up saying you are victorious so then i go to upload the video and in turn 8 it actually shows my machine gunner and my rocket dude dying? Whats the go? It still says i won and when it said i was victorious my guys were still standing...
It isn't uploading, the game is 127750 if someone could please upload
Edit: Same thing happened in my game against Vlodril. When everyone was confused as to why i won. My grenadier was not dead when it said i was victorious but then when you re-watch it in round 8 his machine gunner kills my grenade dude. This is really annoying. The game says one thing and shows one thing then its like it adds a few more seconds in the video.
gregor7777 said:I believe you had 3 men left when it ended, but I was confused as to why it was ending when it did. I thought it ended after 7 rounds. I don't think I got to see what happened in round 8.
Zomo said:
Yeah, the tournament has made me start playing extremely defensively like this where no one wants to move from the starting positions.cr_blah_blah said:I don't think I'm suited for tournament play. I have a lot of fun with friends because we both are moving and attacking but in this kind of situation defensive players who just lay back and sit tight have a huge advantage. Which is surely fair but I can't do it. Having a decent time this tourney but I'll probably just stick to buddy play after this is done. I'm not complaining about my opponents, I sat in a single spot in that match against Nish for the whole 2nd half too knowing I couldn't afford another loss. Maybe I just need to learn a better offensive skillset or be more patient and lay back also.
Usually at the end of the game you can see what happened if there had been one more turn by clicking the play button, so I imagine that might get tacked on at the end of a video.Zomo said:Alright so
Group G
Gregor7777 vs Doolez
Turn 8 came along and both my machine gunner and rocket guy were still standing when the results come up saying you are victorious so then i go to upload the video and in turn 8 it actually shows my machine gunner and my rocket dude dying? Whats the go? It still says i won and when it said i was victorious my guys were still standing...
Edit: Same thing happened in my game against Vlodril. When everyone was confused as to why i won. My grenadier was not dead when it said i was victorious but then when you re-watch it in round 8 his machine gunner kills my grenade dude. This is really annoying. The game says one thing and shows one thing then its like it adds a few more seconds in the video.
So do I still count my casualties that show up at the end of the video? That seems kind of unfair. I technically shouldn't have had the casualty in my game against Vlodril if that's the case.Instro said:Usually at the end of the game you can see what happened if there had been one more turn by clicking the play button, so I imagine that might get tacked on at the end of a video.
zlatko said:I watched the tutorials and played the tutorial itself. I'm trying to do the first level of the campaign but I can't ever win. I've had numerous moments where my guys are looking right where the enemy will walk into the line of sight, but my guys just don't engage.
How many actions per turn do I get across my guys? Is there a better tutorial then the in game one someone can link me to, because I feel all it does is just tell you the controls which is fine, but I have no clue how to properly execute what it is I'm thinking in my head.
Example: Game starts, 1 guy is in a hall way by himself turned around. One of my guys is on the wall behind him. I want my guy to come around the corner and shoot this fuck dead if he's still in that hall way in front of him. I'll get shit like guy walks out around corner and gets shot, or my guy walks around corner, the other guy started walking the other way with his ass turned, but my guy just won't shoot him.
Edit: First turn. AI has an enemy in a room with only one entrance. It's a small area. I have two guys on the first turn right outside the room. I tell one of them to look right at the door, engage on sight, and focus on the bad guy. Second guy I have him move for a clear view of the doorway, aim in that area, engage on sight, focus on enemy. I go prime after the other commands for my other guys, but the enemy walks out of the room and kills both of my guys who I told to engage on sight and to focus on this guy... WTF AM I DOING WRONG!?!?!?!?
zlatko said:Anyone? I'm super lost here and I want to give this game a chance, but I'm not finding any real answers.
Also, I made the mistake of clicking that red button in the lower left hand(not sure what it did), but it auto put me into 2 games with people? I went into the first and on the first turn I took out all but one of his men, and this guy has over 200+ games, but then he wouldn't do the next turn? He keeps inviting me, but I don't know how to message him to ask him to please finish up the first game before I would accept another.
As for my second invite I keep going to it, but the game won't load up. It's just stuck on the versus screen and shows his name and rank/score as well as mine.
cr_blah_blah said:I haven't played single player at all so I can't help with the specifics of that scenario (and it's late here!), but don't worry about the game you started. If you have killed more than him and 2 weeks (I believe) have elapsed then you'll get the win. Games don't need to be finished to count as long as a single turn has been made and the time period has elapsed. If you don't both make your first turn the game won't count and you can just delete it from your list and not worry about it (the one that won't load)
For "actions per turn" you get as many actions as you can fit into the 5 second window.
_tetsuo_ said:Questions:
How do you disengage enemies?
Can you stop explosive classes from firing?
No concede option?
What is the objective of Disrupt?
If it makes you feel better, from my point of view, it clearly shows your first machine gunner getting hit with a bullet. I'll upload the video later.cr_blah_blah said:
I lost 0-3 to Myke_Greywolf in our 2nd match.
The first guy I lost never got hit with a bullet. It hit the wall of the other room. He seemed doomed but a bullet into him would have been nice!
Myke Greywolf said:If it makes you feel better, from my point of view, it clearly shows your first machine gunner getting hit with a bullet. I'll upload the video later.
Yeah, man. That was terrible spawn! 3 MGers means win by camping, lol.James-Ape said:i'm terrible with just machine guns![]()
cr_blah_blah said:It's cool, I assumed he was dead no matter what but then got my hopes up when I thought I could get away. Only to see that shot down through a wall! There's still a little jank here in there in the game, so it's not a big deal.
About the first campaign mission:zlatko said:Anyone? I'm super lost here and I want to give this game a chance, but I'm not finding any real answers.
Also, I made the mistake of clicking that red button in the lower left hand(not sure what it did), but it auto put me into 2 games with people? I went into the first and on the first turn I took out all but one of his men, and this guy has over 200+ games, but then he wouldn't do the next turn? He keeps inviting me, but I don't know how to message him to ask him to please finish up the first game before I would accept another.
As for my second invite I keep going to it, but the game won't load up. It's just stuck on the versus screen and shows his name and rank/score as well as mine.
Sectus said:About the first campaign mission:
All your units have shotguns and all the enemy units are using machine guns, you have to utilize that advantage. Avoid any mid to long range encounters. Focus on running between rooms (and maybe peeking out a few windows if there's an enemy close by) and avoid staying in corridors for very long. You shouldn't have to worry about any hold fire or aim commands, just focus on blitzing through rooms.
It's worth mentioning that the first campaign mission is actually harder than the following missions, so once you beat it you'll have an easier time with the next handful of missions.
Versipellis said:From my experience, if the killing shot is fired just before the end of a turn, no matter what you do in the following turn, the "doomed" man will always die. The shot is lethal as soon as it comes out from the weapon.
Owensboro said:I tried looking in the OP but couldn't find anything, and the search function on NeoGAF has never really been kind to me, so I'm just going to ask:
Are there any good "How to Play" articles and or videos out there that explain basic things in the game? I'm looking for things like "Optimal distance to keep a machine gunner at" an such. I keep loosing them to enemies and I'm confused as to why. I usually have them aiming in the correct direction but they never get the first shot off.
Ultimoo said:How do I find the GAF names of people on the google docs?
Toma said:
I linked every GAF profile to the FS name.
(This post is linked in the tourney post)