Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
Release Date: 28 May 2013
Players: 1-4, Split-Screen, Drop in/Drop Out
Developer: Insomniac Games
Publisher: EA Partners (RIP)

What’s a “Fuse” and who are you? Fuse is a 4-player class based co-op shooter. Team work is a huge focus, especially in Echelon mode, and it’s pretty darn fun, I think. Don’t take my word for it though, make up your own mind, there’s a demo available that has online co-op on both 360 and PS3, give it a shot and see if it’s your thing. As for me, I’m just a dude that everyone on NeoGAF hates. Love you all, just a little bit. Full disclosure: I'm a fan of Insomniac, and a fan of the game. They've invited me to events to play the game. I played it, and I enjoyed it. Now, you know. I'm a fan who plays games.

For the OT try to keep the discussion of how much you think the game will bomb to one of the 40 other threads dedicated to the topic.
But..what makes Fuse "different"? - Well, the biggest thing that I feel differentiates it is the "Leap" mechanic. In most co-op shooters, if you play Solo, you main a character and that's it. In Fuse, you can swap between any character at any time, and upgrade them accordingly as you wish. It makes the combat sandbox feel more...dynamic? It's very interesting to encounter a situation where you need a shield, and then swap back to Dalton and use him to protect an objective or player, and then swap back to another character to get on the defensive, or revive / heal players. Often times I'll jump to whoever is nearest a downed opponent, revive them, and help them kill baddies for a bit, then swap back. It's really fun, and definitely makes things feel a bit different from other shooters. I still think co-op is the best way to go, but this makes solo play much more interesting and manageable.
Single Player - It’s there. You can play it, alone. You can play it with a friend on your couch. You can also play it with a friend on your couch, and some friends on the internet. It’s neat, or something like that. Shoot stuff together with big guns and cheesy amounts of blood.
Echelon Mode - Echelon mode is a pretty standard take on the “Horde” mode that’s been popular in a lot of 3rd person shooters these days, with a small twist. What makes it different from the others is its difficulty, and the random configuration of objectives. Rounds 1-5 and 7-11 are all randomly assigned one of 5 objectives, with a random assortment of enemies to accompany them. The placement of the objective is also “random” (in that it will be in one of several hot spots). It offers up a decent amount of replay value. Players compete for Credits, which are dropped from enemies as they die. Rounds 6 and 12 are “boss rounds”. Bosses have a time limit attached, and if killed within the time limit will yield a great deal of bonus credits. These are the objectives in Echelon Mode:
- Weapons Cache - A weapons cache is dropped in a random location that players can open for ammo and heavy weapons. Enemies will attempt to destroy the cache before players can open it. If it is destroyed, you don't lose, but you don't gain any weapons or ammo.
- Fuse Canister - Defend the beacon, basically. Fuse Canister has health, so enemies attack it. If it explodes, you lose. While in the AOE, your Fuse weapons will regen ammo, making it easier to defend, but also confining you to a small space where enemies can target ou easily.
- Transport - Open a Fuse container, and transport the canister from one part of the map to the other. The canister regens your Fuse, and deteriorates over time. If it runs out of health, you lose.
- Carnage - Basic "kill all the enemies" round. My least favorite, unless it shows up in later stages with tougher enemies, then it's kinda fun.
- High Value Target - You have to kill one (or multiple) heavies, who will continue to call in reinforcements until they are defeated. Kill 'em quick!
- Boss Wave - These can get pretty intense, as you'll often end up fighting bosses, heavies, and tons of troops If you can finish the mission in a set period of time, you'll be rewarded with TONS of Fuse Credits to buy new shit. If not, you get diddly and you should definitely get better.
Dalton Brooks

Weapon of Choice: Mag Shield
- The “Mag Shield” is basically the tool that enables Dalton to be the “tank” or “heavy” of the group. Instead of him taking massive amounts of damage, he blocks the damage to both himself, and team members. The shield can also set out a large burst that turns enemies into...uh...jelly? It can also drop a second stationary shield to protect objectives and players. Play this guy if you're into being a supporting role as well as a killing machine from time to time.
Izzy Sinclair

Weapon of Choice: Shatter Gun
- Basically, this gun crystallizes enemies, and when you upgrade it, it’ll work as an AOE weapon, crystallizing many enemies at the same time if they’re in close proximity. She can also toss out a healing beacon that will heal / revive players, making her the go-to medic. Play Izzy if you want to be the medic, have serious crowd control power, and enjoy being a supporting role.
Jacob Kimball

Weapon of Choice: Arc Shot
- This is basically the “distance” weapon, that has really high DPS. Head shots are an insta kill. Later, you can unlock the abilitity to set “traps” with his bolts. Secondary fire will detonate them, burning anything in close proximity. He’s the damage dealer of the group, and will be killing people left and right. You like to kill? You'll like Jacob. He's 100% DPS, and has zero support, all about the body count here.
Naya Devereaux

Weapon of Choice: Warp Rifle
- The Warp Rifle is usually everyone’s favorite. It creates a black hole once enough rounds are pumped into a concentrated area (a person) and makes them implode on themselves. You can "paint" targets, and they'll chain together when the explosions are close enough, meaning you can paint a large group of enemies, and then take them down in seconds. Very satisfying. Naya can also cloak, making her a decent medic, and a great asset in Echelon mode.
Progression - Each character can reach level 35, giving them 34 skill points to spend in the skill tree. These power up their stats (health, damage) and their abilities (secondary abilities with weapons, etc). There are also “Team perks” which give your team a number of abilities, and these can also be upgraded. Team Perks are unlocked using the Fuse Credits.
Fuse Credits - Fuse credits are good for buying team perks (which have several levels), player skins, and weapon skins. You can collect them scattered through the Campaign (not much) or Echelon (lots).
Collectibles? - Fuse has “Intel” that you can pick up during the campaign. Some of it is audio (so it plays automatically) and some of it is text / picture based.
Online pass? Nope. None, nada, zip, zilch. Does have Origin though, and Pre-order bonuses that aren’t available as unlocks in the game.
NOTICE: I'm strapped for time today, so I will update the OP more today and over memorial day, in time for launch. If you have questions about Echelon Mode, some aspects of Single Player, or the demo, shoot them my way. I've played it, and can probably answer most questions relating to the game, etc.