Doom: The Dark Ages New gameplay details from Edge Interview (influenced by the 'Batman Year One' and 'The Dark Knight' comics, etc.)


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Hour long levels divided into acts probably means 15 minute acts. In this sense Levels I would consider Acts or Chapters and Acts actual levels. If there is anything to be worried about given Dark Ages apparent story driven nature it's going to be Platforming or the other activities like Dragon Riding being these cool things you do and are great the first time around but break the flow of the action and may feel worse on repeated runs. Barring Doom 3 a Horror Shooter, Doom has always been all action all the time kind of shooter.

And with the sandbox levels you'd think they would be filled with secrets and ammo pickups. A fear I have with open levels is a lot of that space will just be empty ground to run through.

But we shall see down the road. Bit early to judge. The Parry > Melee > Ammo loop however sounds horrible to me.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
What do you mean by "no dash"? slow walk unless you use shield bash?

  • Parry recharges melee > melee refills ammo.

Not again, i should not be forced to parry and melee to get ammo in a fucking arcade fps :messenger_pensive:

Welp, i'm probably gonna wait for a huge discount.
What if it’s a really fun gameplay loop that feels great? Keep in mind the parrying window is adjustable. I have faith in these developers to make this a good experience. Then again I loved Eternal. I’m guessing you didn’t like that game?
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